Kurt is a math teacher in Dallas at Richardson. He's one of the funniest people we know and easily has one of the largest video game collections though you'll have to talk to him about that. Tune in for teacher life, a bit about theater, and how Kurt has managed to meld his passion for travel with a career that allows for it while simultaneously bringing fulfillment.
Kurt (@kurtlyjohnson) is a math teacher in Dallas at Richardson.
He's one of the funniest people we know and easily has one of the largest video game collections though you'll have to talk to him about that. Tune in for teacher life, a bit about theater, and how Kurt has managed to meld his passion for travel with a career that allows for it while simultaneously bringing fulfillment. Kurt was raised in Amarillo, TX and is a Texas A&M graduate.
Find him on Facebook or Instagram.
This episode's challenge: oops, looks like we forgot again! :/
Daniel's merry adventure the day before recording.
It's a way to quickly pile up rewards, but doing it without damaging your credit is tricky. It's not for everyone.
So you don't have to read if you don't want, average is 10 days of time off a year.
Basically, teachers work on average 187 days a year compared to 260 days a year for the regular worker.
Thats 73 days off!
OK- it's time. We need to get these guys on our level. Anyone konw someone at canes, tell them we've been their cheerleaders for nigh on a decade.
Words are inadequate.
Andrew: [00:00:18] Hello, everybody. Welcomeback to the show. We have dirty Curdy, Kurt Johnson on, and if you haven'talready this episode, you're probably going to need a drink for, I know I hadone already, so we're really excited to get into this. Curt is a kind of achildhood friend. Daniel and I both met him in middle school.
And then I really didn't reconnect till after college andKurt right now is a teacher and has been since graduation and he has beenrocking that teacher life. And he's probably one of the funniest guys. I know.So Kurt, welcome on. We are really glad to have you. How's the day beentreating you
Kurt: [00:00:55]Oh, it's been amazing there. Andrew. I'm loving today. It's been great. Shouldweekend having fun. What about you, bro?
Andrew: [00:01:01]It's been good. I had brunch this morning and I had a lot of fries. I had aburger, so you can't really beat a Sunday than that. And then the whole weekit's been great weather. It's good here in Amarillo. I'm having some Martinhouse beer a new beer always makes me excited. I don't even really like beer,but it's been a great day.
Daniel's over here,you know, just rolling in. So actually Daniel's probably the one that we needto worry about right now.
Daniel: [00:01:22]Worry about like, there's something wrong with me or.
Andrew: [00:01:26] well, besides the usual,yeah. you just had an hour and a half drive. You ate all weekend kayaked allweekend. I just, you know, got to make sure that you're okay. That soundstiring.
Daniel: [00:01:35] I mean, I get it. I thinkyou accused me of being tired at the start of nearly every episode. So itshouldn't be any different than the norm, right?
Andrew: [00:01:42]It's not my fault. She goes so hard on the weekend.
Daniel: [00:01:45]So the weekend is for yeah, no, it's, it's been a good weekend. We created aLord of the rings feast with several friends. If you've ever watched bingingwith Babish on YouTube. Or if you haven't checked them out, he basically justtakes all of the dishes that are kind of referenced within the Lord of therings movie and he makes them and gives you recipes for them.
And so we just got a big Airbnb with a whole bunch offriends and tried to make an eat those foods.
Andrew: [00:02:14]That's beautiful. Daniel wins the weekend. All right, Kurt, let us get the fun,easy stuff out of the way before this becomes either very dark or a verydisrespectful episode. I'm not really sure which way it's going. Tell us alittle bit about what you do, where you live, what you think about on a regularbasis, all that kind of jazz.
Kurt: [00:02:32]Oh, it'll be dark angel. Let me tell you about that. No, it'll be good So I'mCarrie Johnson. I live in Dallas, Texas currently, and I am a teacher atRichardson ISD. The teaching life have been a one year at the seat, and then Imoved onto Richardson. I've been there for about seven years now, teaching thewonderful ages in middle school, which if you know anyone between the ages of12 and 13, you know how just how fun they are, kind of emotion that fell fromtheir body on a daily basis.
it's kind of.
Andrew: [00:03:02]What are you saying? They smell weird.
Kurt: [00:03:03]This was awful, especially when we come back from the gym. Oh my God. It's theworst part is they spent, they, you know, they sprayed all their backs in theroom and it's, it's awful. I hate it.
Andrew: [00:03:13]I don't know how you deal with that, dude. I, kind of hated myself when I was12 and 13. I couldn't even imagine dealing with one right now. It's whyparenting sounds so scary because then you actually have to deal with them.
Kurt: [00:03:23]it's that awkward age where I think they're so weird. They are still kids, butthey want to be adults and they know how to act like that or to do you know,certain language to basically even adults. So to hear them talk and to hearthem kind of like try to be these cool kids. And I just slammed up on them allthe time with sarcasm.
It's fantastic.
Andrew: [00:03:43]I want to, one of these days, can I come do like an audit on your class orwhatever it's called. I just sit in the back and watch.
Kurt: [00:03:49]Oh, you should. I'm having, having like one or two people actually coming inlater this year to do the exact same thing. And I'm like, I'm going to warnyou. That teacher Curt is so different than the person's current. Like it'sstill me, but I have to really be
Andrew: [00:04:03] Yeah, I don't think you'reallowed to thunder clap in front of kids, but.
Kurt: [00:04:05]No, no.
Daniel: [00:04:08]I'm interested to hear a little bit more about that though, because I, I dothink there is our work persona and then our not work persona. And for somepeople it crosses over a lot more than others. And, I have never seen you teach, I've known you fora long time. And so definitely know the not teacher Curt, what are some of thethings that would maybe surprise me the most?
If I audited your classroom?
Kurt: [00:04:36] Ithink you would see there is a sternness in me that was not quite I don't knowwhat you don't really see when I I'm a very jokey laid back type of person.That's always, I've been, but I was kind of that teacher the first year and Igot my lunch eaten. Those kids will take advantage of you. Like no one'sbusiness.
I came in thinking I want to be the school teacher. I'mgoing to have fun with the kids. I'm really going to connect, you know, howyou've seen all of the movies, where the teacher really connects with the kids.And I really kind of had that attitude, but it took me for a roadway, man. Icouldn't do it. And so I had to step it up, got lots of good training from someof my mentors and some of my peers and really just go on with the stuff.
And I'm good time. I mean, we're now when I come into theclassroom, it's. You come in, you do your work, you do your thing. I have fun.Like, I love to have fun, but you know, cross Mr. Johnson, if you don't need to
Andrew: [00:05:24]Kurt, the iron fist,
Kurt: [00:05:25]the iron fist at times, not all the time, but we do have a lot of fun.
Andrew: [00:05:29]I would have never expected this.
Daniel: [00:05:31]no, that's, a really. good insight. And I love that you sought out mentors andkind of recognized after the first year that, okay, this isn't working for me,as opposed to saying, ah, they ate my lunch, I guess I'm not cut out to be ateacher. And so that's something I'd love to just hear a little bit more aboutis the things that you've done within teaching to make it a job that you reallylove that you really enjoy.
Because I mean, how many years now have you been teaching?
Kurt: [00:06:00]So this is here. I want to say eight. Once I finish this may that'll be yourage. Yeah.
Daniel: [00:06:04]Yeah, eight years is that's a long time. I mean, you're, you're almost at that10 year Mark of being considered a master. Right? So like, what are some of theother things that you've picked up that you've learned that you've implementedto make this job into something that, you know, you've really stuck with for along time?
Kurt: [00:06:18]Well, teaching is definitely time to acquire taste. Like think everyone knowsjust how much goes into it. And there's a lot of hard work, but it really is.Do you like students? Do you like kids? Do you like being around that type ofpeople all day? And that's, that's just, I think the first five years withinteaching, there's like a 50% chance that a teacher will quit, because of justthe stress and having to deal with kids.
And for me, it's just like, I really, really, really enjoy.Teaching with kids. I really, really enjoy the humor. I really, really enjoyedgetting in front of a class and making the kids laugh. You know, we're, youknow, we're having fun and I'm trying to get math done sometimes. But that islike, it's such an essential part to teaching that you have to like the kidsbecause you're around them all day long.
And so for me, that's the biggest draw. That's one of thereasons I haven't gotten into administration yet is because the dealing withthat, I don't, I still like to teach. I still like the aspect of coming intoclass and seeing the kids' faces and getting to interact with them and gettingto hear how their days were other weeks where, and getting to see the growthlike in math and personally, and just the relationships that is so much fun.
And it's so easy to see the difference from like day one to,you know, in may, these kids are so different and it's so awesome to see thatgrowth that's easily. My favorite part of teaching.
Andrew: [00:07:32] so you're a math teacher.
Are you talking math skills growth, or are you saying like,Hey, this 12 year old became a 13 year old and they're picking boogersSeptember 1st. And by may, they finally asked out that cute girl in class andthey're not picking their bookers anymore, or is it just like this dude can doa little bit of algebra and I'm really proud of him.
Kurt: [00:07:51] Imean, it's both like, I love to see them Excel in math. Obviously that's ourgoal, but just to see where they are with people, like there's some small minishark kids who wouldn't even talk to anyone at the beginning of the year, theyhave huge amounts of friends by the end. And it's so cool to see that growthbecause like, I was a very shy kid in sixth grade, middle school, and I wouldnot consider myself a very shy person and at this point in my life, so it'scool to see that I to grow.
But I love that. And just relationship wise, it's cool tosee how they react to different teachers and stuff as well.
Daniel: [00:08:20]So wait, you were, you would consider yourself shy in sixth grade. I mean,surely by seventh grade or eighth grade. That was not true. Right?
Kurt: [00:08:27]Yeah. I mean, a lot of my story is like I got into theater starting in sixthgrade. So yeah, I mean, through elementary I was, I would consider myselfpretty shy person and then getting into theater really broke down barriers.Like it was like, Hey, you can get in front of a huge amount of people and makethem laugh.
And I was like, Oh, that's a power. I didn't know I had, butI'm going to take advantage. And, you know, I kind of brought it into me. It'sa middle school. I started breaking out of it really through high school andbeyond a new chapter. So I always
Daniel: [00:08:54]well, okay. The reason I say shocked bythat. And Andrew, I'm curious if you remember this as well. So Kurt, we met inmiddle school and before I ever actually met you, I witnessed you giving astudent council speech to the entire middle school. And so, at our middleschool, if you want to be on the student council, you had to give a speech infront of the collective, like entire sixth, seventh, eighth grade, andbasically convince them to vote you into being student council.
And, and typically, guess what we saw is there were kind ofthree approaches. There was either just like. I don't know, maybe your parentsmade you do it and you got up there and it was just an awkward cringe Fest allthe way around. And obviously those people were not voted in the studentcouncil. You could come in and like be very genuine and well-spoken and talkabout the good that you wanted to do for the school.
And maybe some of those people made it onto the studentcouncil, or you could come up and you could be a comedian and you couldentertain the group, get them all laughing. And at that point, like you're ashoe. It like, you're definitely getting on. It's a Curt. You made everybodylaugh. By doing impressions, can you still do any, any of those impressionstoday?
Kurt: [00:10:09]Oh, of course. I mean, I use voice because every single day in class and, orjust real life, you know, me, I sing all the time and do weird crap. So thevoices have always stayed back when I was writing that speech. I remember thisso well, because I had always been known with some of my friends from church tobe doing weird voices.
And so I think my dad was like, you need to let those weirdvoices. I bet you that'll be really funny. And I was like, Oh no, I totallyshould have. And I remember my favorite is Beaver Bob. And what I would do isdry my front teeth and I would stick my lip above my front teeth. So it lookedlike these two huge.
Beaver things going on. And I would come up as a carsalesman. I like middle school. It's a great time. And let me tell you, I mean,it was just like, I remember turning around to the audience or the contestantsfind me rubbing my teeth and being like, okay, here we go with, like, it waslike Chelsea black or someone who looked at me.
I was like, what is going on here? And I turned around andjust like, nailed it. Nailed it because that's, you're totally right. If youjust had to be funny, that's all I had to do.
Daniel: [00:11:15] it was fantastic. I mean tothis day, I, I remember that. And then I remember you writing on my, band sheetevery single day. Cause we played the same instrument and sat next to eachother. You wrote I'm high on Advil every single day. And that was, that was howour friendship started.
Kurt: [00:11:31]It was a true statement then. And it's a true statement. Now I have justknocked up on bill, joining a podcast with two fellow bros. Lord, help me.
Andrew: [00:11:39] Uh, Who doesn't, you know,get high on Advil every day. Also I do not remember the speech at all. Was thisthe very beginning of the semester or.
Kurt: [00:11:48]Gosh, this was yeah, eighth grade. I want to say. Yeah, we did in seventh gradeand we were in student council during eighth grade
Daniel: [00:11:56]Yeah. Andrew, you, you were probably still at Austin.
Andrew: [00:11:58]It could have been that first six weeks. I also have a lot of memory gaps formiddle school and high school from that whole not sleeping my first year ofcollege, that just kind of riddled my brain, like Swiss cheese. I feel likethis is something that would have stuck, so I must have not been there forthat.
Kurt: [00:12:12] middle school where we allright, wait. No.
Andrew: [00:12:16] Uh, Yeah, actually that wasabout when my dance moves. That's when I learned everything I, everything I donow, I learned in middle school and then I just got better at it as I went. Ididn't, I haven't done anything new since
Kurt: [00:12:26]That's why I teach the age. I'm just so obsessed with that age and thattimeframe. I just want to relive this every day.
Andrew: [00:12:32] well, you're right. sixthgrade, Andrew, even seventh grade, Andrew, I would not have gotten up in frontof a crowd that I would have fought tooth and nail. Against doing somethinglike that, because I wasn't quite shy in terms of like, I was okay with meetingnew people, but like, public speaking really freaked me out.
And a lot of that stuff still kinda mess with me andcouldn't talk to girls the whole thing. And like, I don't know if I'm jaded nowor if it's actual growth, but like, it would not matter. Someone asked me tomake a public speech as long as I don't have to memorize it. That'd be the mostannoying part of it is if I had to memorize something.
But yeah, I dunno if it's growth from a math teacher oraging. I dunno, man,
Kurt: [00:13:08]Well, just say the math teacher, just to give myself credit in
Andrew: [00:13:11]for the record, I did not get along with any of my math teachers, but that wasprobably my own fault.
All right. there's something that I think leads into yourteaching, you and your brother Kelton, who I haven't seen since his wedding?No, that's not true. We had dinner. Well, whatever my memory is obviouslyshoddy today, but You guys do some of the coolest trips of anyone.
I know. And I like to think I travel a fair bit, but youguys blow me out of the water. You blow anybody I know out of the water. Howdoes that fit in with your career and how do you do it?
Kurt: [00:13:48]Well, teaching leaves you well, quite bit Apple time, sometimes in the summeryou have a Christmas break spring break. So there is definitely opportunity.And I think one of the main draws to teaching the, when I first started, I waslike, Hey, there's all this opportunity to travel. I want to take advantage.
And it really was Kelton who got me into credit card pointhoarding, essentially ensuring those. And just being able to he's like, Oh,wow. I mean, I can afford a flight for 15,000 points, so I can just turn it inand pay it off and then do another card and chart it. And it creates a systemof self abuse, but it was fun.
I had a great time, got a little bit of debt, but it's paidoff now. We kind of just got into the together. He loves traveling as much as Ido. So having someone who loves to travel just as much as you do, and we love alot of the same things. We're both big foodie people. We both love to do veryadventurous things when you're on trips, not just like, Hey, let's go take anap in the middle of the day.
It's like, no, we got to go, go, go stay as much as we can.And he's been right for them. So I definitely acknowledge Kelton as being oneof the people to get me into traveling so much.
Andrew: [00:14:48]So part of it is your, your vacation opportunities, because what do y'all getlike in terms of days, like 60 days of vacation a year, basically.
Kurt: [00:14:56]Something like that. Yeah. I would say from the beginning of June to about midAugust generally.
Andrew: [00:15:01]So let's say 60 for the summer and then another. 1215 to 20 throughout the yearwith all the different, you know, spring break, Christmas break Thanksgivingand all the holidays that as adults don't normally get to take at our day jobs.
Kurt: [00:15:14]Oh, for sure. I mean, I think the time off of teaching is really one of thosethings where it's cool, I've met. A lot of teachers will tell you that there'sa lot of work that goes in to that at times. It does. There's a lot of planninggoing on and there's a lot of professional development you have to do in thesummer.
And I. Completely agree with that. But you can really takeadvantage if you really want to set aside the time and do it. I mean, that'sthe best part. And for me, it's such a huge mental positive for me, but to takea break from work, to not think about work, I mean, it just helps my mentalhealth so much, you know, I come back in August and I'm just excited to be backat work every year, which is great.
Andrew: [00:15:51]I think that's healthy. And just for clarity and reference for anybody who, forsome reason is still floating the part-time job life or whatever the situationis. Daniel, I'll ask you too. But I know personally, my first year working, Ihad zero vacation days. And then after my first year, I think I had five totalvacation days that I was not allowed to take consecutively.
And it was going to be like 10 years before I'd have, like,I think I'd get like 12 days. It might've been a half, five days or five-yearMark might have gotten to like an extra two days up to seven, but like, theywere real angry about me to even try to take like a four day week. And likethree-day weekends were kind of okay.
As long as I asked, like two months in advance, But like notEurope travel time, which is what Kurt does a lot. Right. You you've been toEurope and you've been to Asia and you've been all over the world. And whatabout you, Daniel? Like you guys have how much vacation after being in yourcareer for six, seven years?
Daniel: [00:16:43]You probably don't want to ask me this question because I got 20 days ofvacation day one, like I could, I could use it after being there a month orwhatever, whatever it was. And it was a pretty easy to take that vacation.Nobody was upset about me being gone a week at a time. And, I have. A fair bitmore vacation than that now.
So I'm probably not the best example of what you're goingfor here.
Andrew: [00:17:10]No, but like, that's a great example, honestly. So where are you at right now?How many actual days do you get per year?
Daniel: [00:17:16]So I get 27, just like straight up vacation days, I think. And then another,maybe another five, six, seven sick days, something like that. So somewherebetween 30 and 35 days,
Andrew: [00:17:32]So, obviously you're including your sick days. There was a little bit of time,but you're eight years deep and that is one of the best vacation schedules I'veheard of for anybody, not in education, but that's still what half of whatKurt's been getting since day one. It's just a, it's an interesting thing tobring up the career choices we make have a drastic impact on what you do withyour life.
And I think Kurt's done a really good job with not onlychoosing a career that allowed him to pursue other passions. But also he's donea really good job actually pursuing it because it's easy sometimes to notreally make an effort towards doing that Europe trip or doing something thatyou've been wanting to do because you're tired and asking off is sometimes hardfor some people and planning and you know, sometimes you just want to take aweek off and hang out at the house.
Kurt: [00:18:17] I do that all the time aswell. There's definitely weeks in the summer where I do nothing and I blamevideo games all day. All right. You know, go hang out with a couple of friendsor see some people and nothing too crazy. And I love that too. I am definitelyan introvert and extrovert by all means.
Daniel: [00:18:37]Okay, I'm going to pivot us a little bit. And one thing you talked about is youtalked about your relationship with Kelton and the fact that, a companion thatyou have to go do all these trips with, but something I've always beenimpressed with you as well as one, like one to have a really solid relationshipwith your sibling is awesome.
I can relate to you there, but you also have just continuedthese relationships with your friends really from. Elementary middle school,like for so much of your life, you're somebody that I've seen, just be reallyintentional about keeping those long-term relationships. And so what, what haveyou done to do that?
And like, what are some of those advantages that you seehaving friends that have quite literally known you for decades?
Kurt: [00:19:22]Oh, for sure. Like, hi for me, it just, I love as long. Lasting relationships.I love to hear the stories that come with those. So many people remember somany ridiculous things that I've done with them or about. And it's always funto kind of hear about those. But for me, it's just, I love people that I loveand messing with people.
So there's tons of people still from like elementary and themiddle school as college that I still try to ring up about and trying to seewhat they want and try to get lunch or coffee, or just talk to them. And socialmedia is great for that. Obviously that's another great tool to use, but forme, it's just, I love to keep those relationships.
Cause there's so much fun. And the people that are investedlongest in your life know you the best and they know what you're, you know,what you're doing is for good, for bad. And I love to have those people thatyou can be accountable for, which is kind of cool too. But yeah, both of y'allhave been. There since almost the beginning, Daniel, I mean, I got to know inmiddle school, obviously a little bit.
We didn't see each other much in high school. I mean,occasionally I think we saw each other, but it was really college where wereally started to grow our friendship. And cause I think I remember you weretelling me or messaging me, Hey, you got into the Texas man. And I was like, Ohme too. I want to get in there too.
I found out you were going there. I was like, call me outbecause that was always my goal. When I went to a new place, especially when wewere first aligned, it was like, okay, who do I know? I know, you know, about10 to 12 people. I've got to reconnect with them so I can build a friend basedoff of that. So I can really have someone to go to have fun with and do thingswith.
And so you were definitely one of those first choices kindof grew from there, which is awesome.
Daniel: [00:20:51]Yeah. And I remember obviously that conversation and us spending a lot of timetogether in college, which was really cool. And then even after college Yougraduated a little bit before me. And so I was kind of there wrapping up mylast semester was trying to figure out what am I going to do after school?
Where am I going to go? And you happened to be in town andyou did exactly what, like what you were talking about, you, reached out andwere like, Hey, I'm in town. Like, let's go eat lunch. And so we went and gotlunch. We're sitting at Cane's and we're just kind of talking about sort ofwhat was next.
And I think you were trying to decide between maybe tryingto apply to teach in like Dallas or Austin were kind of two of top choices. AndI, at that time had just kind of felt the calling, like Dallas was where Ineeded to be just in prayer and was kind of feeling led that way. And I'm kindof like you in that.
I also want to know when I go to a place like who are thepeople at the place that I can go be with. And, and I think I kind of pitchedDallas to you at the canes of like, Hey man, you should. You know, just applyto Dallas and like, we can be roommates and we can hang out and I just thoughtit was cool that you were like, you were there for it.
And we made it happen. And I think that's just added a lotto our relationship.
Kurt: [00:22:05]The fact that this all started at Cane's is like the most least surprisingnumber.
I mean, Daniel Love change. We've been to canes. I don'tknow how many kids meals I've shared with Daniel over my lifetime, but it's anabsurd amount.
Andrew: [00:22:20] you know, I still haven'tsent that email to them, but we're just going to start pretending that Cainsponsors this podcast, because I know you said we, as in you and Daniel, andI'm a little offended, I wasn't included in that, but like deep down, we allknow Keynes Kansas or rider diamond. So
Kurt: [00:22:34]yeah, it just came to Amarillo not too long ago. So you're kind of on thebalanced schedule, boy.
Andrew: [00:22:39]it was in Lubbock and that was. Every single time I came and visited you guysin Dallas, the very first thing was like, all right, let's go to Cane's andwe'd go get canes and then continue on with whatever we were doing thatweekend. that was half the reason I came. That's why I don't visit you guysanymore.
I've got a Cane's here. I don't need you boys.
All right, Kurt. I want to bring you to the same question Iask you every time I see you. How was your dating life? What's it like datingright now and not only am I just digging for personal stuff? Cause I know wejoke a lot about it whenever I see you, but what does it actually like you.
As far as I know, have not dated a lot, you know, collegeand on. And then two, three years ago you started hitting the pavement hard andkind of at a later then, later in the game, the most people go for. So give methe rundown. What's the dating life look like and how you doing.
Kurt: [00:23:29]Well, there's a story for you. Don't date in your thirties. That's thethrottling time and we'll just stop it there. We can go somewhere else withthis. It's been fun. It really has. I mean, you've got to hit the nail on thehead. Like I didn't do a whole lot of dating really until college watch hisinventions and stuff like that, and kind of had some planes here and there, butnothing too, too serious.
I think it's one of those things where just like, I'm a veryhappy person with who I am. I don't need someone sometimes. I'm like, I liketo, I am, I like my own company. And I was always kind of, when I was lonely,I'd always seek out other people and always use other people for a long time.But I think it really hits, like you're saying about two or three years agowhere I was like, okay, we don't get the ball rolling on this.
You know, I've seen interest from multiple parties here and,and I don't know what I'm doing with this, so let's get going here. So I joinedthe apps, the four lone dating apps and did hinge Bumble, and it was just awave. And it was something I wasn't used to it after a bit let's get it straight.
There's a lot of weird people on the app and a lot of weirdpeople dating right now, maybe in their thirties, but, the amount of people youget that are fun and are normal and like to have a good conversation or to seethings like the same things you're seeking are pretty good number of them. Sothat has been fun.
And I get to enjoy it so far, but I've, I've definitely hada couple of crazies. Don't get me wrong.
Andrew: [00:24:46]So, and I'm not really sure where I'm going with this, but partly, I just wantto throw stones at Daniel before he starts throwing stones at me, you know,Daniel got married fairly young compared to where we're at now, but you know,you and I are still unmarried. I'm not going to say single because of Chalamilisten to this episode, she's going to come stab me.
Kurt: [00:25:04]right. Felicia.
Andrew: [00:25:05]yeah, but you know, I've, dated, let's say let's call it the post 27 year olddating life. And it's different. you don't have as much. I don't know, notconnection. You have a lot, you can have a lot deeper connection because peopleare a little bit more serious, but you also have this almost this new timeframewhere people are like, you're talking to me, like, all right, cool.
I either need to take this seriously because I've, you know,I'm getting older and I need to be more intentional about my dating or theother person on the end. Might've taken that too far. And they're like, Hey,you know, I'm 28, 29, whatever it is. Cause a lot of people, especially peoplethat I know are very much like, Hey, I have to be married by 30.
I had multiple people. I know like, Hey Andrew 30 deal,right? Like if we both turned 30 and we're single, we're getting married andyou have that concept, people joke about it. But it's like a real thing also inpeople's heads, do you run across that as well? Where you're having to gaugelike, Hey, is this date just trying to get married?
Because they're on the cusp of like, they've blown pasttheir timeline that they expect from childhood. They reshifted the target andthey missed it too. So now they're like, Whatever dude comes along. I'm justgonna marry because I've got to get this knocked out or the one that's, youknow, maybe do it in that kind of thing.
And how does that affect you?
Kurt: [00:26:17]Oh, a hundred percent. There's a ton of girls who were just like, especiallythe older ones that are just like, Hey, this is the thing we're doing. Let's gofor it. You know, when you're like seeking opportunities, kind of lookingaround, they're like, let's get married second day. They're just like, Hey, Iwant to talk about our future.
I have one girl, gosh, this was probably like a year ago. Itwas just like wanting to plan things out. This was on our second date. And shewas saying like, well, I'm moving here. Would you be willing to move to likereally, really East Dallas in the next couple of years? And I was like, girl, Idon't know you I've met you once.
I've talked to you a little bit and we've had some goodconnections and relationships. She was just like, she's ready to go. And I was,it was kind of crazy. It just kind of see that out. For sure. What's nicethough, is when you're older, like you said, is, you know what you want at thispoint, it's just like, I have my filters on it.
I don't want any people who were just some ditsy girl whojust wants to have fun like that. That's all I'm looking for. I want somebodyserious, Christian is willing to, youknow, that has been super central for me in this I'm definitely too picky byfar too picky. I know myself at this point, especially how many dates I've beenon at this point, but knowing yourself,knowing that you're too picky and also one thing that you said that I had. Ireally appreciate it. And we can talk more about that a little bit later is thefact that you're happy with your own company. But, going back to like, when youwere a teacher in the first year was, was really hard and you sought out amentor to kind of help you, are you doing anything just knowing that maybe youare more picky than you would like to be or anything like that.
Daniel: [00:27:46]Are you seeking out a mentor? Are you changing up how you approach things orare you just kind of waiting and saying like, all right, eventually, like oneof these dates it's going to work, we're going to have that magical connectionand I'll move to East Dallas for you.
Kurt: [00:27:57]Yeah, I've definitely a lot more conversation with a lot more people who aredefinitely married longer term. It's just like, okay, let me tell you what'sgoing on. but for the most part it's yeah, it's really looking at people. Kindof talking to myself like, is this something, is this really a deal breaker?
Is this really something you can live with? You know,there's been several girls that I've been on past dates with that I look backon and go. That was actually pretty good. She was, she was really nice. He wasgreat. So it's one of those things. I have looked back at myself and, you know,I've definitely made some mistakes in the dating world in the last couple ofyears easily, but it's one of those things or, you know, you learn andhopefully want to move on and take a little break, but I'm getting back intoit.
Daniel: [00:28:32]Yeah. And then I really do want to talk more about the fact that. You've saidthat you are happy with your own company. You're, totally okay with spendingtime on your own. You, like you, which that I think is not true for everybody,I would imagine that's not true for a lot of people.
Right. And so is that something where you've always justbeen pretty comfortable in your own skin or again, were there influences inyour life or things that you did that made it to where you feel like, I'm goodwith the Curt that is here today. And like not saying that you never want to improveor change or anything like that, but like the fact that you really arecomfortable in your own skin, I think it's admirable.
And I'm curious, like, how did you get there?
Kurt: [00:29:19] Imean, I really think um, theater was such a huge influence for me, honestly.Like it's something that I still love today. I love to go see theater and thatbroke me out of my shell and just realize that I have, you know, a talent toentertain to make people laugh and stuff like that. And I love that. And it's,it's a fun quality to have, and it's gotten to use it in teaching every singleday.
So that's something I love to just come back to. And so thatmakes me happy. That makes me feel comfortable in my own skin. And I've alwayskind of been that person who. I'm very independent and what I do, like, I'll domy own thing. I'll seek you out when I need to, but I don't have to. And I'mperfectly fine with that.
And it's just, it's easy to be happy. I don't know. And thatkind of leads into, so, you know, some negatives that when you are very easy tobe happy, I guess you can kind of be a little stagnant sometimes in your lifebecause things just kind of go your way and you're like, Hey, well, this isfine.
I'm fine with this. I don't really need anything to change.And I'm okay with this. And I've definitely recognized that in myself sometimesfor sure. So that is one of the downfalls sometimes with that, but for the mostpart, it's been good. It's been a good thing.
Andrew: [00:30:22]Dude, that is such a great point to bring up because that is something Istruggle with is the opposite of what you're talking about, but I recognize it.like you are funny. And I think the humor comes from your happiness. I wouldnot necessarily say I'm a very funny guy and find other people's humorenjoyable, but you know, we're all in the same group chat chats together.
I am not usually the instigator of humor necessarily, unlessit's something so to say body, but I think that is what drives me forward a lotis a lot of not unhappiness, but dissatisfaction. And I think that's probablywhat drives Daniel to an extent as well is we are. Discontent with where we'reat.
And it's hard to balance that, like, Hey, if I am happy, myprogress kind of falls back. But a lot of the times I'm kind of maybe beatingmyself up a little bit, a little dissatisfied with where I'm at. And so I'mconstantly pushing and pushing and pushing. And so I might be getting thatprogress or so to say progress, but I, miss out on the joy that you seem to haveon a regular basis.
How do you think, how do you I'm on the opposite end of thespectrum. So to say, not that you're an unmotivated guy, but like how do youbalance being able to work towards stuff and still maintain that happiness?
Kurt: [00:31:36]For me, it's just like, I have to recognize sometimes when I get into a rutthere's times at school where I'm just like, I've been doing it, I've beenteaching the same way for a couple of months. And like, what am I doing? Likethe kids don't get it. They don't care. And so I have to see that because I'mhappy with it.
I'm like, I'm fine with, this was great. Let's do it. Slideshow here. And I'll just kind of entertain myself while doing this, but thekids though. And so from there, I mean, it really takes the teaching and waslike, okay, well, what can I do? What did I have to seek people out and reallytalk to other people?
Like, what are y'all doing? Like what's happening with y'allto get motivated either in teaching or relationships with people or, you know,side projects. Because for me sometimes I don't, I don't sense that, thesatisfaction that you all have, which I think that makes us very good friendsfor us, because we're very different, a lot of ways, but I have to seek out ifI don't like sometimes I'll just say what I'm doing.
So for me, it's really something I have to go find and lookand talk to, to really get that advice. Otherwise I can just kind of be in thatsame spot.
Daniel: [00:32:31]Yeah. I think the recognition of where you're at is kind of that first step.Then I think that next step is just being intentional about sort of either yourfriends, your environment, whatever it is to kind of help with finding sort ofthe balance. Cause I, do think that if you're in a state where you are just alwayscompletely satisfied with how life is, regardless of the circumstances, you'reyou're right, you end up stagnant, you end up in situations that can honestlydrive other people away because most people will not feel that way.
if you're never willing to change or adapt or change things,like, let me tell you this good luck being married. It's not going to go wellfor you. But then on the other side, if you were always focused on, youknow, I'm not gonna rest until I reachthis next mountain top or like I achieve this next goal.
Or like, anytime you look at something, you feel like, Oh,that's not enough. It's not enough. You're going to burn out and there's justnot joy in that. And so that's something that I personally think is a coremessage of dead by tomorrow is really finding ways to be, content, but notcomplacent is what I try to say.
You're really content with where you are today. For me, alot of times that looks like being content with growth and saying like, okay,I'm not where I'm at, but I can be happy with progress made. But not complacentof saying, I'll never reach it. So why even try or I'm okay.
And I'm good with what this is. So why rock the boat? Ipersonally kind of feel like that's the sweet spot.
Andrew: [00:34:00] I liked that And that'skind of my mindset that I've been working on. Obviously I'm a big reader andLord of the rings is one of my favorite books and movies. And I know you bothare fans. That's kind of the idea I get from it is it's the journey, not thedestination, which is very cliched. I did not come up with that myself, but itdoes bear repeating because thinking about enjoying the journey is really keyto making that progress and not being too dissatisfied, which is a big problemI've had because you you've both finished books that you finish a movie.
You're not actually happy that the book ended. I at least,especially on books for me, I know Kurt, you are in a different, kind ofsituation there, but for Daniel and I, at least, I know we've talked aboutreading a book and you get to the end and it's just, it's depressing when youfinish a good book.
It's about that journey. So video games is a great example.I'm sure that you can relate to where. Playing the video game is really thepoint. You don't actually want to beat it necessarily, right?
Kurt: [00:34:57]No, you went to far for sure. I mean like the journey of like Jeremy GayleyPNC, the progress or the storyline or what you're doing, that's, that's thebest word.
A hundred percent.
Andrew: [00:35:06]The endings are never as satisfying as actually playing. Like you beat thatfinal boss. You're like, Oh, dang it. .
Daniel: [00:35:17]So current with teaching specifically, Iknow we've talked about it a little bit already. We've talked some about just, thechallenge of it and how you've been doing that a while. But at this point intime, would you say that teaching is your passion is kind of like your dreamjob?
Kurt: [00:35:33]It certainly is an aspect of other, for sure. The pastoral teaching is definitelysomething I seek out and take is fun for me. I think you have this kind ofsimilar thing. We both went to Texas a and M and we were engineers and did notgo too well. I think I did my first summer. Mr. I'm just going to be rude toyou.
I think my first semester average is like a 1.68 orsomething. It was awful. I got put on probation the first semester because Irealized that engineering was not for me. I'm not that type of mental person.I'm not one to sit and type away. I wonder if there's a passion in me thatlikes to, you know, the computer graphics or be in the video game industry.
I love that kind of aspect, but I said, you know, this isnot what you're really good at something you like, but it's not somethingyou're good at. And I needed to take what I was good at, which wasrelationships and being with people and entertaining and being in front of thecrowd and, taking that aspect of my life and just putting into teaching.
I still love math. And I knew that going into college, Imean, switch the first semester said, what am I teaching this field that I hadnever really thought about? The thing that really thought high school and justwent for. And I remember I was at church and they had a leader. Come up. And hewas like, are you doing what you want to do?
Is this something you want to do in college? And this wasfor me as my freshman year, I want to say, but maybe sophomore. And I justlooked at him and I thought to myself, I should, I can not do this engineering,this programming. This is not for me. I have to go with this feeling of doingsomething that is for a lot of people is not the job or say the passion thatthey want to seek out, especially in college.
But for me, it was just about reading. So I went for it andI went to college. Oh my gosh. The college experience in the education major,what's so much fun. obviously I could, you know why it was great. I had a goodtime. I mean, what everyone talks about college, just because it's such a funaspect and fun time of my life.
And I got to take all that. And then when I actually got towork that first year was tough. It was hard, but I learned a lot of thingsabout myself. And then when I got into Richardson, it just kind of went smoothsailing after that. And it was really like, okay, yes, this is me. Like, Icould see myself doing this.
This is fun. I'm enjoying myself and I get to see them makea difference. So that was so cool. I know Daniel, you kind of have a similarexperience with engineering.
Daniel: [00:37:47]Oh, yeah, it was terrible. I, don't remember. my GPA was somewhere between atwo and a two five. And I've talked about this on the podcast before thatthat's kind of where I developed my year rule, which is If I go into somethingthat's hard, I don't let myself quit until I've put a year of effort into it.
Just really make sure that like, I'm not trying to leavejust because it's hard, but I really had a good reason. And at the end of it,just like you realize, like, this is not, this is not where I want to be. Thisis not my passion at all. And so it kind of made that change. And one thing I'mcurious to hear from you is you talked about, you know, teaching beingsomething where you could put things that you were good at to use.
Is that something where you just kind of recognize thatyourself or did other people say like, Hey Kurt, you're really funny or you'rereally good at speaking, or you're really good at explaining things. And youhad this light bulb go off. You're like, Oh, I should be a teacher. Like, howdid
Kurt: [00:38:41]Sure. I mean, there was a lot of, a lot of teachers in my family. I think justlike your mom was a teacher, my mom was also a teacher. And so I got to see alot of that
Daniel: [00:38:49]mom's a teacher. Oh, wait, you're not doing it. Your mom joke.
Andrew: [00:38:51]Like a, your mom joke in there. Sorry, Susie.
Kurt: [00:38:55] Igot to see a lot of that relates to, you know, how the system works and reallyenjoyed it. And so I think for my parents and some of those people and somepeople in my life, especially senior directors in the past were just like, Heyman, you're really good at this. And I know you have a passion for math andscience because I do enjoy that a lot.
So there's was like put the two together and I'm glad I didbecause you know, you get to do that passion for me, which has made kids laughand be in front of an audience. And I love that aspect and I want to grow moreand go into some more theater, maybe some improv, which I can do a little bitof the afterschool activities in the pre COVID year.
I got to do a little bit of that, but now we kind of stoppedthat this year. Hopefully that will be coming back next year because I really,really enjoyed that. So for the most part, though, I'm really loving getting toinject some passion there.
Daniel: [00:39:38]that's amazing. I'm so excited to hear that. And that's where I just think. Onebig takeaway from that is if you see somebody's excelling in something or likesee something where a friend's face lights up, when they get an opportunity todo something, don't miss the opportunity to tell them because they may not knowit.
And you just never know how that can totally influence thetrajectory of somebody's life. Especially, you know, I I'm sure you do thiswith your middle school kids, but like with kids, right. Because they, they'rekind of trying to figure out how to like, shape their lives if you're at wherethey're at so important then.
But I think it's important always regardless of where you'reat.
Andrew: [00:40:23]Okay, Curt, this is the fun part. Hopefully the rest has been fun for you aswell, but you know, if you haven't been drinking, this is the time to start.
It's story time. What do you have for us? Do you have anyembarrassing stories specifically about Daniel or you know, any stories aboutyourself? You want to share anything like that?
Daniel: [00:40:39]You dress for the embarrassing stories about me every time I
Andrew: [00:40:42]I haven't gotten one
Daniel: [00:40:44]we'll find somebody eventually that has one
Kurt: [00:40:46]I'm trying to think of like the most embarrassing thing with Daniel, becauseI've lived with Daniel, you know, three or four years, we saw a lot of thingsthere, but Danielle, I'm trying to think of what things that was the weirdestexperience with Daniel to me is still , the first year we lived in Dallas, wewent to this weird volleyball practice with one of your friends.
Andrew, do you remember this girl,
Andrew: [00:41:07]Oh, Lois.
Oh, I forgot. I sent you on our
Kurt: [00:41:11] Andso
I didn't even know this girl, Danielle newer, a little bitto get, maybe played one or two rounds with her practice or something, but wejust went up and met with her at this night and it was like a strip line orsomething, or like
there was some cheap drink.
Daniel: [00:41:24]it was like a random, I don't know, like a Tuesday night at this, like, not anApplebee's, but it was like an Applebee's type bar in Lewisville. And we didn'tknow this, but apparently it was go-go girl night. So there was a go-go girl
on, the bar
Kurt: [00:41:39]That's right. And they were dancing around and there was like cheap shots, butwe didn't know any of these people really. And so it was just kind of me andDaniel vibe and then a quarter occasionally coming over to these girls, like,yeah, this, this is cool. And then just seeing some that huge butts comingaround, or, you know, our faces are just like, okay, well, well, this is cool.
I'm going to go now.
Daniel: [00:42:00]Yeah. And there are two parts that I love about that story. One, like when yousay cheap drinks, we're talking, it was dollar drinks. And so we get
Kurt: [00:42:10]Cheapest drink specials ever.
Daniel: [00:42:12]So we get there and I'm like, all right, Kurt, I got, the first rounds I bar atfirst two drinks and we, we do our best to stick it out.
We actually spent most of the time talking to the two otherguys that were there with Lois and her friend. And there, there are like oneguy I think, like at a DUI and had to drop out of pharmacy school. So I don'tknow about them, but Then you buy our second round because we're trying sohard. Like, we don't know a ton of people in Dallas yet, so we're trying tomake friends.
So you buy our second round for $2. And then at that pointwe're like, we're not going to say like the go-go dancer job. We're like,leaving. So we like go to close out and we have these $2 tabs. And I feel likethe bartenders are just like, you guys are idiots, like get out of here.
Kurt: [00:42:54]I'll take a $2 charge, please. That's all I can afford.
Daniel: [00:42:58]Kurt didn't you have a run in with one of the random guys that was there, likelater on in Dallas.
Kurt: [00:43:05]Yeah. So he came to our house and we lived in Carrollton and he delivered apackage. He's like, Hey, by the way, they delivered this package to my house. Ithink it's supposed to be at your house. I'm like, dude, didn't we just seelike a couple of months ago at this bar, it was just so random. And it justlike, you live like three doors down.
We're just like, Oh, okay. Well we never saw him ever again,never talked to him. It can be done for all. We know
Andrew: [00:43:26]That's more of an Andrew embarrassing story. I'm sorry. I sent one of my partyanimals your way.
Kurt: [00:43:30]another good memory that I have with you guys is one of my favorite traditionswe've been doing in the past is we get to dress up for star Wars. And I lovewhen we get to go see a big star Wars movie and to dress up. And I think it wasour first year where we dress up for force awakens. Y'all remember this.
Andrew: [00:43:47]Oh, if I look at that picture every day, if I think I know where you're goingwith this.
Daniel: [00:43:51]it was my bachelor party.
Kurt: [00:43:52]Daniel dressed up as a Han solo and I dressed up as princess skimpy out. Her room,eye rolls, all kinds of stuff. It was just coming out. I had to wear like ablanket around me cause I was too embarrassed to do basically almost make it atthat point. The best part though was when we were doing that was you metanother girl who's dressed up as princess layup, who was an actual woman.
And then she came and. Piss me. I wanted to pose forpictures and was touching me. And it was just so awkward. And the best part isyou're all just sitting there laughing this weird abuse from this ranch. I'venever met the best pictures and there's people that came up who were just onthe audience and we're like, Hey, cool.
They're just stuck. And so we have pictures of the randoswho were just like these guys dressed up and it was such a weird experience,but it was so much fun.
Andrew: [00:44:43]You legitimately had a line longer than the photo booth line for the movie. Iremember tears are actually creating in my eyes right now, remembering thisweek. It was that funny. I couldn't stop laughing because there was a head likelike the droid set up and there was like a Ray and all this different stuff cutout with like the faces.
And there were whatever, they are concession people thatwere like trying to direct a line to the cutouts in the line to take a picturewith slave lay occurred so longer than the official line to take pictures forthe midnight release. And it was just so freaking funny. I've never been moreproud to have you as a friend than that night.
That's everything's been downhill since.
Kurt: [00:45:23]Yeah. Well, I'm glad we can do that for you still have some stretch marks fromthat good times.
Daniel: [00:45:28]It's Kurt. One of my, okay. Favorite story. That's not the right word todescribe this, but it's just a very important memory was, for those that don'tknow, I have.
like never went skiing growing up, never snowboarded. littlebitter about it, but we, we won't go into all the reasons why. And so at onepoint in time, several years ago, Kerr and Kelton were planning kind of a, notquite a suicide run, but it was a quick, just little ski trip where it wasgoing to be Curt Kelton.
Kelton's girlfriend at the time, two of her friends, andthen it was going to be me as well. And so our rationale was the girls, they had not skied either. And so what wewere going to do is bring me along and I was going to snowboard cause it wassupposed to be a little bit harder than skiing.
And so we kind of figured like skiing's a little easier, butI did a lot of long boarding. And so we'll like have two groups, like curtainKelton, our experts, and then Daniel and the girls. And we'll be likerelatively kind of the same speed. So we go to do a ski trip and it was justnot a pleasant group overall, like Kurt,
Kurt: [00:46:39]It's being
Daniel: [00:46:40]just w we were just very annoyed with the amount of w what would you, whatwould you even like, say like,
Kurt: [00:46:47] Idon't know people don't any weren't really that fun. They weren't really goodat skiing. And there's just a lot of random things that happened during thattrip that didn't go as planned. It was just, Oh, it was so weird.
Daniel: [00:46:59]yeah. And when you say not good at skiing, here's what happened? We go up, wego up the mountain, like, after derping around a little bit on the bunny slopesand hop off the ski lift. And so we're going to go down this, like, easy run.So Kurt and Kelton are waiting over there, and I get my way over there on mysnowboard.
And then we see the girls that. Like they get off the skilift and just immediately start sliding towards a run. They have no businessgoing down and are like falling down and trying to like, not go over there andgetting back up and trying to like direct themselves and falling down. And itwas probably a solid 20 minutes that we're sitting there just watching thishappen and waiting like, surely like some point, like, they'll get over here.
And then Kurt, I remember you were just like, all right, I'mgoing to go down the mountain. And I was like, yeah, I'm going to come withKelton. You've got to stay. So have fun. And we go down in of course, likeKurt, you're a good skier. And so you got out ahead of me and I'm doing my ownthing falling on my butt a lot, trying to figure out how to snowboard.
And it was fun. And I, I finally make it down the mountain,get to the bottom and I try to find you, I can't see you anywhere. The cellreception is bad, so I'm looking all over the place. And finally, I get a callfrom you and you're like, Hey man I'm in the ER thing.
Kurt: [00:48:15]It was one of those times where I just spend ahead of you. And I was like, youknow what? I got this, Oh, meet Daniel at the bottom of the Hill. I'm an okayskier. So I just went down as fast as I could. And when I hit the turn, therewas just a bunch of rocks at this turn and I could not control my turn wellenough and just slammed right into those rocks and then I was trying to get up.And I remember when I was trying to get up, I heard the snap and it was like,Oh no. Oh no. So I just laid there and there was like some group I'm like,dude, are you okay? And I was just like, nah, you need to call someone. There'sno way. And ever trying to call you and texting you and nothing was goingthrough.
I was like, well, I hope he knows right
on that little yellow lip. Like you have to like, sit there,your arms braced. And that was the worst day. That's one of the worst painsI've ever been through is going down the mountain. Just kind of like jumblingaround, down the mountain, my collarbone, just like snap back and forth.
Finally getting there. And they're like, okay, I hear someshots of pain. And I was like, let's feel so much better. And then like, we hadto rush home. That was my first run down the mountain. That was your first rundown the mountain. And have you been skiing since then?
Daniel: [00:49:22]no, that's my one and only run down a mountain. It was, it was ended. And Iremember it. So like after we got down and the girls got down with Kelton and we were like, okay, like, we'll kindof figure out what to do. I was like, maybe I'll do another run or two. Andthen Kelton gets a call from the like, Airbnb that we're staying at.
And this lady is just screaming her head off at him becausewe like didn't realize that we were supposed to have all of our stuff out. Andshe was so furious and we're like, ah, lady, we're like an hour away on thismountain. She was like, screaming about like how there was like a margarita inthe Airbnb.
And at that point
Kurt: [00:50:02]of course there was.
Daniel: [00:50:03]that point, I was just like, you know what? This trip, I let's, let's call itshort Curt. Like we'll drive back. We'll clear out the Airbnb and then I'm justgoing to drive you home and we're just going to be done.
Kurt: [00:50:14]It was such a feeling of defeat that like drive home. I was just like, man, Iwanted this to be such a fun little weekend. It just wasn't. And, but welearned, you know, it's an experience, it's a story. It's the tone. And it's a.
Daniel: [00:50:28]yeah.
Andrew: [00:50:29]I am so glad I didn't go on that trip. I remembered that y'all tried to rope mein on it, and that just sounds miserable. And that's actually part of my onlystory worth sharing that is in an even somewhat entertaining or at leastdefines , Kurt and mine's relationship. I got into Dallas one time and Kurtagain, tricked me somewhere, basically went to canes.
Like I talked about. And I fell asleep on the way back towhat I thought was y'all's house. And I woke up at the casino with Kurt at 10o'clock at night. And we we played blackjack till about two in the morning. Andthen we went on a trip to PAX the next day. And then I had to drive stubs backhome the next night at like 9:00 AM from San Antonio.
for that sleep deprived night.
Kurt: [00:51:12] Yeah.And you were like in a chain induced coma and was probably falling back asleep.And I was like, okay, we're going. And you won't be like, wait, why are we atthis casino? I was like, cause you said, we're going to go do this. We probablylost some money at that point. That wasn't my high days where I was going likeevery other weekend.
It's ridiculous. But I had won some money and thought I waslike real fresh and cool. But merely found out that when you gamble, youactually lose sometimes as well.
Andrew: [00:51:36]I've yet to see that winning side of life on the gambling, but one of thesedays I'm not going to quit until I find it.
Well, guys, thank you for joining us. Kurt, thank you somuch for coming on and filling Daniel and I's day with a little bit more joythan we probably would have had. So we really appreciate you taking out time.
Just like everybody else has come on. And so we're grateful to you for everythingyou do, and getting to chat with us and hang out. So thank you so much.
And to everybody listening, We are just as grateful for yourtime and we look forward to connecting with you guys soon.