The Perfect Week Example (Tasks)To use, either copy or write out your own version. Personally, Google Sheets broken into weeks with each new “sheet” to follow this checklist is our preferred method. Sunday • Goal Orientation. Write down three goals you have. If there’s anything to be accomplished today, also write these tasks down. • Gratitude Practice. Write down one or two things you’re thankful for. • Daily movement. Get your exercise in! • Church, or some form of mindful reflection and community activity. • Look at the coming week and plan out any specific events or outliers that are not part of your daily routine. • Get some reading in.
Monday • Goal Orientation. Write down three goals you have. If there’s anything to be accomplished today, also write these tasks down. • Daily movement. Get your exercise in! • Gratitude Practice. Write down one or two things you’re thankful for. • Work Jumpstart. Arrive at work 10-15 minutes before you’re scheduled. • Read a book. Get some reading in! • Monday Social. Have a friend over for dinner or do something social. Monday’s are hard, and it’s good to have something to look forward to on them.
Tuesday • Goal Orientation. Write down three goals you have. If there’s anything to be accomplished today, also write these tasks down. • Daily movement. Get your exercise in! • Read a book. Get some reading in! • Gratitude Practice. Write down one or two things you’re thankful for. • Work Jumpstart. Arrive at work 10-15 minutes before you’re scheduled. • Treat yourself today! Do something you love, like volunteering or movie night.
Wednesday • Goal Orientation. Write down three goals you have. If there’s anything to be accomplished today, also write these tasks down. • Daily movement. Get your exercise in! • Read a book. Get some reading in! • Gratitude Practice. Write down one or two things you’re thankful for. • Work Jumpstart. Arrive at work 10-15 minutes before you’re scheduled. • Buckle down. Are you trying to learn a new language or develop a skill? Give it an hour or two today.
Thursday • Goal Orientation. Write down three goals you have. If there’s anything to be accomplished today, also write these tasks down. • Daily movement. Get your exercise in! • Read a book. Get some reading in! • Gratitude Practice. Write down one or two things you’re thankful for. • Work Jumpstart. Arrive at work 10-15 minutes before you’re scheduled. • Practice Kindness. Find an excuse to do something kind for someone. • Review the week. Make sure you’ve covered everything. The weekends almost here.
Friday • Goal Orientation. Write down three goals you have. If there’s anything to be accomplished today, also write these tasks down. • Daily movement. Get your exercise in! • Read a book. Get some reading in! • Gratitude Practice. Write down one or two things you’re thankful for. • Work Jumpstart. Arrive at work 10-15 minutes before you’re scheduled. • Friday Social. You’ve crushed another workweek! Celebrate with the people you love in your life.
Saturday • Goal Orientation. Write down three goals you have. If there’s anything to be accomplished today, also write these tasks down. • “Meet Yourself” movement. Make today’s movement session a fair bit more intense than the rest of the week. Make it a mental challenge, as well as physical. • Read a book. Get some reading in! • Gratitude Practice. Write down one or two things you’re thankful for. • Enjoy the day! If you want to work on goals, do it! If you’re going to sleep in and then watch cartoons with a bowl of cereal, make it happen. • If possible, take 10 minutes to reflect in silence. No phone, no music, no other people. Just you and your thoughts.
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