About THE Host

Hey, I’m Daniel Winter

Nice to meet you, I’m an author, and Senior manager in Dallas, TX.

Daniel is a people manager, ultimate frisbee junkie, and amateur bench maker.​ He's a Texas A&M Alumni with a degree in Business Administration & Marketing. So far, Daniel's career has been focused on healthcare navigation and Health Pro management at Compass Professional Health Services and Alight Solutions. ​

What is a Health Pro

Daniel's Personal Site

Origin Story

I was raised in Amarillo, TX and graduated from Amarillo High School. There was band, tennis, frisbee, a spattering of jobs, and lots of lan parties.

From there, I went to A&M, and then ended up in Dallas for my current career. The frisbee and video games still occur.

Growth and Challenge

Daniel has a passion for personal development and challenging others into the same. Sometimes this looks like convincing himself and friends to jump off buildings and other times it appears when working through how to stomach a boring office job.

Most importantly, Daniel strongly believes that we have limited time to achieve our goals so the most important steps you can take are the ones you take today.

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