Find out how the coding challenge shook out, and what our next challenge will be. Featuring Bret as our guest!
There's almost too much going on here. In this episode, we've got the finale to our second challenge, the coding boot camp, and how everything shook out.
We also have our first "second" interview with the self-proclaimed (and probably accurately so) #1 fan, Bret Kenny!
To round it off, we announce our third challenge for the year that Dead by Tomorrow will be working on- the vertical jump improvement!
Thanks for listening!
Our new challenge (the third of this year, for you math nerds keeping count), is working on our vertical! The jumping one. There probably isn't a different one, but for the sake of clarity, that's the type of vertical we're talking about.
We also wrapped up our coding challenge, which you can find at on Google Sheets here, and would love to hear your feedback on.
To follow along with the Vertical challenge, find out latest journal on Google Sheets as well!
Could be witchcraft, but Andrew's giving it a try.
Daniel's tried and true method.
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This is Andrew's current favorite protein. It's got the BCAA's, the creatine, and all that sweet, sweet protein.
Challenge Three: Vertical Journal
You'll find Daniel and Andrew's journal and charts for how this challenge is going. Feel free to make a copy and do it with us, or just follow along and see if it's worth your time to try. We made this one REAL fancy.
[00:00:19] Andrew: Hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcomeback to dead by tomorrow. We are as always thrilled to have you. It is abeautiful spring day over here in Amarillo. I don't know about Dallas, but ithas been some nice weather this weekend. So I am honestly glad we are not doingthe couch challenge anymore because I need to be outside.
[00:00:40] Andrew: So we are finishing up our SQLchallenge. Uh, this is the combo episode where we tell you about the challengenumber two, which was learning how to code SQL for Daniel Nye and Python forBrett. And then after we do a little bit of review, see how it went. Uh, I'llprobably make fun of Brett and Daniel A.
[00:00:58] Andrew: Little bit. for their consistency, uh,we will jump into what we're going to be doing for challenge number three,which is, uh, spoiler alert, a outdoors jumping kind of challenge. I thinkwe're going to call it the vertical challenge. So Brett, Daniel, how y'alldoing.
[00:01:15] Bret: Good. I'm I'm back guys. I'm lessnervous this time. I was a little nervous. The first go round. I don't know.
[00:01:23] Daniel: Yeah. Maybe it's a difference inscenery. I don't know. Like, do you, are you nervous in your office?
[00:01:30] Bret: Yeah, we did record my office on oftennervous there. Yeah, that's true. Good point.
[00:01:37] Andrew: That makes for a rough week. I bet.
[00:01:39] Bret: Rough weight, just nervous all week,
[00:01:42] Andrew: Just five days. It's there's thoseother two where you're not nervous.
[00:01:46] Bret: weekend and just get out of the office.I feel great. I'm like. Do that more often? No, doing good. We also haveawesome weather here in Dallas. It's been nice.
[00:01:55] Daniel: Yeah. I got to get out and do a littletrack workout, do a little, uh, yard work. So it's been a very full weekend
[00:02:04] Bret: for, sorry, Andrew.
[00:02:05] Bret: When was the last time you sprinted? 400meters a lap.
[00:02:11] Andrew: Uh, it has been a hot minute. I wouldsay it may be years. It might be in the, uh, the pre knee injury timeframe morethan likely.
[00:02:22] Bret: Daniel sprinted
[00:02:23] Bret: for hundreds today.
[00:02:24] Andrew: Yeah. I saw it like 10 of them. Right.Daniel.
[00:02:27] Daniel: I only sprinted five of them. Ageography
[00:02:30] Bret: with them still.
[00:02:33] Andrew: That's still rough. Uh, you okay.
[00:02:37] Daniel: Yeah, I'm good. I mean, I love thewarm weather. It was pretty brutal at the time. I probably would have. Consideredlaying down on the track and passing out or throwing up, except right. As Ifinish, there was a maybe middle school track meet that was about to starthappening. So it was like, okay. I, I can't embarrass myself like that.
[00:02:59] Daniel: [00:03:00]I need to.
[00:03:04] Daniel: Yeah. So I'm good.
[00:03:06] Andrew: Right. You're wild, man.
[00:03:08] Daniel: Brett, and I are going to
[00:03:09] Daniel: have ice cream sandwiches after this,to commemorate the running. And Kimra commemorate. I think Brent did somejogging
[00:03:14] Bret: today. Yeah. Yeah. I jogged for up.
[00:03:17] Andrew: that's uh, that's. That is just ashard with a bum knee. I think, uh, I bet bread is hurting just, well, maybe notas much because sprints are just a whole demon of their own,
[00:03:28] Bret: no,
[00:03:28] Andrew: you know, what prompts you to Brett? Ididn't, neither of them. I went on a walk today, uh, briefly and. I have a lotof coffee and did some cleaning.
[00:03:38] Andrew: So I had not been a very physical dayfor me, which is kind of atypical for a Sunday.
[00:03:43] Bret: Sounds like a nice restful Sundaythough.
[00:03:46] Daniel: Yeah. I need a
[00:03:47] Daniel: Sunday
[00:03:47] Bret: like this.
[00:03:48] Andrew: it. I, I recommended. Okay. Um, how'dy'all feel about the challenge. How'd y'all enjoy the end of our coding. Uh,it's been 15 days, ish, I guess like closer to like 16 or 17 since we lasttalked. Um, how to finish out for you guys. Cause I assume that, you know, thecharts only one, a perspective of the equation.
[00:04:15] Daniel: Yeah. Yeah. I, so I was able to finishthe two sort of free programs that I did, so it was SQL zoo. And then I thinkit was called SQL basics or something along that line. So I, I feel like I havea pretty decent handle on the most basic aspects of SQL joining tables, um,using select using where statement some of those types of things, uh, I have tosay that I did not secure access with my it group to be able to actually play aroundwith SQL at my work.
[00:04:50] Daniel: I've kind of gotten a little bitbusier again on the work side of things. Um, so once I finished my courses, I,I kind of dropped off the cliff a little bit. So I would say that. I was happyto finish the corporate coursework. I feel like I have a pretty decent handleon SQL. I have a better understanding of some of the things that maybe I shouldask for with our reporting team, if I'm requesting reports, uh, but have nothad an opportunity to put things into practice, which is why I asked you to, tosend me over the stuff.
[00:05:27] Daniel: So I can play in the, your databasebased, which I think you were successful and, or in them on the challenge.
[00:05:35] Andrew: Yes. But before we get into that,because I might talk too long about that. I want to hear about Bret stuff. Iwant to hear about a Python for Bret because, uh, I'm going to toot my own horna little bit.
[00:05:48] Bret: we're going into the challenge. I wasreal excited about it as excited to be on the podcast. I like the idea ofhaving a daily, like I'm going to learn a little bit each day. And I startedoff actually looking at the [00:06:00] data. Atfirst couple of days, I started off considered. And then it was just one ofthose months where if we did not, if we weren't doing this together and weweren't doing a challenge together, I would have not even thought about coding,learning a new skill, just craziness with work.
[00:06:18] Bret: Um, but the last week I came back, I wasconsistent. The last somewhat week I had to pivot a little bit instead ofgoing, you know, following YouTube tutorials and the book I was reading, I waslike, I just need to try a project and learn that. So I I'm still working onit. It, it, my goal was to make a program that would automate something atwork.
[00:06:42] Bret: I haven't quite automated it, but I haveFrankenstein some different, different, uh, codes and models together toconvert some files that I can use at work. So I can convert, um, like images Idownload into JPEG. And other documents that I have to, you know, I have, whenI download them from our, um, from our system for work and then I have to emailthem out or send them out to my install teams, like to just convert them toPDFs or whatever.
[00:07:13] Bret: Um, I'm able to convert those files witha program, but I haven't automated it. I have to like click each file, clickand track. So I'm excited. I have a little project I've learned some Python.Um, I wasn't consistent every day. Um, but I've got some next steps and it'sbeen.
[00:07:32] Andrew: So since I did not, I didn't learnPython and that's, that's cool. That trip will do your thing, uh, or at leastgot some, as you said, Frankenstein, uh, slept together. And us, what exactlydid you Frankenstein together and how much code was actually involved in makingyour, I guess in project? Like how much actual hours, how much, how much timedo you?
[00:07:53] Andrew: Me the whole breakdown of what you do.And how it came about and how long it took and what it does for you. If youcan.
[00:08:00] Bret: Oh, wow. Okay. If I had to break downmy, my little baby program right now, I probably put three hours into it,three, three, and a half just on this program. Um, and it can do two things.It, um, converts. It was the, the, the high efficiency image files. Appleproducts use that dot each GIC. It converts those into JPEGs and then itconverts, um, basically it, it converts a document.
[00:08:29] Bret: I downloaded online to PDFs, but I haveto select each file. So what I did was a lot of Googling and a lot of, um,Python is cool where the community there's a ton of libraries of just. Andcodes that you can import into your code. So right now my program is verylittle of like, I mean, I did not start from scratch or anything, but I importit probably about three or four different modules, um, and kind of piece themtogether and then kind of directed them to, um, my own file [00:09:00] folder of documents I'm using to testthis.
[00:09:03] Bret: Um, but I'm pretty proud of it. Um, mynext step is to figure out how to. Um, have the program actually look in thefile, identify what needs to be converted and do it on its on its own ratherthan me clicking it, or rather than me typing out the file name to actually fuckingmeet it. Um, but very little like Brits own code.
[00:09:22] Bret: It's just pieced together other it wastrial and error, trial and error.
[00:09:27] Andrew: Well, I think that's, I think that'swhat a lot of, especially on the beginning front of coding gets you, is theability to go borrow other people's stuff and make something of it. Spend hoursand hours writing out your own code. It's Hey, I actually understand what I'mlooking for and I can read what I'm looking for.
[00:09:46] Bret: For sure, for sure.
[00:09:48] Andrew: I've got to brag a little bit on theend results of the CQL challenge for me, because I finished up my Udemy classand we'll get into the concepts that we like, the routes we took and why Ithought mine might be more of an incentive, at least in my opinion, butfinished up the. You Demi course, uh, three days before, um, the drop dead day.
[00:10:14] Andrew: And I was like, okay, three days isplenty. I haven't really dug deeply into getting this file cracked open, but Ilike, I've got a pretty decent handle on sequel. Now I can, I can play withSQL. And so I started looking around and tried to import it into Postgres SQL,which is what I was. And it wouldn't work.
[00:10:32] Andrew: And which is like the user interfacethat I was using to access databases. Um, I was like, okay, well, this isunfortunate Googled. Hey, why can't you do this? And it's like, oh, it doesn'ttake dot SQL files. You basically have to do a CSV file. You know, like yourtypical Excel file and then you have to import it.
[00:10:52] Andrew: And then you've got to have thedatabase database preset. Be ready for that data. So I have to build out allthe tables and the columns for that data to come in. I was like, that is justimpossible. I don't know. There's just no way. There's thousands and thousandsof, uh, tables. And I didn't even know how many columns, like it's massive,massive, massive file.
[00:11:16] Andrew: It's a text file. And as a text file,it's like 30 gigs. it's huge. There was no way I was going to manually recreatethis database to import. And I was like, well, that's, that's the end of that.So it's like, okay, there's gotta be a better way. So I'm digging around. We'renow day two of this. And basically, uh, to fast forward, what could be a longstory?
[00:11:39] Andrew: I spent a lot of time. Basicallydeciding to give up on it, like, couldn't figure it out. And everything I foundonline was like, oh yeah, here's this, this, and I she's like, I can't do it.It's either going to cost me like two or $3,000 or it's going to cost me weeksof my life. you know, messing with this.
[00:11:55] Andrew: So I, instead the last day I was like,you know what, I'm just gonna hop on destiny. I'm gonna play some video [00:12:00] games. So I hop on, I'm playing like, youknow what? I just can't give up on this. I've got to check one more thing. So Ireached out to my cousin. I was like, Hey, uh, Derek. Pirate my SQL. And, uh,he was like, uh, he was like, uh, we can look at it that that's kind of sketchyto do though.
[00:12:17] Andrew: You might get something, a developerstuff is not the best to, pirate because when I was looking at my SQL. Uh, itwas very expensive. It was like $3,000 a year and it was just not going to dothat ends up. They just hide the free stuff in the back of the website. Andthere was no, it wasn't actually that bad, but like there was a free my SQLdownload and I had the work bench that goes with it and then I had to uploadit.
[00:12:39] Andrew: And then we'll fast forward again.There's lots and lots of headaches I gave up again. And then like late thatnight I played too much destiny. What is this air that it keeps giving when Iemployed this file. And so this is really dumb, but I just wasn't creating likea separate new schema is what it's called to bring that file in.
[00:12:56] Andrew: Did that told him to go, and then itlike just looked at me like it acted like it was important, but it said likestarting import and nothing else, it didn't give me like a status bar oranything just said, starting in port for like an hour. I was like, well, ithasn't aired out like it was doing earlier.
[00:13:12] Andrew: So maybe it's doing so. So I pluggedit, flipped the laptop then came back the next morning and I had importedeverything worked and it was, I was ecstatic, honestly, like I was on cloudnine. I think that was like Wednesday or Thursday. I'd given up, like for threedays I was like, well, the subs is going to be disappointing because I'm justgoing to have to say that, like, we can't get into the file because I don'thave the resources and whatever, but we got in and I'm super proud and excitedthat we were able to get in and be able to touch it.
[00:13:41] Andrew: So I would call this a success for me.
[00:13:45] Bret: I'm
[00:13:45] Daniel: excited. Yeah, that's amazing. I wasalready somewhat excited to get in and kind of play around in the database. Andnow I'm really excited about it. I really need to get in there and play aroundwith, uh, things that, you know, maybe screw it up so that all your hard work.
[00:14:05] Andrew: Don't worry. I already thought aboutthat and that's why you're going to have to download your own my SQL, and thenyou'll load your file in because then we'll have separate ones. And then ifsomething breaks, I don't have to redo it on my end.
[00:14:16] Bret: nice. That's a good call.
[00:14:18] Andrew: So that'll be good. I also don't know,like besides hosting my, uh, laptop as a.
[00:14:23] Andrew: Server, which would not be a greatidea. I don't think it would be difficult without getting a static IP. Anyways,we won't get into that as technical. There's not a good way for you, me to doit without again, spending a bunch of money.
[00:14:35] Bret: Andrew. You have to tell us though, you,you unlocked this hidden, all this hidden data. Tell me there's like a treasuremap. What's part two of your adventure.
[00:14:44] Andrew: See, that's, what's also disappointingabout this. this is not the Goonies. There is not like buried treasure inthere. Uh, basically, and I, I maybe I didn't explain this in the first episodeor when we were talking about it, but we swapped our CRM, like the [00:15:00] billing system, customer relationshipmanagement system.
[00:15:02] Andrew: We used, we swapped it from this thingcalled power code and we went over to sonar and. Uh, 90% of it came over. Fine.Uh, now I understand where some of the problems came from because basically ifthe things didn't map right to what they were doing in their CRM, when Ibrought it over, like they were having to go find that table or that column,that wasn't mapping.
[00:15:24] Andrew: Right. And making sure that data wasdoing its thing. And I just can't even imagine that that would be a treasurehunt, but like with the lameness of treasure on the back end, like, oh, thisphone inventories. You know, ID is this, and it's not mapping over here becausewe don't have it set as that phone inventories like primary key or whatever, Iassume.
[00:15:44] Andrew: So like really boring, reallyterrible. I feel true. So some of the stuff didn't come over. And honestly, Idon't know the things that didn't come over, I'm going to be able to find anyways. Um, but one of the things we've run into is like invoicing. Like peopleare like, Hey, um, back in September of 2018, I think I paid you $90 instead of$80.
[00:16:03] Andrew: Can you confirm that? Um, and I don'tknow who these people are that think that they want to check that, but, uh,those are some of the calls we get. And so look for the past couple of months,we've been like, um, We don't know, sorry about you. If it was before, uh,October, uh, we don't have that data, so I hope it's not important for you toknow.
[00:16:21] Andrew: So, uh, and I don't think it'll comeup. Uh, but that's kinda why I wanted to get in is in case we have thatsituation where I need to be able to look at something in our old database. Uh,I'm uh, hoping that it will be in this cul file that I got as a backup. Thepeople who brought us over to the new system that we use.
[00:16:41] Andrew: So no, nothing exciting, no treasure.
[00:16:44] Daniel: I mean, previous data is kind oftreasure at this point. I, this week was working on some RFP stuff and wasbeing asked to go look three years back for data that it just, I don't have away to get to it anymore. And it'd be pretty nice. Like I would actually bepretty excited if I could pull some of that data, not as much for the RFP,because I don't know.
[00:17:09] Daniel: Go with recent data and spin it. But Iwould love to be able to do comparisons across our various telephony vendorsand be able to definitively say, okay, at this point in time, like this datachange, this was what was happening in our world of our company and kind of mapout like behavior metric teams sort of stuff to previous data.
[00:17:33] Daniel: So I don't know that that's going tocome up in this certain case, but don't downplay date. It's kind of a
[00:17:40] Andrew: data is important. It is. I just, youknow, we'll see if I ever need it. but if I do I'm one step closer to beingready to make it happen. So before I launch into my little sermon about you,Demi, I guess, what did y'all think it was like learning, like take out thecoding side because I did have a complaint that we might've gotten [00:18:00] too technical last time, which I would nothave expected, but.
[00:18:03] Andrew: listen to the people, I guess. So whatwas it like learning something new for you guys? What do you regret? What areyou really excited about? Brett, especially, I know you kind of jumped in onthis. what would y'all have changed or what would you do again? What would yourecommend?
[00:18:18] Bret: I think, um, after barely doing anycoding in the past and it being so long since I did it, I think going intothis, I just felt like there was a huge hurdle as far as even just to be ableto get to a point where I could, on my own, pull up my laptop type in print,hello world, and even get to that point and just run a PR.
[00:18:39] Bret: Like, I, it just been so long and it wascool. How quickly and specifically with Python and some of the tools. Again, myexperience is very little, that was easy and it was just kind of off to theraces at the very beginning. Just being able to type in code and see that codeout text or do simple math equations.
[00:18:57] Bret: Um, so that was cool. Um, and then Ikind of jumped ahead rather than doing like y'all did kind of a class or acurriculum. Um, just cause I was struggling to learn and be able to producesomething practical. I needed a project. Um, so that's where I was like, Ilooked up a couple easy things to automate with Python, Google for a bit, wrotedown a few things that could help me with work or just day-to-day and justpicked one as far as converting files.
[00:19:28] Bret: And that, that kind of helped me, um,Just quickly learn how to, um, use and kind of modify code. So I'm readingthrough advanced code that I could not create on my own, but could at leastfollow and modify for my own purposes. And then take advantage of, you know,pythons, um, libraries and modules. And, um, it's cool.
[00:19:49] Bret: Even on like the, the free software I'musing, I could invite you guys to come. Work in my programs. Like if it'scloud-based so we could free software, um, write out code together and edit andreview it. And man, it'd the, there's less hurdles than I thought to being ableto learn Python or even sequel or some of these other coding languages.
[00:20:11] Bret: So, pretty, it was a, it was a coolchallenge, even though it was a, it was a crazy week or a month. I wish it hadbeen. Different month. I took it on with you guys, but still learned a lot.Yeah.
[00:20:23] Daniel: I mean, those things definitelyhappen. And at least you, you did more than you would have otherwise, like yousaid, right.
[00:20:31] Daniel: So there there's value to it. And Iactually, similar to Andrew got, got a complaint that things were a little bit.Technical and the last episode and the people want to hear more about Brett andBrett's life. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:20:45] Bret: My life's pretty technical, so yes,that's,
[00:20:51] Daniel: that's fair. So sorry to disappoint.Anybody who wanted us to move away from technical breaths?
[00:20:55] Daniel: Bread is a robot apparently. Um, no.
[00:20:59] Andrew: That explains [00:21:00]so much.
[00:21:02] Daniel: so the projects that you ended updoing within Python, talk us through why image converting as something that'simportant to you at work. And then just, you know, you've mentioned a few timesat work has been kind of crazy. So like what's, what's been going on. That hasbeen a little bit crazy. What have been some of like your, your day to day?
[00:21:23] Daniel: I don't think we've had a projectmanager on before. I know there's a lot of people that are interested inhearing more
[00:21:28] Bret: about that. Yeah. well, day to day, soproject management, uh, I'm planning projects and I'm managing the scope,timeline, budget, and plan plan plan. And then we execute on a project andsomething doesn't work and then your react, you problem solve.
[00:21:46] Bret: and then you learn from it and move onto the next project. And I'm managing. A lot of usually smaller projects atonce. Um, so even going back to the program that, um, I created a lot of timesI am pulling information, um, and sending it out to my install teams that areactually installing equipment executing on projects.
[00:22:08] Bret: And so this will help me do that better,do it quicker. Um, cause a lot of times once we're actually installing theirequipment and operating. I'm like the tick guy in a van, like just saying,okay, we're missing parts. I'm ordering it right now. Or, you have an issuewith this equipment. Let me talk to this engineer.
[00:22:26] Bret: He's sending me photos. He's telling mepull documents from here. Uh, I'm sending them resources while kind of planningfor the next few projects. Um, so this program, it will, once I automated itwill help me with that. Um, but yeah, I feel like that's at least my experienceas a project manager. Play a whole bunch and then something doesn't go wrongright.
[00:22:45] Bret: And react and figure it out. And that'skind of the fun part though, is when things don't go right, is how do we makeit work?
[00:22:54] Daniel: So I'm hearing that. For those ofy'all that have seen Spiderman, this, this will kind of resonate. Like you arethe guy in the chair, like what, what Nate wants to be the guy in the chairhe's telling people what, what to do and directing like yeah.
[00:23:06] Daniel: That's
[00:23:07] Bret: you. Yeah. Yeah. And actually I couldtotally use some of that technology as far as you know what spider man's gothis suit. I could use that art insulting could use that. That would be huge.That'd be my next project just decided I'm going to get our install teams, atech suit. So I can just, I'll be in there.
[00:23:27] Bret: There'll be my eyes and ears. Andthat'll be, you seen the movie and you're tracking the Andrew. You get what I'msaying?
[00:23:33] Bret: Oh,
[00:23:34] Andrew: Yes, I am just hoping to see Spidermanin the room, uh, or at least your text dressed as Spiderman when they'reinstalling stuff.
[00:23:42] Bret: oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm sureMarvel and Disney would be cool with that. If we just copy it. Exactly the lookand the.
[00:23:49] Daniel: Well, yeah, they're in hospitals. So,I mean, that brings joy, like children's hospitals all over it. Yeah, exactly.Okay. One other thing I do want to ask you when we were, when we were [00:24:00] working out earlier this week, uh, you,you had to take a call or something going on with, uh, with, uh, with a room.
[00:24:08] Daniel: And I heard you say something alongthe lines. You know, I don't normally think this, but I'm starting to wonderif, if this was like built over, uh, ancient Indian burial ground or somethinglike that. Oh yeah.
[00:24:20] Bret: What was going on? We, uh, we justwrapped up a 15 or a building expansion. so the, uh, this hospital well-staffedbig hospital, um, they're basically doubling their operating room capacity.
[00:24:37] Bret: And so we wrapped up a huge project. Imean, they've been building. Three years. Um, it was a whole lot of planningfor us, but about a two month installed, we're doing all the booms lights andthen something Duscovy equipment. And we had one room where it was just ourproblem child at the tail end. They're actually going live Monday in theseoperating rooms.
[00:24:58] Bret: It was a fourth quarter seconds left onthe clock Friday afternoon. We're still banging our heads against the, or maybeit was Thursday. We were still having issues with. One specific room. So I'mnot usually this way, you know, I'm, I'm pretty practical, logical, you know,what's the next thing we need to check on the list.
[00:25:14] Bret: What's our, do we play something? Whatcan we test, um, swap things from other rooms. How do we, you know,troubleshoot figure this out. I started to think that it was cursed, that theroom was cursed. I was about to call the hospital. Don't, don't send patientsin there. We should probably build a new building.
[00:25:30] Bret: I was almost to that point, but luckilywe, we, uh, we figured out the issue, rewired, some things. Um, and we're good.We're good. There's probably no curse. I won't mention the hospital, but it'sgoing to do great next week. There's going to be lots of successful surgeries.yeah, that the curse was probably not, not real.
[00:25:47] Bret: So
[00:25:48] Daniel: probably not real. Like if I, if Itomorrow, you know, pops my Achilles, would you be okay with me as a friend gointo that hospital or,
[00:25:57] Bret: uh, the hospital? Yeah, I do feel kindof weird, like telling people, uh, To be the first patient in a brand newoperating room. I feel like. Um, but Hey, our equipment works is our equipmenthas been tested, validated.
[00:26:13] Bret: QIP our equipment's good. So it's the,it's the other vendors that maybe, maybe wait until Tuesday and don't pop yourtoes. But yeah, I'd love,
[00:26:21] Daniel: I'd love to not do this career in
[00:26:22] Bret: their career ender.
[00:26:26] Andrew: Wow. That just sounds painful.
[00:26:31] Bret: Oh, So, yeah.
[00:26:34] Bret: uh, uh, Andrew, have you ever seen anAchilles tear? Sorry, now I'm just picturing it.
[00:26:41] Andrew: uh, I don't think I've seen one, butthat is, I've seen a video. I think of somebody stepping weird and theattendant, you could see it inside their ankle move.
[00:26:51] Andrew: Um, and for some reason that's alwaysbeen one of my. Bigger fears. It was knee injury, um, which, you know, knockedthat one off the list. And [00:27:00] then, uh,blown in Achilles was the other one.
[00:27:02] Andrew: Oh. And compartment syndrome. I reallydon't want compartment syndrome. Those are my three big things.
[00:27:06] Bret: Do you want to a quick peek behind thecurtain? As far as when it comes to operating rooms and especially wherethey're doing lots of orthopedic surgeries. So I don't spend any time in activeORs, but I'm there kind of working next to them sometimes or working inhospitals all the time. Uh, a lot of times you would think.
[00:27:29] Bret: If you listen to the sounds in, youwould think you're in like a mechanic shop. Um, it, a lot of these orthopedicsurgeons, they are blasting rock music and, um, just cranking out surgeries,uh, one patient after the other. So, um, that was kind of a shock to me. I justthought hospitals were very, I don't know, ultra professional, very quiet,clean plate.
[00:27:54] Bret: And sometimes that's that's. Always howit is. So as a striker, as, as we are integrators, we always need to make surethat our, um, audio system is working or else everything else could be workingin the room. Like the functional equipment, you know, medical get, you know,all the signals that they need. Um, all the power, all that.
[00:28:12] Bret: But if, if a surgeon can't blast his,uh, 1980s heavy metal, um, then it's, it's not going to flat. We're going toget some angry phone calls.
[00:28:24] Andrew: That's good to know. And I'm, I liketo, I like to think that's how it goes. I'm glad they're having a good time.
[00:28:32] Daniel: we need to follow up with Jason askedhim what his surgery playlist is.
[00:28:36] Bret: Yeah, he's a young doctor though. Heprobably also doesn't have to use YouTube to play music, probably like gas,like just connect with Bluetooth that the Stryker rep showed
[00:28:47] Bret: me how to do this dance.
[00:28:55] Andrew: okay. I want to jump back to SQL realquick or a coding, I guess, depending on how it looks. And so this is probablypartly me not having a child. I have more free time than both of you dopossibly combined. I don't know. I think, I think, but also, I wanted to talkabout you damn it, because I like sincerely enjoyed the course. SQL is prettydry. It is not, uh, it's dry and the applications you use, it are very dry.Honestly, you're doing business like related activities. It's Excel onsteroids. but I paid $14 for a course. Um, so it came out to costing me about,uh, 50 cents a day. Uh, Learn SQL for a month. And I don't know if it was justthe time thing, but I mean, there was only a couple of days that I missed, um,hopping and, and taking it and working on the course.
[00:29:51] Andrew: And it was just, it was so wellplanned out. It was these little sized chunks. I don't know. I feel like thathad a impact on my [00:30:00] ability tocontinually show up to practices instead of just doing like what you guys weredoing, where it was. Self-learned self-taught, um, having. 50 cents a daycourse. Um, I think gave me that extra edge on being able to show up and nothave to worry about what am I going to do next?
[00:30:15] Andrew: What am I going to learn next? Andthen also there was, you know, it wasn't much money, but I had like a minorfinancial incentive to keep doing it because I paid for the course. So I don'tknow. I, I truly enjoyed it. I think I bought like a dozen SQL SQL it doesn'tyou Demi courses after this one, because I was like, that was a blast. I trulyenjoyed it. it really covered a lot of bases.
[00:30:36] Bret: did it give you like assignments as wellas you.
[00:30:39] Andrew: Yeah. And so those things, I think thecourse itself was technically only like six hours long, maybe seven or eighthours long. but I split up when I was doing it, basically I would do the thing,like, uh, I'd watch the video. And kind of follow along on my keyboard. So Iwas pausing a lot and I'd go do my own thing.
[00:30:56] Andrew: And then the editor come back, startthe video again, and I'd follow along during that. And then whenever thechallenges and the assignments came up, um, they would take me, they'd usuallybe close to a 30 minute thing. So I'd have these little challenges that werebasically the next day is like, The next day, I'd come back and then start thechallenge.
[00:31:14] Andrew: I'd do the challenge. And that was my,my 30 minutes that day was relearning it and working on it. So it felt like it stuckpretty well. so just, uh, just thought I'd put out there was, you know, there'sa lot of free resources out there. but finding that course, especiallysomething that cheap, I think was really beneficial to me compared to. Tried todo it just on a, a web application at, as self-taught level also don't have akid again. So that helps. So, but all right, uh, let's hop into the quickrundown of what the latest challenge is going to be. And I don't believe Brettis going to be technically doing it with us, but hopefully he will still befollowing along and helping Daniel at least, and, uh, working
[00:31:58] Bret: Yeah, I'll be, I'll be the coach. I'llbe the coach
[00:32:01] Andrew: Good. I hope you have a whip, like anice long Indiana Jones
[00:32:04] Andrew: with,
[00:32:05] Bret: Nick. You'll get a whip and a whistlewithin the whistle. Coach. Brett, would've been whistle.
[00:32:11] Andrew: going to come home. And Angela is goingto be like, what is happening here? also, actually a sidebar on this, uh,nothing to do with Angela, but. Uh, your project management. I had a friend ofmine reach out and say he was working with you. So I thought that was prettycool. I know I you about it, but I wanted to give Derek his own shout out, notmy cousin, but when I was trying to get me to pirate software, Um, but here atGardner he's a old college friend and I just thought that was wild.
[00:32:39] Andrew: That one he's willing to listen to apodcast of a guy he hasn't seen like 10 years and two that you worked together.
[00:32:45] Bret: Yeah, we were literally like when youtext me, uh, like 30 minutes before we were on a call together, I have no idea.So we caught up after that was awesome.
[00:32:54] Andrew: That's so cool, man. I love that somuch. Okay. It is almost [00:33:00] summertime.Spring is here, so we are going to be doing a physical check. Uh, it is goingto be vertical jumping improvement, something that Daniel already has me beatby miles and spades and whatever idiom you want to use. That means Daniel iskicking my butt at his ability to jump higher than me, but that just means thatI'm going to have that much more improvement than him because he's alreadypeaking out.
[00:33:24] Andrew: I've got a lot of space to work with.So. Daniel. What do you think this challenge is going to do with you? What areyour techniques you're going to follow through on, uh, besides Brett whippingyou a bloody, what's your plan?
[00:33:40] Bret: Yeah.
[00:33:41] Daniel: So I do have a little bit of concernthat I'm at a bit of a plateau. So it is what it is I at at this point, like,I'd be thrilled if I could add. Two or three inches to my vertical. That thatwould be pretty awesome. So aside
[00:34:01] Andrew: That'd bring you into full dunkingheight. Wouldn't it like legitimate dunking? Not just like tipping the ball in,right.
[00:34:09] Andrew: Or am I misunderestimated your power'salready.
[00:34:12] Daniel: yeah, probably would with, with thebasketball, cause I can, the biggest thing on dumping this really hardhonestly, is. Being able to pull on the ball so I can dunk a volleyball cause Ican Palm it pretty easily. Like within my gather, like I don't lose the ball.Um, it is a little bit of a smaller ball as well, but the basketball, all theproblems, like I can't calm it.
[00:34:35] Daniel: So I lose some of the opportunity togather and like explode up with both arms. the ball is a little bit bigger, so
[00:34:43] Bret: that's probably the challenge. So if wehad three inches to your vertical. Like you dunk or two hand dunk. If you getthree inches,
[00:34:51] Daniel: maybe, maybe like three inches mightlike they might put this.
[00:34:56] Daniel: So, yeah. So that's, that's what Iwould love to do is get three inches, be able to dump. That would be awesome. Ithink what I'm going to go for is I'm already lifting pretty consistently withbreasts. I just need to be. More consistent on that. deadlift squats, you know,lower leg explosiveness kind of thing.
[00:35:15] Daniel: So that will stay in the mix, continueto do track workouts, like all that kind of stuff. That that's probably moremaintenance than much of anything else, but I'm going to use a little bit of athrowback. It's something I've done in the past to help with my vertical. it'sa program called air alert.
[00:35:30] Daniel: You basically just for several weeks,do progressively more. Jumps over the course of time. It's kind of split itbetween, uh, jumping and resting and things like that. So, yeah, I'm just goingto kind of go with the route of doing the thing that I want to do more often inhoping that I get a little bit better at it.
[00:35:52] Daniel: as far as tracking, you know, I'mgoing to try to keep track of, protein intake. I think that's something thatyou have on your list. I think that's a good one. [00:36:00]Um, I'm actually going to try to keep track of my weight. Um, And ideally, Iactually probably want to see it go up just a little bit. Cause I think I'mgoing to need to add some muscle, but I want to keep track of that and thenconsistency and the working out.
[00:36:15] Daniel: Um, and the last thing I think is alittle bit different than maybe what you were doing, or maybe I could convinceyou to join me in this, but with the vertical measurement, um, I'm not justdoing it. Standing still leap because that's not what you do in most sports.Like if I was going to dunk a basketball, I'm not just going to stand still anddump it.
[00:36:37] Daniel: If I'm going out, I'm playing ultimate.I'm trying to high point. Like I'm not just standing still volleyball. If I'mtrying to spike it, I'm not just standing still. So I'm gonna, I'm gonnameasure, with a gather with a run-up and part of the. Y, I would maybe arguefor you to also do that because I know if you do the stand still, it is alittle bit more static and you can maybe see like the raw power increase thatlets you jump higher.
[00:37:04] Daniel: But if you're doing that run up, youalso have the opportunity to better train your jumping technique and the skillthat goes into getting, you know, a launch there there's not as much you can doon a standard vertical, it's basically just having more muscles and jumpinghigher.
[00:37:19] Bret: So yeah. What are you doing?
[00:37:21] Andrew: Let me see where to start. weobviously talked about the, you know, we're going to be testing vertical, soI'm going to try and test close to every day. I don't know because I haven'ttested yet, so I don't know how much of a pain in the butt that's going to be,but, uh, that is currently my plan. protein intake, I think, is going to beimportant because that is something I've been lacking on.
[00:37:42] Andrew: And since the goal here is going to beboth. Mind muscle connection, but also building that muscle up to be able tojump. And I say, muscle, the jump muscle, you know that one that's there. Soobviously building up a better posterior chain. Yeah. Pinky toe one. So thatwhole chain of lower body plus some upper body I've heard help.
[00:38:03] Andrew: So I'm going to really try and focuson my protein up to. And intake, excuse me, or protein intake and a lot ofhealth benefits. And that's why I was a little hard. It was hard for me tostart on. That was everything came into my mind at once. So I'm taking a reallyholistic approach on the backend. Um, I'm going to try 30 days, no alcohol.
[00:38:24] Andrew: Uh, I'm going to be also changing upmy diet, which this could actually be really detrimental, but I'm going to tryand go, carnival or Q2. sorry, show me. I know that's going to be fun. so I'mgoing to be doing that. And hopefully that helps, uh, make me more aerodynamic,I guess you could say, and really at the body build that muscle better withoutany distraction, for the actual building part of the program.
[00:38:51] Andrew: I'm a huge.
[00:38:53] Andrew: Fan of the knees over toes guy, whichis funny since I've really not done anything of his. And I only found out abouthim a couple months [00:39:00] ago, but that'shis big claim to fame was he basically went
[00:39:02] Andrew: from a bad injured
[00:39:04] Andrew: to being able to play basketball likein his thirties. And, uh, Hey, that sounds familiar.
[00:39:09] Andrew: so big fan of him, one of the thingsthat he talks about is really building up your hamstrings and doing, a lot oflike, Asymmetrical work, including sled, push and pull. So those are going tobe kind of my two big things. I'm going to be doing a lot of sled, push, pullstuff, and jumping a lot, uh, preferably off one or both legs depending on theday.
[00:39:31] Andrew: And that'll be kind of my main attemptthere. So, uh, beyond that, I really just business as usual. hopefullyeverything else will. Be able to work out. I'll try and keep track of the repsand the pounds
[00:39:45] Andrew: and the gym that I'm hitting and whatexercise I was exercises I was doing that day, or at least the main one for
[00:39:52] Andrew: jumping,
[00:39:53] Andrew: I guess. So we'll see how it goes.I'll just try and be consistent. We'll see if just tracking it and workingtowards that specific goal changes. Anything.
[00:40:01] Andrew: Uh, so Brett, if you've got any, youknow, two to 25 cents, all the way up to a dollar, even of sense that you wantto throw in on this, you know, you're the strongest of the three of us.
[00:40:11] Andrew: So you must know the most.
[00:40:12] Bret: I don't know if I'm the strongest rightnow, I'm trying to catch up. But, no, I I'm. I'm excited for y'all. I thinkit's going to be a good challenge. Um, one thing I would recommend is if you'regoing to do, whenever you do your vertical test, whether it's once a week,twice a week daily, if I'd be curious to do a few tests, like before you wenton.
[00:40:32] Bret: And then do a few tests after you do alittle bit of warmup and then do a test after you stretch or something, just tosee if that makes a difference. And then even, um, you know, as y'all areworking on getting, you know, stronger intro, cleaning up your diet, test someof the techniques, as far as, you know, using your arms swings, changing upsome of your steps.
[00:40:52] Bret: Um, cause I bet that's where you get themost bang for your buck on the vertical tip. but now that's, uh, I'm pumped. Ihope y'all are both dumping by the end of the month.
[00:41:01] Daniel: Oh, we're going to definitely both bedunking there's there's no, no doubt about it. even if it's Andrew, likestanding on my shoulders, we'll find a way to dump.
[00:41:09] Daniel: We'll get
[00:41:09] Bret: there. Yeah. Vince Carter and ClydeDrexler by the end of the month. That's what I'm
[00:41:15] Daniel: expecting. That's right. I mean,there's a lot of things that would have to happen to get us there. It's fine.One step at a time and dunking and step one. okay. Well, before we close outthe episode, we're keeping Storytime.
[00:41:30] Daniel: It's a staple of our guest episodes,but since, you are here on back to back episodes, we get to flip the script alittle bit and I'm going to actually tell a story about you, Andrew. Doesn'tdoesn't get to tell a story. He doesn't know you well enough yet. And did thatright. Maybe someday. so in our last episode, you came in and share a couple ofthe nicest stories that have ever been told publicly about Andrew and I.
[00:41:59] Daniel: So first of all, thank [00:42:00] you. Thank you for doing that. you're atrue friend and the stories that I want to tell, I think. Highlight again, howgenerous you are and how thoughtful you are. And so for anybody that doesn't know,Brett, Brett is an epic party planner like an ethic, is it planner it? Andmaybe that's not actually true.
[00:42:22] Daniel: Maybe he just like ethically. Angela.I know that that is true. That is true. Um, so since being friends with Brett,I've seen so many just really awesome events and parties and things like thatthat have been planned around, you know, Christmas, new years. Uh, I think. Uh,Christmas party where you created like several different things from JimmyFallon's like, uh, late night, like events that we got to do, Madlibs gifts,Madelyn's gifts for Christmas movies.
[00:42:55] Daniel: You also did, like, he does this thingwhere you reach inside of a box and like, you, you can't see what's in there.So you're like, yeah, you created a box where we did that. Yeah. Do you thingslike that, um, pretty recently you rented out an entire coffee shop to do abirthday party. Angela moved like tables,
[00:43:16] Bret: uh, coffee, karaoke.
[00:43:18] Bret: That was awesome. Yeah, that was
[00:43:19] Daniel: awesome. So epic events and the storyI want to tell was an opportunity where we got to do one together, which waslike a dream come true because I know how much you love doing events andplanning events. I also really loved to. Just do elaborate over the top typesof things.
[00:43:40] Daniel: And so, uh, this past December, um, wehad the chance to go out to, I think, a Cedar Ridge reserve or something likethat. So it's a lake near Dallas and there's just really, really awesome house.We'd actually been to once before where you planned an epic Lord of the ringsweekend for a group of friends and cooked like pretty much single-handedly, um,an entire feast. So as we were there, we were like, we got to come back to thisplace. It's so awesome. Um, and we need to do it kind of in the wintertime whenwe talked about doing a Harry Potter theme. And so we were able to make thathappen and, uh, We decided we were going to create like this Wizarding housegames across the course of the whole weekend.
[00:44:27] Daniel: And it was just so much fun to take aGoogle sheet and throw all of these random ideas out there. Um, I started byjust like, yeah, lots of random ideas. And then you came in and. Together.We're able to kind of put together all of these different events, sort ofranging from, uh, like rock paper scissors, but with spells and you did spellcasting.
[00:44:53] Daniel: Um, we have four cruxes hiddenthroughout the entire house teams
[00:44:58] Bret: had to find and destroy her [00:45:00] horcrux
[00:45:00] Daniel: is throughout the course of theweekend. Um, we still had a Harry Potter theme, food floating candles. All thatfun stuff. The best part was we ended up making this. It was sort of like aprogressive escape room, I guess.
[00:45:14] Daniel: And at the end it was like a legitescape room where you had to go up the staircase with all these booby traps toget biased on the flood. The first book. Yes. Yeah. All of the differentchallenges that they had to, to clear in order to make it to the sources ofstuff. Yeah. You had to get by fluffy going up the stairs.
[00:45:33] Daniel: Um, you put together this awesome,like ki uh, how would you describe that? Yeah, so the,
[00:45:40] Bret: yeah, yeah. In the, in the book, in themovie, they had to find the key to get through, um, whatever it was to the nextchallenge. So the wind keys, so we had a drawer full of random. Antique lookingkeys and they had to match up the right ones to get through the door.
[00:45:55] Bret: That was, yeah. And you had to
[00:45:56] Daniel: ride a broomstick to
[00:45:57] Bret: the rider, broke down. You had to writea broomstick.
[00:46:00] Daniel: So we had some, uh, some wizardschess. That was cool. You had to, you had to solve the, you had one move. Um,take the king. You had to solve it as quick as you can. All of this is timed bythe way, uh, uh, potions challenge riddle.
[00:46:16] Daniel: Um, we, we did a toilet paper wrappingfor the devil scenario and then like a true legitimate escape room. That wasseriously like all you, you put together an escape room that was better thansome professional escape rooms I've been to. Um, so really I, that is my storyof Joe. The epic party planning in the extravagant efforts that you'd go to inorder to, uh, yeah.
[00:46:47] Daniel: Just create awesome experiences foryour friends, for your family. And it's something that I think is very uniqueabout you and I very much appreciate,
[00:46:55] Bret: appreciate it. Appreciate it. Eden andRiley, our daughters. They're going to have epic birthday parties get ready. Ithink everybody had a fun time with Harry Potter.
[00:47:05] Bret: We had a blast. There's no doubtplanning the, uh, the events and challenges and then putting everybody throughthrough them. So I appreciate that. And also part of the reason that I plan, Itry to plan epic birthday parties for Angela is because she is the best atsurprising me with parties. And so I, I try to try to hang with her, but no, Iappreciate you sharing that story
[00:47:27] Daniel: runs runs in the blood
[00:47:30] Bret: sort of thing, I
[00:47:31] Daniel: guess.
[00:47:33] Daniel: All right. Well, thank you for joiningus for two episodes. Brett. It's unprecedented. You're our first repeat guest.Yeah.
[00:47:42] Bret: And still biggest fan throwing it outthere. I know. Uh, there's been a couple of people have told me that they, uh,they feel like they're the biggest fan since our last episode, but I'm on thepodcast flights.
[00:47:53] Bret: I'm the biggest fan I'm there. It'srecorded. Forever archived. Documented. Yeah.
[00:47:59] Daniel: You [00:48:00]can say scoreboard at this point,
[00:48:05] Daniel: we appreciate having you on, uh, feelfree to, you know, observe or join the vertical challenge as much as you wouldlike, and to all of our other listeners. We hope that you enjoy following alongwith, uh, the challenges, whether you're just kind of listening in or whetherit's inspired you to do something similar.
[00:48:23] Daniel: Uh, we'd love to hear about thoseexperiences. We'll shout you out on the podcast. Um, if you want to be likeBrett and be on the episode a couple of times and, um, get to go through one ofthese challenges with us, we would love that as well. So look forward tohearing from us in a couple of weeks on. How the vertical leap is going.
[00:48:42] Daniel: Um, how close Andrew and I are tobecoming Vince Carter and Clyde Drexler. And we look forward to connecting withyou until then. Thank you.