Can we get those squats into bigger, and better fields?
We finished our mile run challenge (running it faster, that is), and are onto a squat challenge to close out the year!
Join us for this last challenge of 2022, and have a great holiday season!
If you're ready to run faster, squat more weight, and hopefully jump higher, this is the episode for you.
Short version:
Daniel was exceptionally close to getting a sub six minute mile. Sadly, life got in the way of his training schedule.
Andrew hit his sub 7:30 mile, so drinks all around for those who wanted that to happen!
A type of diabetes that can develop during pregnancy in women who don't already have diabetes.
I wore one of these a couple months back and it was actually pretty interesting. You can alos go for the Levels version that has a much more friendly user interface for a premium on the front end.
Cool (kind of expensive) fitness tracker to help your cardio engine get stepped up.
[00:00:00] Daniel: Hi guys, and welcome to the Dead byTomorrow podcast. My name is Daniel Winter, and my co-host is Andrew Monroe. Ineach episode, Andrew and I will explore topics that you should think aboutbefore you die. We encourage you to remember that some tomorrow will be yourlast, so each day could be your final chance to really live.
[00:00:18] Andrew: Well, hello everyone and welcome backto the show. Uh, apologies for those of you who are, you know, desperate forthat regular update. Uh, Daniel went and had his second child and I can youbelieve it, it threw off the schedule a little bit, so, uh, you can totallyblame Daniel and his. Newborn son for that one.
No, that's awesome though. So Daniel, I'm glad you're able tomake it. Uh, you now have a one week old baby, not even quite a week old yet.Um, how's that been?
[00:00:49] Daniel: Yeah, we're not, not even at the oneweek mark, I think we're at like four days or something like that. He wassupposed to be born on Thanksgiving Day and fortunately decided to come early.That's something Hillary and I were both hoping for, both praying for, becausewe're hosting my family and we just thought it'd be a lot more fun if.
We already had him and we're kind of in a bit of a routinebefore trying to do the whole Thanksgiving thing, and Hillary had gestationaldiabetes. So him, he being here now means that she gets to actually enjoy allof the Thanksgiving food. So we are thrilled that, uh, Jonas decided to comeout a little bit early.
[00:01:34] Andrew: I bet she's really happy. That soundsrough. The, the diabetes, I didn't know that was a thing.
[00:01:42] Daniel: I didn't either. Um, yeah, and it's,she did a really good job of managing it. You have to check your levels, youhave to be really conscious of what you eat and try to get good exercise. Andso she did a good job with it, but it made it to where she was. [00:02:00] You know, not gaining as much weight asyou normally do during pregnancy.
And, uh, we had to check a lot of his levels before leaving thehospital. Make sure that those were all good to go. Um, typically kids thathave, where, where the mom has geal gestational diabetes, typically they're alittle bit bigger. So that's also good that he was born. Not quite two weeksearly, but almost two weeks early.
Cause that means that he was a little bit smaller than what hewould have been if he had gone the full term
[00:02:33] Andrew: Gotcha. Well, your wife is quite thepetite woman so that's good to hear.
[00:02:39] Daniel: Yeah. Yeah.
[00:02:41] Andrew: Huh? Did y'all, uh, try and what, howwas she testing? Was she using like a something or was she using one of theglucose monitors that are floating around?
[00:02:49] Daniel: No, it was, it was just the, like thethumb prick test, um, doesn't really make sense to get a more intense monitorwhen it's just for a finite period of time. My dad has one of those, um, likecontinuous glucose monitors and I think it's really awesome.
[00:03:06] Andrew: I, I loved the, I had it for thatmonth and I thought it was a blast. So, and it was, you can get them if you doit right, affordably. Mine was not what I would consider exactly affordable,but you know, I have bad habits in that regard. Um, and also it's like the, Ithink it's a Dexcom G six, but.
[00:03:24] Daniel: good
[00:03:25] Andrew: We were in Vegas, oh, two months ago,I think, and it might be less.
And I saw so many people with it, like tons, like every thirdor fourth person had one of those, uh, glucose monitors on. It was the weirdestthing. So I'm pretty sure I started to trend there. But, uh, you know, that'vebeen cool if they could have gotten to try it, but probably, you know, morereasonable not to actually chase that and to add the discomfort.
I can't imagine. trying to sleep with one of those and also bepregnant at the same time. That doesn't sound fun.
[00:03:56] Daniel: Yeah, not at all.
[00:03:57] Andrew: Mm-hmm. . So there you go. Well, [00:04:00] hey, we have a challenge that we wrappedup, uh, really like two weeks ago, honestly. But
[00:04:06] Daniel: Hey, speak for yourself. I, I stilltried to log another, another, uh, time today,
[00:04:12] Andrew: Oh, really? Did it go better?
[00:04:14] Daniel: uh, so. I think when we originallytalked about this, I was saying I wanted to get my mile below five, which Istill would like to do at some point. That was not a realistic goal for one,um, coming off of my Frisbee season, spraining my ankle, and not getting tojust kind of roll straight into training.
I had to take some time off and all of that fun stuff. Youknow, five minute mile is just hard. So I kind of amended my goal to trying toget it below six. And I, I don't have the, uh, air table pulled up. You mayhave that pulled up, but I think my times were something in the range of likesix 50. My first run, that was bad.
It was in the neighborhood. It wasn't on the track. Um, andthen I think I had like a six, I don't know, maybe like 20 something and like.6 0 7, 6 0 3. That one was so frustrating, so close, and then dropped back tolike a six 15. Um, and then today I did a, a 6 0 7, so I'm right there. Soclose.
[00:05:28] Andrew: Yeah, right on the edge. Yeah, Ipulled up to Air Tail and looks like the six of three was your best time yougot in there, which is, uh, still a lot better than mine,
[00:05:39] Daniel: Yeah. Yeah. So, so it was hard. Imean, I'm, I'm glad that I had a reason to consistently stick with my Sundaytrack workouts. Um, but I think if I'm gonna shave a lot more time off, Iprobably need to run at least one other time in the week [00:06:00] instead of, I'm pretty much just liftingand doing some. PT type maintenance exercises during the week, aside from mySunday track workouts.
[00:06:12] Andrew: Yeah. Uh, I thought it went prettywell. I mean, I, I wouldn't say I enjoyed running anymore than I usually do,uh, especially whenever it's the mile. Like I kind of, I'm kind of okay withlike the two, three mile runs that are really slow and I'm just watchingNetflix while I'm doing it, which, Oh man. Uh, high school Andrew would kill mefor hearing that.
Or, you know, college Andrew, uh, the motivated Andrew would bevery angry about that. Cause I used to be pretty hardcore about, uh, what youwere allowed and not allowed to do while running and watching. Netflix wasdefinitely not on the, uh, to do list because it's, you're not trying as hardand I'm not gonna say I was wrong about it, but I really enjoy, uh, just thatcardio.
Watch some Netflix or, you know, catch up on anime orsomething. So the miles were less fun, but, uh, it definitely was good for me.I definitely saw some improvements on the run. I ended up hitting my seven, uh,30 Target, uh, what was that, two Sundays ago, and haven't tried to clock onesince. Uh, but I was in New York last weekend and this weekend it's been cold ,so,
[00:07:12] Daniel: It has been cold. Ugh. I hate thecold.
[00:07:15] Andrew: And I, I ate too much last weekend.Uh, I was not gonna go try and bust out a another mile after what was basicallya very excessive food binge for Shalom's birthday in New York. So, and thenwork's been crazy. I have all the excuses, so, you know, pick whichever one youwant.
[00:07:34] Daniel: hey, if we're gonna actually doSpartan Races next year, you've gotta, you've gotta stick with some consistentrunning. Otherwise, I'm gonna leave you in the dust and. not gonna do the racetogether,
[00:07:46] Andrew: in my defense, I have ran a few timesthis week. I just haven't pushed for a mile. Um, I did a two mile run onTuesday, I think, and then [00:08:00] I guess Ididn't run again besides Tuesday, but I did get, uh, cardio session in onThursday and Friday, so I. I can't even remember what I did. I think I didstair stepper on Thursday, on Friday.
I must have, I can't remember what I did. It was just two daysago. Anyways, , I, I got three cardio sessions in. I actually kind ofbacktracked on some of my lifting comparatively. Um, and I played somevolleyball on Wednesday night, so that kind counts. So I'm trying there, I'mjust not pushing the mile time as hard at the moment, uh, after I got my littlesuccess.
The seven 30 mile, which I was, it, it really hurt. I was nothappy about it. But, uh, I also, I think what helped was, you were saying, youwere basically doing a track workout once a week. Um, and then I, you werestill coming off of some injuries and sickness and stuff. I came into thechallenge a lot better than I was, uh, the previous month.
Cause I'd gotten sick like a month and a half ago. And so Icame in actually feeling pretty good and I was hitting two or three.Somethings, you know, I was doing definitely a track work on Sundays and then Ithink Wednesday and Friday most week I was doing something. And it might nothave been just a straight mile, which is kinda what I wanted to do, was justrun a mile every day and just see that did it.
But I didn't end up having the discipline to do that, but justdifferent things to kinda increase that cardio engine, uh, paired with the trackworkout on Sunday, so I was getting three days a week. In an attempt toincrease that mileage time. So I think it helped. Uh,
[00:09:33] Daniel: that's solid.
[00:09:34] Andrew: I think it was good.
[00:09:35] Daniel: And when you say you're seven 30 milehurt, what specifically hurt?
[00:09:42] Andrew: Uh, for me it was the, uh, the lungcapacity and I guess my hips a little bit. Um, but it wasn't my legs. It wasjust that, that burn you get whenever you, uh, outpace your cardio engine.
[00:09:55] Daniel: Interesting. See, I was, I was talkingto Brett today cuz he came [00:10:00] up to thethe track with me for my run today and. The cardio aspect is not my limitingfactor on this run. Like I'm certainly outta breath. It certainly hurts, butit's not like when you and I would run in high school and I would throw upbecause I push myself cardio wise too hard or would like be lightheaded and allof this kind of stuff.
Like I'm not experiencing that. It's my legs, like the musclesand my legs are. on fire, by the end and legs are kinda on the heavier side,and that's what is, is kind of slowing me up, um, for like pushing through andgetting some faster time.
[00:10:48] Andrew: Well, and I, that's because. And thisis from my slightly unscientific point of view, but you are doing what would becloser to not even would be closer. You're doing pure fast twitch. It's verymuscle intensive. Um, I haven't gotten to where I'm actually truly engagingmuscles on these runs because I'm not moving at that speed.
I, I really think. Probably down to the maybe six 30 mark.You're really just, you're nothing crazy for your legs. It's pure cardioengine. Um, but you start getting past those points and you start really havingto recruit muscle to actually push yourself faster, cuz you're hitting theground more and you're pushing harder when you're hitting the ground.
The, the pace I'm running at is not a muscle pace. I'm notusing. Muscles I'm using running technique and momentum basically. I think I,and I don't know, I'm sure someone who actually knows these kind of things canprobably correct me and tell me how stupid I'm sounding, but, uh, to mesprinting is more like riding a bike where you're really pushing it.
Um, the slower runs I really don't think use that much muscle.
[00:11:57] Daniel: Interesting.
[00:11:58] Andrew: I don't know, do you ever get, you [00:12:00] know, if you go run five miles, do yourlegs get.
[00:12:03] Daniel: Man, I haven't run five miles inprobably five years, so I don't remember
[00:12:09] Andrew: See, mine don't, I think, like I'llfeel it in my calves every once in a while, uh, depending on how far I'mrunning and how often I've run, but, I think the only time my like quads haveever hurt from a run was when I did a half marathon and then I was like, oh,your legs can get sore from a run. That's cool.
And that was like it. But whenever you start getting into likea sprint, you know, if you go do a sprint, you could do a sprint for 30 secondsand you'll be sore the next day in those quads. So I don't know. That might besomething worth researching and figuring out why the difference is, but I'mgonna assume it's the fast twitch, slow twitch kind of stuff.
And on the slow twitch side, you're just, You're not puttingthat much effort into your muscles actually generating any kind of force.
[00:12:51] Daniel: Hmm.
[00:12:52] Andrew: I don't know, but no, for me, it's theengine I've really slacked off in my engine. And, uh, it hurt. I was, I wasbreathing real heavy, uh, really the whole, the last two, three minutes ofmine, which is, you know, 50% of I hit the, like halfway point.
I was like, oh no. I dunno if I'm gonna make it at this pace.But we got there.
[00:13:14] Daniel: Yeah, that that mile three is, or notmile three, sorry. Lap three is the worst when you're, you're technically overhalfway done, but you still
[00:13:26] Andrew: got so far
[00:13:27] Daniel: Yeah. Yeah, you can gut it through Forlap four. Lap one feels great. Lap two, you know, you kind of come off it alittle bit, and then lap three is just hell.
[00:13:39] Andrew: Well, and that is something that, andthat is where I need to do another test at some point, which I've probably shotmyself from the foot now two weeks out. But I did everything on a treadmillbecause I just didn't want to go to the track. That's always busy and there'speople out there, and so I was doing everything on the treadmill and working ongetting that treadmill time down, which, I go back and forth because on onehand I [00:14:00] get to set the, you know,treadmill like, hey, I wanna run a seven 30 mile, or in this case I tried torun faster than a seven 30 mile.
I had to crank it up to like a 7 45 and then crank it back downto like a seven 20 mile, um, to get that seven 30 in there. Cuz I overcommittedat the beginning. But compared to times I get, when I'm on the track, I usuallyrun faster on the track. , but I don't have my pacing skills at the moment.Like I can't, I can't like pace myself anymore like I used to.
I just used to be instinct almost. And then you're in the sameboat, I'm sure, where it's like, yeah, I'm at my six and a half minute pace.I'm at a seven minute pace and it's just natural to you. And I've completely lostthat. Like I get on the track and I have no idea what pace I'm running atanymore. So, uh, I didn't try it on a track because.
I didn't want to try that. I did a couple track workouts withlike my watch, and I probably could have done that, but for the actual test, Ijust cranked up the treadmill at the and on it. So I, if I cheated, I guess iswhat I'm getting at, or if I made it harder on myself.
[00:15:00] Daniel: I think running on the track is easierthan the treadmill, but that's just me. Like I think, I think the track you, Istill think it's more forgiving than a treadmill. I kind of refuse to run a lotof distance. Anything that's not a track like that spongy material, just cuz
[00:15:18] Andrew: Oh, it feels so much better than atreadmill.
[00:15:21] Daniel: Um, and I, I don't know, I just amnever quite as motivated on the treadmill.
I mean, I hear what you're saying in that you can set a paceand it kinda like forces you to it. But I, I don't know, it, it's not verymotivating to me to just run in the same spot over and over and.
[00:15:42] Andrew: No, and that's, that's what I'msaying. I don't know which way I, I did it, you know, I don't know if I mademyself worse or better with it, because historically the track is where I, Iwould do drastically better. Um, but it's been a while, so I don't know ifthat's still true or if I took an easy way out and set it.
So, I don't know. I'll, I'll have to [00:16:00]find out and run against the track and see which one comes out with a bettertime. You know, if I was using a crutch or if I was, uh, using an anchor So,but it was good. So you enjoyed the challenge even, uh, despite the weather andeverything coming off of it.
[00:16:17] Daniel: Yeah. No, it's, it's been good. I, Ilike having goals that help me to just maintain, and I don't know if we'vetalked about that much before. Um, at least on the podcast. I know I've talkedabout it outside of the podcast, but we're both 30 plus now and I feel like. Inage where most people are like, oh, you're 30, you know, you're old, you'reprobably slow now.
You, you probably are like, hurt all the time, you know,athletically, way outside of your prime, blah, blah, blah. That kind of stuff.And, you know, I'm, I'm not running a five 30 mile like I was in college andthen in college I was probably playing like 10 hours of Frisbee and two hoursof basketball and two hours of volleyball.
Pretty much every week. And I think if I did that now , I wouldstruggle a little bit to walk around. Um, but I'm still not like way far offathletically and in some areas and just right where I was at a college level,um, athletically. And I think the biggest thing is that I've just neverstopped. Like, I've never been like, okay, I'm gonna.
You know, take a break. I'm gonna step away from doing theseworkouts. I'm gonna, you know, put on 30 pounds because I'm gonna keep eatinglike I was, and I'm not gonna work out anymore. And I haven't had like a crazyinjury or anything like that. And so I think that that maintenance is the mostimportant aspect of health, and that's why I like these challenges.
You know, the Frisbee season is over. So it would be easy forme to, especially having two kids now, to just kind of chill out, be on the [00:18:00] couch for the next few months, and then belike, okay, it's Frisbee season, I gotta get back in shape. And that's just somuch harder than staying in shape. And especially the older you get, it's a lotharder to just like, oh, I'm just gonna get back in shape now.
So I'll just say yes, I, I have enjoyed the c.
[00:18:16] Andrew: That's good. Is there anything youwould've changed differently on your runs to maybe get sub, you know, sixminutes?
[00:18:23] Daniel: Oh, I mean, just running more in theweek. , I only made it out basically once a week, so I tried to do a little bitmore, but the track was taken often outside of Sundays. And like I said, I donot wanna run, not on the.
[00:18:42] Andrew: Well, and that's exactly why I wasable to get stuff in, was not trying to get to the track, you know, with schoolin session. Uh, and I don't know, I don't know about, you know, our people whoare listening, maybe they have a different track access than us, but like, Youknow, if the school's track's being used, like any of the school's track,that's, that's where I go.
I don't have a different track to go work at. Like the gym I goto has like a, you know, tiny little square. It's actually like five or sixdifferent right angles in this track. Um, It's like the worst looking trackI've ever seen in my life. Um, it's like 10 yards and then a left, uh, rightangle for three yards, and then another right angle for another five yards anda left angle.
Another left 90 degree angle for another 10 yards, and then youget like 20 yards and then you get like maybe a hundred yards and then you getlike two more angles. It's like six different little squares. It's the worstthing ever. So, um, therefore, you know, school's in session, uh, track istaken up, uh, at least to my bedtime, so , so it was hard to, hard to get tothe track if it wasn't our weekend. So I get it.
[00:19:53] Daniel: for sure. Did you wear your AppleWatch or anything like that while you were doing your runs? I'm [00:20:00] curious if you,
[00:20:01] Andrew: I did. You one better actually. Um.
[00:20:03] Daniel: you've got your whoop as.
[00:20:05] Andrew: Yep. So I put my whoop in there. Uh, Idid screenshots on the air table, so if you check out the show notes, um, Ithink I got all of them, but one run I, one of the runs, my whoop just didn'ttrack it or died or something. I can't remember what happened, but I, uh, Tooka screenshot of my whoop results for all of them.
And then also the Apple results are somewhere on my phone aswell. But the ones are what I found really interesting cuz it gives you thatkind of the strain and how your body responded to it. So they're in there. Itwas, uh oh.
[00:20:39] Daniel: what kind of, uh, like what, what didsome of your heart rate look like in terms of average and different zones andthat kind of stuff?
[00:20:48] Andrew: So. Not great , to be honest. Uh, mostof the runs, and I'm, I'm working off of memory here. Uh, I'll try and tool itup and see if I can get there, but I was, I'd usually peak out at probablyclose to 160, 170 beats per minute. Um, during the. The peak of the run, andthis is what was interesting as well, is I would go up, let's say at the halfhalfway point, you know, I'd get half a mile and two laps in, and I'd peak outat a hundred and, uh, 60 beats per minute, and then I'd kind of, it would dropoff the last little bit of the mile.
Now the, the seven 30 mile where I really pushed it, um, I, Iwas bumping 180. The entire time. But for, yeah, , um, I, I was getting up in aheart attack territory, uh, . But again, that's, that's exactly why I like thewhoop for my unathletic self is. It's telling you like, hey, um, it's takingnot just your, your heart rate, but a couple different factors and it kind ofspins it into this strain score and it says, Hey, [00:22:00]this is how hard you basically worked your cardio engine in your heart and. Youknow, uh, the more you bounce that ceiling, the better you get at it and thebetter, you know, cardio wise you get, or strain wise you get, and so you cankind of see it. I mean, a, a four week time span is not a huge, um, data set towork with, but. You could kind of see where as my times kind of moved around alittle bit, you could see the strain kind of moving around.
So more than anything, it was just kind of cool seeing what thestrain would equal depending on what I trade. And so if I did like a 10 minutemile, I'd have, you know, a, maybe a strain of a nine. And then if I did a nineminute mile, that strain might jump up to 10. But on a, you know, the seven anda half minute mile, that strain jumped up.
But it also didn't jump up as much as you'd think. It wasreally only up to, I think like an 11 and a half, maybe a 12. Uh, so playingaround with that was kind of interesting. Um, the longer I would run, so if Ido like a three mile run, it actually gets that strain much higher than if I doa really hard one mile. So for anybody that's just looking purely for health,um, there's probably something in there for someone to learn. Uh, I'm notreally sure exactly what it is, but it seems like a slower, longer pace isprobably better for your cardiovascular system than a really hard, fast pace.
[00:23:22] Daniel: Well, I think what I had heard is thatyou, you basically wanna have a high heart rate type of workout for about 30 minutes,is kind of
[00:23:31] Andrew: Yep.
[00:23:32] Daniel: the ideal and. You know, I know you'renot running your miles crazy fast, but it's taking you less time than 30minutes. So if you even your, you know, your seven 30 mile, like, yeah, that's,you're pushing your heart rate way up there, but then you're done.
And if you do a three mile, you know that's taking you probablyclose to 30 minutes and you're working your heart three times longer.
[00:23:58] Andrew: Exactly, and that's, that's [00:24:00] what it is. You know, that strain justgoes up because you're, you know, I might not be hitting 180 on the three milesfor 30 minutes, but I'm maintaining maybe 140 and 150 for 30 minutes instead of180 for roughly two minutes . So, um, it was kinda interesting just seeingthat. So there's a bunch of different, uh, screenshots of all the differentruns I did, or, you know, if I did anything cardio related.
Um, so it was kind of cool. It was nice to see, you know,effort put down on paper in a way. So that was interesting. Part of thechallenge.
[00:24:32] Daniel: Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, I was justcurious. My, I was looking through some of my heart rates. I definitely didn'tget up into 180 on any of the runs. Um, I think like one 70 was the highestpoint I had on any run, and on average it was like between 1 40, 1 50 was kindof where it was hanging.
[00:24:54] Andrew: That's good that, I mean, as long asyou're pushing it
[00:24:59] Daniel: Well again, and I, and I think that
[00:25:01] Andrew: you're crossing, yeah, go ahead.
[00:25:02] Daniel: I was just gonna say, that kind ofgoes back into what I was saying where from a cardio perspective, like it washard, but I didn't feel like I was gonna die. My heart rate wasn't in heartattack territory. Um, it, it really is more just that muscle issue.
[00:25:19] Andrew: Well, and Yeah, exactly. And that'swhat I was thinking about, like you were, you're talking about the differencebetween that, that muscle problem versus that engine problem. So you'reobviously not having an engine problem, it's pure. You're having to look aroundthe rest of your body, and I think that's why a lot of those, I don't know,those sprinters that you see online, they have some huge quads.
Just their legs are just tree trunks. And then you go look at along distance runner and they look like starved. You know, adults that havenever seen a pizza in their life, they're just tiny, tiny. Almost no muscle on'em, anything like that. But the [00:26:00]sprinters, which is what you're talking about whenever you're doing, you know,that that fast of a mile, um, they're monstrously muscled.
So it's kinda interesting. Okay. We've covered the run. Uh, Idon't wanna, you know, we can go into the weeds on this, but we won't. So we'vegot one more challenge to close out the year. And we're gonna do anotherphysical it sounds like. So we're gonna do a squat. Speaking of quad, do yousee how we did that?
Little segue So squat challenge, what are you squatting rightnow?
[00:26:31] Daniel: Um, let's see. Last week I think Isquatted like two.
60. I'll pull up
[00:26:41] Andrew: can leave it at two pounds. I'm finewith that. Two pounds. It is two 60, uh, for reps or Maxin.
[00:26:48] Daniel: for reps.
[00:26:49] Andrew: Okay. Uh, what kind of reps are wetalking?
[00:26:53] Daniel: Pretty much just three by five,
[00:26:55] Andrew: Nice. So three by 5, 2 60. Uh, that'spretty good. Do you think you, uh, have some in the tank or what's your goalgonna
[00:27:03] Daniel: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I, I think, um,I think I can add maybe another 15 pounds to that over the course of the nextmonth.
[00:27:15] Andrew: 15. 2 75. No, 2 85. 2 75. I had itright.
[00:27:23] Daniel: Math
[00:27:25] Andrew: gets me every time. So 2 75 for threeby five. That is not a small amount of weight.
[00:27:32] Daniel: Yeah. What.
[00:27:34] Andrew: Uh, not that, um, what did I hit? Ithink I actually just texted you the other day. Um, I think I hit 2 45, uh, fora five by five, so I could probably go a little bit up. Um, I don't know, Ijust, I really wanna do three plates, but I dunno if I'll get there for reps.
[00:27:58] Daniel: well in a month.
[00:27:59] Andrew: [00:28:00]Yeah. . Yeah, that'd be kind of wild. No, I was thinking for like a one max, aone rap max.
[00:28:05] Daniel: Oh, okay. Okay.
[00:28:07] Andrew: I, I think two 70 five's good. I mightaim for 2 75 as well. Um, see if I've been shortchanging myself. I, I haven'tfailed on a squat in a while. I've at least like bailed out of a squad. I'veprobably failed in terms of not going to depth that I should, but really pushedmyself to that point of like, oh no, this is too much weight.
I'm in trouble.
[00:28:28] Daniel: Oh, I don't, I don't like to go tofailure and squats. That scares me. I.
[00:28:32] Andrew: it scares me too. I don't know whyI've got cheater bars at the gym. Like there's nothing that's gonna happen tome. I'll just go too deep , and then I'll have to dive out from under it or endup on my butt. Um, so I just don't ever push it like that. But 2 75, I thinkI'm gonna, I'm gonna steal your number two and I'll go for 2 75 as well.
What are you gonna do? Anything different? You're just gonnakeep pushing it.
[00:28:56] Daniel: No, I just need consistency, um,especially with having Jonas around. So if I can just make sure that I get toat least the two lifts a week. And then kind of in between my lifts, I'm gonnacontinue to run. I'm gonna probably continue to do some like hip flexer type PTitems, just kind of strengthening lots of other stuff.
But, um, doing that and then eating a lot of Thanksgiving.
[00:29:24] Andrew: Yeah, that's all you need. Get thatTurkey in ya get that protein . You know, I, I was talking to Colton, uh,Saturday who went and squatted actually, and he was just talking about how hisknees hurt, you know, that kind of stuff. Um, he's actually getting that fixedwith it. That was the point of it. He's like, ah, my knees didn't hurt, youknow, nearly as much as I usually do when we squat.
And so I was like, that's awesome. Is there anything on you,since we're talking about, you know, age, just being a number, that kinda thingthat hurts when you squat.
[00:29:53] Daniel: No
[00:29:54] Andrew: Okay. I mean, once I, once I got overthe knee thing and started squatting right again, um, [00:30:00]my hip gets a little tight sometimes, but it's, it's more of, I'm just notwarmed up.
Like I can tell whenever I don't warm up that that's really it.If I warm up, it's pretty solid.
[00:30:13] Daniel: it's purely, purely muscle fatigue,nothing joint wise. So,
[00:30:18] Andrew: that's good, man. That's good. Yeah,
[00:30:21] Daniel: only, the only thing that gets mesometimes lifting is if I do push press sometimes I feel it a bit in my back.everything
[00:30:27] Andrew: That's probably not great
[00:30:28] Daniel: Mm-hmm.
[00:30:29] Andrew: but I'm probably going to, I reallydon't think I'm gonna change much. It'll just be what I've been focusing on andI, it's. By focus. It's more of like, thinking about more specifically has beenlike bench. Cause I just, I don't know, I'm a bro and really want a big benchafter all these years.
I still care about it too much, but it'll probably just kind ofshift my focus to, you know, hey, I really wanna make sure if I'm, when I'm atthe gym, which is usually about three days a week, Uh, and it's really all heneeds by the way, for those who are like, man, Andrew's going three andDaniel's going two.
Like, what's wrong with these guys? I really don't think youneed more than that. But anyways, uh, you know, when I'm there, I'll probablyjust try and keep, you know, squat in mind when I'm doing my workouts and belike, Hey, you know, make sure that you're saving some. Some gas in the tank toreally push the squat hard and take, uh, I guess you could say some risks withadding more weight than I might normally be trying to push for it for thismonth and see if I can just tower through up to that 2 75.
[00:31:31] Daniel: Let's do it. Let's get big booties,
[00:31:34] Andrew: Oh, I've already got one of those man.It might be the donuts, but this Beonca Don is thnking around
[00:31:42] Daniel: All right, let's get, let's get bigbooties that. Lets you jump high.
[00:31:47] Andrew: okay. Now you're just being mean Yeah,you're right. We'll get on that. That'll be good. I'm excited cuz Squatsprobably one of my favorites now. It is the one that I think is probably themost important exercise I. So [00:32:00] 2 75by, uh, by Christmas. That's the goal.
[00:32:03] Daniel: by Christmas. Otherwise, Santa justgives us lumps of coal.
[00:32:07] Andrew: lumps the goal is. All right. Well, toeverybody listening, uh, thank you guys for coming. We're excited to see ifDaniel and I can get a double see
thick by Christmas for you guys. Um, maybe we'll even start acalendar for you, . Till next time, we look forward to connecting with you.