On this episode of DxT, Andrew and Daniel talk with Jordan, a man of many talents, including a savvy business mind, excellent fitness and health knowledge, and what we suspect are some hacker skills that he did not confirm or deny. We cover a range of topics including how to stay healthy, balance work and fun, and Daniel and Jordan's mutual love for the Dallas Mavericks. Don't forget to share us with your friends and foes!
Daniel: [00:00:00] Hi guys, welcome to dead by tomorrow interviews. My name is Daniel Winter and my cohost is Andrew Monroe. As we explore different topics that we're thinking about today, we want to bring in guests to share their own unique perspective. We hope you enjoy hearing from our guests as much as we enjoy talking to you.
Andrew: [00:00:20] welcome back to dead by tomorrow. Today we have Daniel and a guest of ours and a mutual friend of mine, at least, named Jordan who is with agile consulting. Jordan's a really cool guy. And most recently was getting into really good shape on Instagram at least. And that's what started us wanting to bring him on, but he has a lot more than just his body.
So without further ado, Jordan, you wanna tell us a little bit about you.
Jordan: [00:00:45] Yeah, for sure. Thanks for the, the kind introduction. That's a little more than I deserve. We pretend me as a fitness. one of those Finsta Finstagram junkies, but, that's not me. I appreciate that. No, I'm a, I would say.
In that regard, I'm more of like a, I take the approach of like a nutrition first, as far as fitness. So that's kinda what I like to, tell people that ask me what I'm doing and that sort of thing. But, I'm also a full time. I'm a it administrator for this law firm in North Dallas and I'm loving it, man.
so I guess you could say I'm a little bit of a nerd, a little bit of a fitness junkie, but it's, anywhere in between, I like to try new things. That's awesome.
Andrew: [00:01:27] I'm gonna, I'm going to add a little bit to that because I think you undersold yourself. So I, and let me get this out there too. Cause Daniel might not realize this, since you and Daniel haven't actually met before, but is much as I like you.
We haven't actually spent a lot of time either. So this will probably be a learning experience for me about you, because a lot of my experiences with you were run into you at the gym or run into you wherever named Marilla before he moved. Jordan has an MBA. He's just this crazy smart guy. I have some really good friends that are really great at it.
And they all referenced Jordan as being this higher tier it guy. You're super fit. You play basketball like crazy. Like you've got just about all of the bases covered in every sense, financial, physical career, all that kind of jazz. and everybody I know loves you. I have never heard a person talk badly about you.
So you're you're right. They're on, the goal for what a lot of people that hopefully are listening to his podcasts would want to get to. Don't sell yourself too short. You're a really interesting
Jordan: [00:02:28] let's leave the podcast at that, man.
Thank you, man. Those are really kind words. I appreciate that. Or, Oh, you're right. We really didn't. We really didn't hang out. One-on-one a lot. Back when I was in Amarillo, the one off, when Derek, had you over or, I think we filmed at my house for one of his music videos, but yeah, just seeing you in continuing the gym, you always spark conversation.
We can have that intellectual sparring and, dude, you're a really fun guy to be around. And, I'm sure Daniel, I'm sure the same if you know this guy. [00:03:00] Hey, that's
Andrew: [00:03:00] funny. We talked about last
Daniel: [00:03:02] time we talked about how last time, you might assume Oh, yeah. Andrew is a decent guy now, or Daniel is a decent guy now.
So his friends probably are, but the problem is that Andrew and I met each other such a long time ago that we were terrible human beings back then. And so apart we're probably better than together. I feel like anytime we spent some time together that kind of comes back up a little bit.
Jordan: [00:03:25] That's good though. It makes good, a good podcasting.
Daniel: [00:03:30] Basketball it nerd fit and kinda, really just like crossing through all sorts of different stereotypes. Really? It, is there any one in particular that you feel like you would find yourself most pigeonholed in as far as being like a fitness person versus.
Being into nerd stuff. Like where do you feel like you fall?
Jordan: [00:03:51] it's funny you say when you use the word stare slashing stereotypes. Cause that's what I've always wanted to do. It's not really, I don't like being pigeonholed. I like, I think I feel limited and I've always looked up to like the Renaissance man, the guy who's decent at everything master of none.
I don't know the phrase. Can you pull that up? Yeah.
Daniel: [00:04:10] Yeah. Jack of all trades master.
Jordan: [00:04:12] Yeah. Exactly. I really liked that role. And I think you can offer more to your friends, family. It's really the world for that matter. if you're good at a bunch of different, areas of expertise and that you can dabble on each things and have your own input, but I just think that's more productive.
And, instead of, going the purist way on a, I would say. I identified as an athlete growing up, just being my dad was a coach. It was a really small school. So you try to just cling on to whatever identity anyone will give you at that point. And I'm sure that's everywhere, but when we're at a young, so I clung on to the athlete and this technology realm is new to me just to in the last five years.
I went and got my undergrad and information systems. So that was more programming focused. Hated it. Honestly, I hate it did not want to be just a code monkey all day long and I've got grew up. I found my way in the help desk, where you're interacting with people a lot more than you would as a coding guru.
And it's found my way into a CIS admin role, and I'm really loving this it branch. Of life and it's only a lot of curve balls, but I love it.
Daniel: [00:05:20] Yeah. I can relate on the information systems. I started out at a and M studying electrical engineering, which didn't love that. That's what my dad did.
And so that's just what I naturally gravitated towards and I'm stubborn. So I stuck with, for a full year. And then decided that wasn't for me. So I moved over into the business school and started out over there and information systems. And as I was going, I was like, I feel like this is. Very similar coursework to what I was just doing to ultimately ended up landing in marketing.
And that was definitely the right fit for me
Jordan: [00:05:58] after diving [00:06:00] into a, to just STEM heavy, backgrounds.
Daniel: [00:06:04] I wanted to do something that was a lot more focused on really just people analysis, which sounds a little bit creepy, but marketing is one of those things that whenever. Whenever somebody tells you that they studied marketing and they're in marketing.
I feel like naturally you picture advertising, you picture, something that's really creative with slogans, ethics, that sort of thing. And that's definitely part of marketing, but what is it is another huge aspect of it is just doing analysis on. Markets looking at what motivates people to buy things.
What are the different variables that impact success in the business world? And I found that incredibly interesting. So it was still a little bit of that data side. I didn't want to go just full people focused and do you know, management? I liked marketing because it had that people focus, but it still had a little bit of that data that I liked.
It just wasn't as much. So it was like information systems or electrical engineering.
Jordan: [00:07:03] Sure man. Yeah, I like that. And do you like the psychology of why people buy things and like the big five personality traits of a lot of different people and how it applies to what they buy or subconsciously what they see in an advertisement?
I thought that intrigues the heck out of me.
Daniel: [00:07:17] Yeah. It's funny. I actually ended up in. Health care and then more so in management then an actual, product marketing and things like that. you saying that reminds me of things from school, but most of what I'm doing now, it's more, taking a look at how do people grow to become good leaders.
how do people grow? And in there. Their empathy. and those types of things, more so than why do people buy things?
Jordan: [00:07:49] Oh, I love that dude. And that's, you can never have too many leaders. I guess you can strain, but too many chiefs, but, we need more leaders nowadays, dude.
That's awesome. Andrew, what did you go to school for? I don't think I've ever got that. I don't think I've ever asked
Andrew: [00:08:04] you. That's okay. in your defense, most of the time that we actually got to have good conversations, we were mostly naked in the sauna and that's right. You talk about more serious, or way more ridiculous things.
If there's such a small piece of cloth, one man and another man and share a community.
Jordan: [00:08:22] Doesn't come up. A lot of things don't come up.
Andrew: [00:08:29] Oh man. another time I've got to tell you about, I think it was after you moved. I ran into just two different scenarios. Two different days, were straight up just old naked men just came in, nothing on at all. And I was like, this song is getting weird, but I studied global affairs. It was.
I don't even know if they still offer it at tech. It was weird. They had this program. I thought it sounded cool because at the time I was in ROTC and I really didn't want to go do army things. I [00:09:00] wanted to go to Japan. So I was like, Oh, I'll pick this major. That will make them not get me killed. I met two other people through my three years at tech that study.
I read it. And I think I had four different advisors that. I never saw. And then I think they got rid of the program. So I'm not even sure if yeah, I've got one of those, one of those.
Jordan: [00:09:19] Okay.
Andrew: [00:09:20] But it had a big marketing component on it too, which is why, Daniel and I got into this podcast and we've been so wildly successful with our millions of viewers.
Jordan: [00:09:29] I love it, dude. It sounds I'm happy to talk to all those people.
Andrew: [00:09:33] Yeah. Just, no fact checking on that. Okay.
Jordan: [00:09:34] Trust me on
Andrew: [00:09:35] it. there's millions out there. So I want to ask you a little bit about agile because I haven't talked to you since you put that out in the world. So what's going on there.
Jordan: [00:09:48] Sure. So I know agile, it's been a company that I've thought of just didn't have the right ring to it. you go, I don't know if you've thought about ever, just sat down and tried to pin a business name to your thought that you think is this. Grand idea. It's a little tougher than it looks and it's not as cool as saying like Coke or Pepsi or thinking, where do they even come up with these names?
So you're thinking, what does my business have to offer to the world that can tie into its name and agile stuck out to me. it's basically a smoke test on fall small businesses and. How they don't have the budget or the manpower to have full accounting departments, full it departments, full marketing divisions.
So we come in and we say, Hey, I know two or three guys, most of the time, they're my friends connections that I made throughout my life that are really good at these things. I know guys that are going to technology. To videography to marketing, like I said, and it's more about getting those guys jobs, my friends jobs, and also helping and tweaking small businesses so they can work more efficient, more agile and to where they can put.
their time and their money towards their idea. And growing that while we take care of kind of the hard stuff in the backend,
Andrew: [00:11:05] that's really cool. And that's the way the world's going from what I understand, we've talked about deep work a little bit, which I don't know if Daniel has read it, you've read it right.
Daniel: [00:11:14] I let a discussion workshop session with our managers on it, not to, Oh, that's right.
Andrew: [00:11:18] Yeah. You've got a better handle than I do, but that's one of the things they talked about is Hey, future world is going to be the superstars where, a company is going to hire, you're going to have a dozen companies that have hired the same guy to do the same job for each of them.
Instead of having a dozen companies with two dozen guys working for him
Jordan: [00:11:36] so much bloat.
Andrew: [00:11:38] Yeah, it's getting crazy and people are realizing that. Yeah. Okay. We need to cut this fat. let's just go get that this guy that's really good. Let's go get Jordan and have him run our it. Instead of hiring in house, do it out of house.
Pay him, for being a contractor, but we don't have to cover all of his overhead and we only pay him when he works.
Jordan: [00:11:55] Exactly. That's the idea. most of, working in the network industry, a lot of [00:12:00] it's set it and forget it and hope it doesn't break. and you don't need a full time staff or those kinds of things.
And if you can cut corners, I think that's the first corner. Yeah. Cut. and hopefully you can, as technology gets better, you don't need an accounting. Guy full time CPA, where you can have a pretty good QuickBooks and a guy who knows some decent assets and debts. It's a little exaggeration. I know that professionally, those guys are really good at what they do, but from a small business perspective, maybe you don't need that kind of thing and you can cut there as well.
But yeah, a count is tell who wrote that book? Deep work.
Andrew: [00:12:31] Cal Newport.
Jordan: [00:12:32] Okay. I haven't read it yet. It's on the list. Pretty good book. Yeah.
Andrew: [00:12:35] Oh, yeah.
Daniel: [00:12:36] Yeah. worth checking out.
Jordan: [00:12:38] Good. I've been really trying to get into the Tim Ferriss since you put me on to him. Andrew,
Andrew: [00:12:43] I love Tim Ferris
Jordan: [00:12:44] and his Titans book.
Andrew: [00:12:46] That's a good one. It's long though. I haven't finished. I've there's so much to it. I'm like, Oh, I'll read it. Okay. I need to think on this, like any kind of gets repetitive. It's Hey, here's these like super, highly successful people that are all doing kind of the same thing. And. They all make a lot more money than you
Jordan: [00:13:02] Allie says, just skip around as you find interest in it.
So I haven't really thought that was a cool aspect of the book.
Andrew: [00:13:08] Yeah. It's pretty interesting. He did a good job there. You have anything that you want to throw Jordan's way to get this running.
Daniel: [00:13:16] And I'm curious that you, how long are you from Amarillo?
Jordan: [00:13:21] so I'm in the Amarillo area. I've always, let's see, let me just back it up 1994, it's a rough time in the nineties, weird, honestly, a weird, I was born in Pampa, Texas, even weirder.
So that was a wild trip. But I spent most of my life in McClain, Texas, which is East of Amarillo about an hour. On I 40 and, it's been about 26 years in the panhandle area, eventually going to college at WT and then working until I was 26 and flash forward to now from the gap of March to what is it now?
July 29th. So it's been a quick adjustment, really been happy with it, man. I do love the Amarillo area. I'm not going to sit here and knock that. That's okay. Too many people do it. I don't want to be the, just another noise in the,
Daniel: [00:14:10] I'm curious that you moved to Dallas in March, which is pretty much right around the time everything locked down.
So do you feel like you've gotten to even experience what it's like to live in the city of Dallas compared to Amarillo?
Jordan: [00:14:25] No, March 13th. I left my former job. And started the 16th here. So that weekend I moved up here, got settled in and everything shut down that weekend. Cause the, I don't know if you've heard of the st Patrick's day parade that happens here every year, man.
Daniel: [00:14:42] I hate that parades.
Jordan: [00:14:45] That's probably for another podcast.
Daniel: [00:14:49] I. I went one time with some friends and my parents who don't do great in crowds and they just shut down the whole street and they make [00:15:00] you walk forever to try to get back across and people are drunk and not happy, and we're just crossing the barriers.
And so I thought I was about to see some, like some police beat down. So that was one year and we're like, okay. So maybe it's okay if we don't get caught on the wrong side of the street. And then the next year, we lived even closer and we're thinking about taking part and as we're walking outside of the.
see some guy just completely drunk taking a piss in our bushes. And so I have to run him off
Jordan: [00:15:25] and they were like,
Daniel: [00:15:26] let's just be out of town many times. It's very it's happening from now on.
Jordan: [00:15:30] That's a tough experience, man. I did not expect to hear that's a different completely.
Andrew: [00:15:35] So that was with him on that second one.
And it was like a zombie apocalypse for a mile around his house. Yeah. Like people in green stumbling all over the place just by the droves. Like they were everywhere. Streets didn't matter. Yards didn't matter. Cars didn't matter. There were abandoned cars. There were cops trying to arrest everybody. They could, but there was only like 50 cops and there was thousands and thousands of people, we pull up to his house and we dodged like seriously, like 15 drunken green leprechaun people.
And we pull in. There's this guy just pinging on the side of his house as we're pulling in. Doesn't even notice.
Jordan: [00:16:15] Yeah, it was awesome. that's what I was looking forward to. And, they shut down that weekend as soon as I moved in and the whole country seemed to, or at least Texas seemed to follow suit, but now I've been to a couple.
bars, you could barely call them at full capacity. I'm hitting up, Chili's getting that triple dipper. But outside of that, it hasn't been the Dallas experience yet. I met a lot of cool people, but it's, I'm still waiting on that. I'm excited. It's
Daniel: [00:16:44] yeah, to be fair. my first year in Dallas was.
I lived in Duncanville far away from everybody because the bright idea of trying to take myself and my two roommates and figure the most equidistance spot for all of our jobs. And one of us was in, I was in downtown Dallas area. One was in like Fort worth. Somebody was over in mosquito. So we're like, okay, Duncanville, I didn't know anything about the area.
And Duncanville is not a super fun place
Jordan: [00:17:09] to live. So I've heard that. Damn. I didn't know you lived in Dallas. That's really? How long were you here?
Daniel: [00:17:14] I've been here. About seven years now.
Jordan: [00:17:18] Wow. And you love it
Daniel: [00:17:20] so far, so good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like each year has gotten better than the last and that's something that I think is just, if you're intentional about it, that can be true about nearly anything.
If you take the mindset that, okay, this isn't necessarily great right now, like coming in. Duncanville didn't really know a ton of people. And that was coming off of the high of, being a senior at college where you feel like you're running the town, you have all your like huge group of friends, all that sort of stuff.
And then take that big step back. so it could be easy to feel sorry for yourself, but then each year you focus on alright, building this up, trying to find the things that I don't like minimizing that, trying to think, find the things I really do and appreciate maximizing that. And it's [00:18:00] year that I've been here, I've.
Enjoyed it more and it's grown to be a place that I really love.
Jordan: [00:18:05] That's awesome to hear. And a lot of people take that same approach, but they branch off the part where they fall out of a, the peak of college. And there are no one and they just don't, they don't grow from there. And that's okay.
That's a good that you've taken the opposite approach and seeing the third it's a long road, but, and I'm in the same journey as well as Andrew is. I'm sure too, but it's a, it's better to be on that journey than stagnant.
Andrew: [00:18:30] Oh, no, I'm definitely on that. College was the peak. I'm just chilling now
Jordan: [00:18:34] waiting for that.
It's a slow ride out.
Andrew: [00:18:37] Yeah. Just circle on that. Drain is taking
Jordan: [00:18:40] a while.
Andrew: [00:18:45] So I want to pigeonhole you a little bit on it was abs of yours in a, it hasn't seen it go find Jordan's Instagram and you can thank me later, guys. Angel
Jordan: [00:18:59] it's private
Andrew: [00:19:00] son of a gun. You're going to get sad. I'm going to get all million followers now. Just they come in like once a week though.
So Hold on for a little bit. Has it been worth the pursuit of the abs? Has it been difficult, was being in Dallas, new area, everything shut down part of the process there, or has this been like a longterm goal for you
Jordan: [00:19:19] and was it worth it? So that is a good question. Cause I would say from, when you're in junior high or all about looks, trying to look the best lifting to look and, It used to be about looking great until I want to say two or three years ago, it was like, this is just not getting me anywhere.
Skinny, fat fit still have a little athleticism tone to me, but I'm not getting to my goals that I want to get to. And it's yo, when you chase money, like with your job, you're just always going to be chasing money. It's never going to be enough. I still think that way, if it's. If it's for looks, you're not going to get to your goal ever.
And it's just not a good goal to have. And when I started focusing on just general health and doing the most optimized and habitual lifestyle changes that I could, the looks follow suit, just tweaking my body on how our preferred forms, posture, diet, attrition. I can tell you a funny story about.
Tweaking my diet a little bit to build off of that. I do a lot of research and like vitamins minerals, micronutrients, how they operate within the body, what deficiencies can do to you. And I was messing around with a soy milk and flaxseed, but if just a quick shake. Relatively healthy shake just to get down some protein and apparently, soy products and flax seed kills testosterone.
And I, I found that out the hard way. I guess you say the soft way, it's part of the journey. Know I can scratch that out of the, out of your grocery list and find a different alternate alternative for the omega3s and flax seed. And I go a home and mint milk now for my shakes.
Andrew: [00:20:50] That's good to know.
That would be why the soy-free protein powders I've seen are a little bit better and why it's a thing they're talking about. Cause I'm like, wait, why would this way has [00:21:00] soy? And I don't care. I do care
Jordan: [00:21:02] about it. Yeah. He started looking at that. Good to know. So yeah, long it's loss, long story short.
Thank you. But it's really not the goal anymore. it's just part of the process of the lifestyle changes.
Andrew: [00:21:17] Daniel brought up something that one of his coworkers, what was his name? The brushing your teeth. Coworker.
Daniel: [00:21:22] Oh yeah. Yeah. Nick Lamar.
Jordan: [00:21:24] Oh, yes, I did listen to this in the movement, fitness podcast.
Great podcast, by the way. Oh, thanks.
Andrew: [00:21:30] That was all Daniel. So he had this thing about brushing your teeth and it was just like how he did his exercise or how he saw fitness. And I really liked the idea, but I didn't know if that had resonated with you as well, or if you took a different approach to it.
Jordan: [00:21:46] absolutely. I heard that podcast and I was like, wow, exact same with literally with flaws. I put a bag of floss in the holder of my car door. Every time I get in, I don't look flaws my little flaws. Cause I've read a lot about, Gum disease. Now it can be a pre indicator of like heart disease.
I don't know the exact mechanism behind it, but it also, who doesn't want good teeth too? I'm so it's just like a, like greasing the wheel every day, rather than thinking and making it a part of your routine. Cause that can be exhausting living by a list that you do every day. like you said, flossing your teeth, but subconsciously tricking your mind and they're like, Oh, it's already there.
I might as well. So that's yeah. I love that.
Andrew: [00:22:24] Wait, you floss every time you get in the car
Jordan: [00:22:26] every time, man. Wait, how many times a day is that? Maybe twice. It's really not as many. Okay.
Andrew: [00:22:31] Okay.
Daniel: [00:22:33] Gotta remember. Nobody's going much of anywhere right now. Right
Jordan: [00:22:37] now. I actually got an apartment.
Andrew: [00:22:40] I'm all over the place.
Jordan: [00:22:44] I'd be like 12
Andrew: [00:22:45] hours a day minimum for me,
Jordan: [00:22:47] gums bleeding. This is good for me. I swear.
Andrew: [00:22:50] I need to talk to Shalome sometime about that. Cause I've, I don't understand why gum health is related to so many other diseases or if it's just an indicator. Cause it's, I've read that too. It makes me really sensitive about brushing and flossing.
Jordan: [00:23:03] Sure. Yeah. I don't know what it is either. I'm just listening to what smart people say and it's, I have no mechanism behind it. That's a good habit.
Daniel: [00:23:10] I like that because it builds on, or it's using your environment, which is another thing Andrew and I have. They've talked about, pull from a book that I need to read the full thing.
I have just gotten the cliff notes from my sister, but it's called atomic habits. And so this mindset that, your environment is such an important part to making or breaking your habits. And so if you want to succeed in something, create an environment that will lead to that success. And flossing is a perfect example of that.
If you're wanting to get more fit, making sure that it's just. A really easy process to do your workout, that it doesn't take a lot of effort to get that started and to get that going, that's also a deep work idea is that you really have a finite amount of just your mental ability to do things you don't want to [00:24:00] do and, resist things.
And so if you remove some of those barriers, you're just more likely to do it. It's Hey, my jump rope is already here. I don't even have to get it out. All right. That's one less thing to deter me. I'm more likely to do it.
Jordan: [00:24:13] Absolutely. No, I'm a big fan of that. I actually put my guitar on my couch because it's just, I'm garbage a guitar.
I'm trying to learn a new instrument or not annuity aid instrument. I can't play. Anything. so I put the guitar on the couch cause it's just easy to walk by, play a couple chords. And that's your practice for the day is it's building those habits and like you said, surrounding your environment with just little things you can, get a positive feedback loop going.
And every day you do a little bit more, 1% better every day and you, kinda just roll into having a talent or a skill that you just,
Daniel: [00:24:47] yeah. And it's the guitar is something that I guess it was. Probably about four or five years ago that I picked up and learned to play as well. Cause I was like, you, I really wanted to have that.
It says to an instrument to play. It's just something that's fun to do. And I grew up taking piano lessons. I know how to play the piano, but I don't have a piano here and tougher to come across. Those guitars are just so easy to access. And yeah, like you said, I just kinda knew that my goal was to play a few chords each day.
And I didn't really fixate too much on Oh, I want to be amazing at guitar or whatever it was. I just was enjoying kind of the journey of learning to play the chords, building up the calluses on my fingers and got to the point where I'm not great at tar and never necessarily want it to be, but I can pull it out and have a whole lot of fun playing it, which is.
No totally worth it,
Jordan: [00:25:36] dude. Absolutely. That's my exact goal. I can maybe play a couple ed Sheeran songs at a party, get people going. nothing really extensive. Just to small enjoyment of your favorite songs. I'm right there with you, man.
Andrew: [00:25:48] I've been doing some ed Sheeran songs and then I also need to get people to invite me to their parties.
Jordan: [00:25:53] Wouldn't that be nice.
Daniel: [00:25:55] It's not
Jordan: [00:25:55] the saxophone.
Andrew: [00:25:58] It
Daniel: [00:25:58] can be, you can be the, The guy that plays George Michael in the mall and everything like that. Sexy sax, man,
Andrew: [00:26:05] I wish I could. And it's not even like a talent issue on the saxophone, which would probably be that as well. But by the end of band, if you didn't know Jordan Daniel and I were both in band together, which has not come up in years and it's come up twice now in the last week.
So whatever, but we were in band in middle school and by the end of eighth grade, I was faking like the last couple of weeks of band, if not more, because I quit. It was like nails on a chalkboard using that read like something clicked. I don't know if it was puberty. I don't know what happened to me, but I went from these little reads that you use whenever you're blowing into the saxophone.
Put it on the mouthpiece. They were fine. I, right now my teeth are getting that nails on a chalkboard, just talking about it. It became a visceral negative reaction to it. So yeah, I can't touch a woodwind again. It still messes with me. Okay.
Jordan: [00:26:58] And the world is better [00:27:00] for it. Thanks.
Daniel: [00:27:07] All right, Jordan, sir. Earlier, you said that being a nerd as part of your Renaissance man goals. And so when you say nerd, that can mean a lot of things. Now that can mean just like being good at coding and being at a computer is that can mean liking D and D, which Andrea and I've talked about too much recently or liking video games.
Like what, like flavor of nerd are we talking about?
Jordan: [00:27:28] So to be honest, The nerd part of the fitness routine. And, Oh, let me just scroll back a little bit. Nerd is from a perspective of an it guy. I always loved computers growing up. Do the computer applications contest that UIL loved it. Every BCI in class I could get ahold of.
I'm in it. I'm not doing ag, I'm doing BCIS. it's always been an innate interest of mine. I have to think a lot of us had just, The video games sparked a lot of that for this generation that it's always been just tinkering with tech. When I bring that nerd aspect of the fitness part of it, I really liked diving into the science behind what you put in your body, how different systems in your body react to it and how they can work together to, I always use a car analogy for kind of someone's.
Body. if I told you, Hey, I'm going to give you a car, but you gotta take care of it, but it'll last you, your whole life, as long as you take care of it, that's what I really like to dig into how you can fine tune that car, give it the best gas, give it the best of oil and watch those things just work like they're intended to do.
Daniel: [00:28:33] That's awesome. And so I feel like with cars, you have a spectrum of people. You have people that just they need their car to get them to and from work and they don't take a good. They don't take good care of it, which obviously we, we shouldn't be that. And then you have people that do their routine maintenance, they take care of the car, the way that they should.
And then you have people that obsess over cars and they want to get the maximum amount of horsepower and all that sort of stuff. And so I feel most people are going to probably fall a little bit. In the middle category of taking care of the car, but maybe not wanting that to be their full time hobby.
And so is there any advice you would give to somebody as far as Hey, doesn't matter who you are. You've got to do this nutritionally for your body to get the most out of it.
Jordan: [00:29:19] It's a good question. And, I think I may have sold myself as some guru. That's just all about it. And does it. Dave I day like polishing my car.
I really try to stick to, I really stick to this, like VIN, try a gram, if you will. And in everything I do, and it's a cost versus time versus benefit. And I try to stick within the middle ground of that. So if this is going to be expensive, nutritional costs. Probably not going to be it. If it's taken me too much time to prepare and cook this, it's probably not going to be.
And if it's really not, that much benefit probably, avoid it. So I would like to think I do it for the lazy, the one who wants to do the bare minimum and the cheapest way to [00:30:00] maintain optimal health. And I would say, and when you say bare minimum, what somebody should do to maintain, do you mean from an exercise perspective, nutritional perspective?
What do you, what are you asking in that question?
Daniel: [00:30:11] If you've got insights on both, I'd love to hear them. The fitness perspective. I think that's something Andrew and I have always done an okay job on, but we could probably, we have to choose one. We probably need to know more about nutrition.
Jordan: [00:30:27] I'd love to hear about.
Absolutely. I really think a lot of people get mixed up and waste a lot of time on hitting macros. You hear macros all the time, hit your macros. You'll do. It sounds like it's just. Holy grail of nutrition, but, obviously it's proteins carbs fats, and those are essentially your energy bill, your energy burners, your muscle builders, basically what basically that I focus really on micronutrients and the nutrient dense fruits and veggies that you can eat throughout the day.
And then I supplement with protein. My really don't worry about carbs. I get those from my. Fruits and veggies that I slept, that I use for the micros and fats, they do the same. So I really, I try to hit those nutrient dense fruits and veggies like kale, avocado, almonds, carrots, and these are all like grazing food.
You can store in the cabinet and the. Fridge walk by pick it up. You don't have to prep it, pop it in your mouth, drink some water. these are things that can get you a long way. If you do it, if you're patient and disciplined two times a week, as opposed to zero, you're not eating any avocado, any eggs, any almonds, one or twice a week, we'll do wonders over time.
Two three months. so I would think taking that approach, really trying to hit those nutrient dense stuffed, have a look at the back of a micro or a multilevel bottle. Just one day, get your vitamins a through K E and all sorts of nutrients. Minerals. Google, just take one of those vitamin I Google it, say, you know what foods have vitamin a in it.
You'll have carrots, sweet potatoes, that kind of thing. Go down the list. Vitamins B, C what are signs of. The deficiencies in these, what do they lead to longterm? it's. Rarely we have all the information at our disposal. I think if people just sat on their phone and did that looked up these things instead of anal, take five minutes off of take talk, take five minutes off of Instagram.
Don't scroll for another 10 minutes. I really think if you did that for yourself. Oh, this one guy I'm listening to, I'm loving Layli Jordan. And, he goes on to say that at any skill you learn. Earlier in your life can only compound. obviously the more you age, the skill you learn at 25, can it be way more valuable than 45 because you have 20 years to improve and build on that.
So I think if these people just did the bare minimum, what's the least amount you're willing to do pride now in pursuit of your goal and just do it. It doesn't matter how small people try to blow it out and say, I gotta do this five times a week, three times a day, whatever. Just make it your next decision to be a better decision than the [00:33:00] last.
Daniel: [00:33:01] Yeah, I think it goes back to the idea that the best diet, the best, workout routine is the one you're going to actually
Jordan: [00:33:07] do
Daniel: [00:33:08] when you're going to actually stick with. And I think about, so I play a lot of. Ultimate Frisbee. And I've gotten pretty decent at it. This point I'm definitely better than the average person at throwing a Frisbee.
And if I go out and play with a new one group of people and they don't have as much and I'm throwing a flick or something like that. every time somebody will come and ask me, like, how do you do that? Can you show me how? And I'll show them. And it never really goes out. And so they ask like, how do you get to the point where you can do it?
You got to do it. 10,000 times I've been throwing a Frisbee almost every day for 10 years.
Jordan: [00:33:42] So that's such a cool sport. I would love to play that sometime too. that's a really fun, exciting thing to watch.
Daniel: [00:33:50] Yeah. I'll
Jordan: [00:33:50] hook you up please.
Andrew: [00:33:52] I know a guy in Dallas who,
Jordan: [00:33:53] games are at. Perfect.
Andrew: [00:33:56] So something interesting you said on that and it, you actually used close to the phrase earlier, and this is something that's on my mind because I just read about it this morning, but you said greasing the wheel in my mind, I heard and I read this thing about greasing the groove.
I like that mindset that you're putting forth in that seems like they go together on the, taking every day and just spending a little bit of time researching nutrients and what foods you should be eating that mentality of, Hey, spending time on social media or mindlessly consuming content.
How about I use just a little bit of that time to try and learn something new and that will better myself and then make some. Small effort like eating an extra banana or eating an avocado. Wow. That's a hard word to say,
eating that avocado. And I like that 1% better. You grease that groove every day where you're doing just a little bit and a little bit and you're right over it. 20 years. I can't even imagine the kind of results you get after that kind of time of Daniel's Frisbee is a great example. you grease that groove every day and you start building that focus and that connection and making the skill better.
And you're going to be somewhere so much further down the road than somebody who waits 20 years to do it.
Jordan: [00:35:06] Absolutely. do you remember last week? What'd you eat last week?
Andrew: [00:35:11] I remember I had a lot of pizza.
Jordan: [00:35:15] Wrong example, but, most recent though, most people don't, it's like, you could be reaping benefits for your body.
If you just suffered through that one meal or one less Coke a week, maybe it turns into two Cokes next month, but just do the bare minimum you're willing to do ever. it is lifestyle changes.
Andrew: [00:35:32] And that suffering goes away. A lot of my thing with pizza and ice cream and canes, and a lot of bad food, I don't feel good after I eat it.
So really I'm suffering afterwards for eating it. And then on top of that, if I go just a little while, if I just do it, a clean week or clean couple of weeks, Those cravings go away. It's all artificially created, et cetera for body because we're messing ourselves up. If you start getting clean, like what you're talking about, you stick [00:36:00] with it for a couple of weeks.
It's not suffering at that point. you're going to be looking forward to those fruits and veggies that you're eating and your body really does want them and craves them. It just gets. Confused with all of the processed sugar we're shutting down
Jordan: [00:36:12] roads. Absolutely. And these companies know it, they know the psychology and the brain chemistry behind getting people addicted.
And God Cain sauce. You kidding me? That is made out of, I don't even know. I don't even know. It's just.
Andrew: [00:36:25] I think calories are in it. And there's a hundred calories in that little thing of Kane sauce. It's more than the chicken strip.
Jordan: [00:36:31] Unbelievable and all. And just to build off that, I don't eat purely clean.
I try to stick to that 80 20 principle cause there's too much good shit in life to eat. I love cheesecake. I love the vanilla latte palace that we used to get. Like it's, there are 20% things that I need to really try in this. This life, you can't go a hundred percent on anything. And I think that's where a lot of people screw up with that black and white thing.
Daniel: [00:36:54] And I, I think that's what actually can help you to enjoy, the latte they can take more is when you actually create some restrictions, make it something special and you don't just indulge. To the point of overindulging. And that's something that I notice is my, if my wife has gone for a week, then I eat terribly so many bad things.
And after the third night in a row of eating chains or Chick-fil-A it really just, it doesn't taste. Good.
Jordan: [00:37:25] I don't feel good.
Andrew: [00:37:27] You're like, why am I doing this to myself?
Jordan: [00:37:29] It's terrible to be a dr. Pepper fiend. And I would go five days a week. And it's it's water at this point. Yeah. I would take three days off.
Come back to the fourth day. God, this is so good. So yeah, like you said, you, come back to it and it's way better.
Andrew: [00:37:45] so I haven't drank a Coke in, I dunno, seven or eight years maybe. And I cannot stand them now. Dr. Pepper, whatever it is, Coca-Cola my body does not like it at this point. It hurts when it, like I sip on it.
Cause I've tried a few times recently and it's just, I won't even, I'll take a semi nom. I'm not having this
Daniel: [00:38:03] 90% of the time every now and then that nostalgia hits Andrew. And I feel like we grew up, I would guess. Andrew, maybe give me your top three, but maybe there's some overlap here.
But my top three things that I was probably consuming from the ages
Jordan: [00:38:17] of
Daniel: [00:38:18] 12 to 18 was dr. Pepper, Brown, cinnamon, sugar, Poptarts, and
Jordan: [00:38:23] thugs,
Andrew: [00:38:25] middle school, high school. I wish someone would have sat me down. Hey, here's how to like, increase your life results by yeah. 100 times. Stop eating this crap.
Jordan: [00:38:35] Oh man, me too.
Andrew: [00:38:37] We had a lot of pop tarts and dr. Pepper energy drinks by
Jordan: [00:38:41] the dozen. Oh gosh. Yeah.
Daniel: [00:38:44] There's yeah, but this is a pizza every now and then I feel nostalgic and I'm like, I really want a Coke and you're right, Andrew, like the first step, maybe it's all right. But I never finished one. And. I always just feel gross afterwards.
And I'm actually like, I'm [00:39:00] starting to get that way with, with alcohol to have time. I just I'll have a couple drinks and then I just don't feel good. I'm like, why do I do that? I don't
Jordan: [00:39:09] like that.
Daniel: [00:39:10] I'd rather just have a LaCroix.
Jordan: [00:39:12] Do that those are great habits and great things. that's better than a lot of the population.
I would say.
Andrew: [00:39:17] Daniel's got some of those abs too most of the time. So
Daniel: [00:39:21] that's the skinny
Jordan: [00:39:22] boy apps mostly.
Andrew: [00:39:23] it's okay. it counts, I count it.
Okay, Jordan. Sorry, I got a little distracted there, but I'm going to change topics a little bit on you and you have what most people consider a successful career path along with everything else you're doing. So how has. You use discipline in both, your career and the fitness and everything like that to move forward.
And has it had a negative effect in any way? Have you had to say no to certain things, social things, or have you been able to balance pretty well career and physical accomplishments?
Jordan: [00:40:00] that's a really good question. The only way I can really think socially it might negate the effects of all that I'm doing.
sometimes I'm not going to get that pizza when we go out, I'm not going to get blackout. I'll have a couple drinks, people who are generally, genuinely close to that won't matter to them, but it's going to be those outlier friends who. Kinda judge you or put you in that uncomfortable situation and question that.
But I think for the most part, it's really the, all of these things have helped and I know this is shallow to say, but people really do treat you according to how you look and whether that's sloppy or well cap, let's say everyone knows that. Are you going to sit around and bitch that people are so shallow and only care about looks or are you going to really take advantage of that knowledge and kind of.
Tap into that algorithm and become the best looking best feeling per version of yourself. I'll take the second one. whether that's a future partner or a more better selection of friends or getting hired for that next job, and it really does help to look presentable and confident. And I think a lot of what I'm doing is building confidence in that way.
And like I said, sticking to that. VIN trigram I don't think my social or career has hurt really. Cause I'm always focused on the laziest way, the shortest amount of time and the cheapest way to get the best results. So I'll hit the gym for 45 minutes, four times a week maybe, and really hit the nutrition, 80, 20.
And that's about it, man. it's been nothing, but. Positive in my opinion,
Andrew: [00:41:19] the shallow yes, but also very true. So I like it. I completely agree with that. I think a lot of people who are struggling in their careers or in a lot of different ways, that is always my first thing. Hey, how go hit the gym?
it's been six months clean up getting in better shape. And then. See what happens after that? Like I bet at some point in that six months, everything's going to be
Jordan: [00:41:40] right. And there's a quote, another Jordan Peterson quote, where he says, this client, he had said, if it's, there's either two options, either the world sucks and they're all out to get me, or I suck and I can at least do something about that.
So take that second option and run with it. Yeah.
Andrew: [00:41:57] I like it. We were talking about fitness [00:42:00] challenges, and. And Daniel is mind, whatever communication methods we seem to have. And I got an Apple watch, I think after our last episode on the fitness stuff, I'm not sure it's still pretty recent, but I got in a competition with Daniel and he won't stop beating me, but where are you at?
On the fitness tracker thing?
Jordan: [00:42:17] Okay. Dude, I'm going to disappoint. Honestly, I wrote, I have an Apple watch for sure. I don't use it except for sleep tracking. I really do to sleep tracking and I really don't really dive in much into that. I just see, Oh, did I get an AI eight hours? Oh, did I even get into rim sleep?
Which I don't know what that does. I just say it. I think it's good. I really think you can chase your tail when it comes to step counting and stat chasing, but it is fun to look at, and it's definitely cool to see those sleep numbers though. It gives me, even a placebo effect, I'm feeling good.
Jacked up, drink some coffee after at eight hours. I think there's something to it. I just haven't found my niche for a fitness tracker
Andrew: [00:42:54] tracking.
Daniel: [00:42:55] I haven't and it's part of it is just the whole charging thing. Gotta find the time to charge it. And then I, the Apple watch it's fairly low profile, but I still just get annoyed.
I sleep on my. Ended up like putting my arms on my face and stuff like that a lot. I would just get annoyed with a watch
Jordan: [00:43:14] the lights up right in your face.
Daniel: [00:43:16] It does so Indra and I for a while had these whoop, I think they actually pronounce it.
Andrew: [00:43:22] no, that's just wrong.
Daniel: [00:43:24] I'm an Aggie. And so Woof mean something special.
Jordan: [00:43:28] I first asked you, Andrew, how was that loop? subscription
Andrew: [00:43:31] price point is rough. I think $30 a month is pricey for a fitness tracker in any sense of it. That said, I really liked it. Like the data was really clean. The 20, it was 24 seven. Like you didn't take it off. They had, the charging method was a portable charger.
You charge it separately and you slid it over the watch for an hour when you wanted to charge it. So you didn't take the thing off, which makes it more effective. Cause you never forget to put it on or forget to charge it or anything like that. But the data was really cool. It just was hard to justify that $30 a month after the first six months.
Jordan: [00:44:04] at that point I'm like, all right, cool. It's helped me
Andrew: [00:44:06] develop some new habits. It's made me really conscientious of my sleep and my lack of cardio in my case. And. It was really cool. I really liked it. And I think a lot of people could benefit from it if they're just starting out and trying to figure that stuff out.
Daniel: [00:44:20] Yeah, I agree. It was it's the only. Tracker that I felt like I could actually sleep with because it is so low profile. It's not going to light up and it's pretty comfortable. I didn't really get in the way. So during that time, I did get to get some sleep insights. And I like what you're saying, Andrew, about six months, it's a long enough time to build some habits.
And that's why I stopped the subscription. Cause $30 a month is a lot for a fitness tracker. It was worthwhile though, because during that time I got to get some insights. Got to make some tweaks, build some habits. And then at that point I don't really need to keep paying for it. Cause I'm just continuing to see the same things.
Now, maybe if I make a big [00:45:00] change to my routines or things like that, then it'd be worth going back, looking at re-upping and reevaluating the data. But. Worthwhile, at least for the
Jordan: [00:45:09] start. What else needs to be tracked? Where one of these companies could really make a lot of change or a lot of something that you would buy or pay 30 a month to see
Andrew: [00:45:18] 30 a month is tough.
I don't like a lot of subscription stuff. I think what would be best if they paired it with either some kind of personal coaching or their own fitness program. So the whoop it covered sleep really well. And it covered the strain, how much your exercise was getting you to. But as far as I know, they didn't have like a system for Hey, here's some workouts you can do.
So making it more group fitness oriented and having almost like digital online classes or something like that, might've been a good option, which there's a lot of free options for that anyways, but maybe a bit more personal training, maybe a little bit more nutritional approach to it, like macros and micronutrient tracking in an easy to do manner.
it needs to be intuitive and is easy. It's just wearing the thing, which I have no idea how to
Jordan: [00:46:04] do, but
Andrew: [00:46:05] stuff like that would maybe make it more worthwhile because at $30 a month, you're paying for a gym membership at most gyms.
Jordan: [00:46:11] Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.
Daniel: [00:46:13] I agree. I think having, what would be amazing is if it looked at what my strain was for the day and then said, Hey, here's some good exercises that you can do today that you do this for 20 minutes, you do this for 30 minutes.
You're going to hit what your stream target is for the day. and the versus like the day that it's where you're super rested, ready to go at again, giving some recommendation on, Hey, Try to hit a 10 mile run or try to do this sort of thing. And it'd be kinda cool if ahead of time you were saying, Hey, I'm a runner.
I'm looking to achieve this goal, or I'm a lifter I'm looking to achieve this and that sort of thing. And it gave you some exercises based on that. I think that'd be really cool. I also, with all fitness trackers, I still feel like most of them are glorified step counters and they can track heart rate and some of that sort of stuff.
But I just. there'd be days where I would kill myself in the gym, would be so sore because I didn't take a lot of steps and maybe my heart rate wasn't as high as if I just did like a two mile run or something. I'd have comparable strain and have comparable recovery and I'd be like, Hey, I.
I'm not recovered that much. there's no way,
Jordan: [00:47:24] right? Yeah. It's coming to me. It's the equivalent of measuring like, Oh, that's your BMI. So we can tell how what your, what you look like by BMI. It's just not the best measurement. It's just, yeah. We know your heart rate, we know your steps and it sounds like whoop just has their own algorithm that kind of tells you what your body was stressed with based on the sleep that you had the night prior.
I don't know exactly. Yeah, sleep and heart rate. Okay.
Andrew: [00:47:51] They did. So what was cool about them? And then we got to get off this because they're not paying us money for this. So our millions of listeners, they don't get this stuff for free, [00:48:00] but they do a variable heart rate. So they're actually checking the change in spacing between the beats.
So not only are like the beats per minute, but how often it's changing. So if you have a really strong, steady heart rate where. Even if I'm walking my heart rate, doesn't increase really high. It's saying, Hey, your variable heart rate is not taking as big of a hit on minor cardio activities, like standing up and walking or going and getting groceries or that kind of stuff.
And that is actually in their mind a lot better indicator of. Where you're at physically and how much strain you're putting onto your body and that kind of stuff. So it was a really cool concept. It could be witchcraft or, a scam, I don't know, but I liked it and it seemed legit.
Jordan: [00:48:45] Yeah.
Daniel: [00:48:49] So Jordan, if you just think that over some of the different things that you've done it, and I I want to pick on basketball cause I'm a huge basketball fan and we haven't talked about this. So do you have any particular, either accomplishments for yourself that were memorable and in basketball or, if you're a fan of watching any moments where you were just super pumped about basketball at team, something like that?
Jordan: [00:49:17] Yeah. And. This is gonna sound a little cocky. I really, I know. Okay. I'll backtrack a little, I love playing basketball growing up, and it was a way to get out of my head on most days and being a coach's son that, you have unlimited access to the gym at all hours. I would stay the night and that thing I would just shoot all the time.
It's just a meditative experience growing up. And I was a solid player and I had, I could really shoot the ball and the scoring was Second nature. I wouldn't, I was lazy on defense, but, and it wasn't even a big school. So take this as a very big grain of salt, but, yeah, I had a pretty big scoring average.
It was about 30 again name and it was over the panhandle. It stayed number one for a couple years. I don't know if it still is, but, I was pretty proud of that. Yeah. It was just a fun thing to say, look back and say, yeah, it did that. And I'm proud of it. Yeah,
Daniel: [00:50:10] that's awesome. 30 game. That's a big deal, Andrew, if you're following along.
Andrew: [00:50:15] So actually Jordan I'm exposed to help me train and basketball secretly. I was going to hook up with him at the gym and get them to train me on how to play better. So I could come to Dallas one of these days and just blow your mind with my sudden rise to basketball skill and start them. But we never got a chance.
And then I blew my knee and
Jordan: [00:50:35] reasonably fortunate events. Yeah. Yeah. We need to play some time, man. That's really cool that you like basketball. It'd be fun to pick your brain a bit, a little bit about who you like and what your favorite teams are.
Daniel: [00:50:45] And I got to ask right now, we're a day away from the MBA restart.
So what are your
Jordan: [00:50:50] thoughts on that? I thought the Cove, it took away the man chance and a championship on now, but I think we have a good chance to, I don't know, it's gonna tough for anyone [00:51:00] to beat the Lakers Clippers, but we're, I don't know if you can tell my bias to the Mavs, but we are a young team who has potential.
Lucas, he's amazing, dude. He's just something else. God is. I think there's always a chance. We're not the. Most talented team, but anything can happen in Orlando in the bubble. Yeah.
Daniel: [00:51:19] I think some things going for us were, we had a terrible an Andrew, you can drop off anytime you want.
No, we had a terrible at home record, Being able to just play all of our games away, I think is actually an advantage. And it's unfair to say this about Luca because he won in Europe, like
Jordan: [00:51:39] probably the second
Daniel: [00:51:40] biggest stage in the world. So it's not like he's a stranger to like clutch play.
But a lot of those guys really just haven't been in a playoff situation before. And I think it might be a little bit better where they don't have all the crazy crowd. Not near as much media. Like they can really just focus on playing basketball and those guys really, they seem like they like each other, so I'd give them a chance, depending on their matchup.
We got to move up and seating.
Jordan: [00:52:05] Yeah, the chemistry's there, like you said, we play well together. Rick's a good coach, but yeah, the total lack of veteran status, we have. What is it? JJ Berea. Who's only vetted from that 2011, but he's about to croak. it's just a lot of factors against this, but like I said, we're young and Tim history heavy.
So I think that'll only work in our advantage. Yeah.
Daniel: [00:52:28] Yeah. Alright. Before we go, who do you have in the finals
Jordan: [00:52:32] shoot? I'm thinking bugs, Lakers.
Daniel: [00:52:34] I said it from the beginning of the season and I feel like COVID has only made it a little bit more likely I'm sticking with Clippers
Jordan: [00:52:41] bucks. I liked that.
I liked that. I thought mine was a cop house. Cause everybody thinks that, but, no, I like the Clippers beat. The Lakers that's going to be good. They won't meet up for a couple of rounds, but you don't think anybody can take out Clippers prior to that?
Daniel: [00:52:55] I know that the Mavs won't, we match up terribly against
Jordan: [00:52:58] the Clippers.
Yes, we get crushed.
Daniel: [00:53:00] Yeah. and I feel like I don't re the seating's not set yet, but I think about Houston being small ball. I just feel like Kauai and Paul George can really take care of that. They're just such good. Defenders are ready as it is. And they're such a deep team and such a clutch team.
I just, James harden, hasn't been clutch in a finals. Yet, or it hasn't been to a finals yet. Hasn't been collected in a Western conference finals.
Jordan: [00:53:25] Yeah, really not much else on that side of the bracket outside of the Denver. Not bad, but I wouldn't have them meet in LA.
Daniel: [00:53:32] No, Denver's, they're good. And you'll get just slimmed up.
I don't. I don't
Jordan: [00:53:37] think so. I agree.
Andrew: [00:53:39] I know who Luca is
Jordan: [00:53:42] stepping stones.
Andrew: [00:53:45] He's he's that guy on the Mavs team
Daniel: [00:53:48] we'll get to there someday.
Jordan: [00:53:49] We have a lot of years I read
Andrew: [00:53:50] an article by, he turned with a Steph Curry,
Daniel: [00:53:53] the two basketball players that you know, or at least active ones.
Andrew: [00:53:56] I think there was a third one that I knew.
Daniel: [00:53:58] Yeah,
Jordan: [00:53:59] you shouldn't get [00:54:00] carried away.
Daniel: [00:54:02] He's only the most famous basketball player, right now
Andrew: [00:54:05] in the shape of Bron.
Okay, Jordan, is there anything else you want to leave us with before we, we go down this rabbit
Jordan: [00:54:14] hole? I do actually. I love, quotes and quotes really big. I don't know why I love quotes so much, sir. Almost meaningless if you can't apply them. but what I really liked lately is, You'll watch an entire Netflix series, even when the first episodes are slow, just because someone told you it gets better, but what if you looked at your goals like that and watched your life get better instead by Mick K on Instagram?
Not sure if he stole that, but there it is.
Andrew: [00:54:41] That's awesome. I love that. One more shout out for Jordan and his consulting business. He actually has my favorite email newsletter. And it comes out on Monday mornings. So if you want to get some more of Jordan's wisdom and honestly, some possibly overlead well done infographics.
I don't know where you're pulling that from, but like the stuff is great.
Jordan: [00:55:03] Thank you. Straight from Reddit.
Andrew: [00:55:06] I would have worried, honestly, that you were building them yourself. I was like, Oh, he's about to take some
Jordan: [00:55:10] time.
Andrew: [00:55:12] He's got some great stuff. It's called five minute morning. I think you can sign up for the newsletter at the number five M I N morning.
Is that right?
Jordan: [00:55:21] it is five, the number and then minute morning all spelled out.
Andrew: [00:55:25] Okay. All the way spilled out at sea. And it's been so long. I've just been receiving them.
Jordan: [00:55:30] Alright,
Andrew: [00:55:31] check that out. If you want to hear more about Jordan and in general, he covers everything from nutrition and fitness to financial habits and just interesting facts and trivia and.
It's a really cool way to start your mind Monday morning. So give that a check. We really appreciate you guys coming on Jordan. Thank you so much for letting us abuse your time and your knowledge. So I really appreciate it. And I'm sorry that we didn't get to hang out more before he left for Dallas, but I'm excited that maybe you and Daniel can play some basketball a little bit and you can treat him like he should.
Jordan: [00:56:01] Yeah, absolutely. Thank you guys for having me on. And, it's really been awesome, man. I really like what y'all are doing here. It's it is helping everyone who is listening. I know it's helping me. I don't know the exact name. we'll call it a million, but I'd say you're helping a million people, man.
That's really cool. It will be up in Amarillo. So I will see you in Amarillo sometime.
Andrew: [00:56:22] Perfect man. Thank you. And thank you guys for coming on to another episode of dead budge tomorrow. This was Daniel, Andrew, and Jordan, and we hope you have a great day and we look forward to connecting with you soon.
Jordan: [00:56:35] See ya.