Find out how the first challenge of 2022, Pursuit of Happiness, ended up and what our biggest takeaways were. We also jump into the second challenge of the year, learning SQL.
Ready for another challenge? Find out how the latest ended including our favorite and least favorite parts. Along with that, find out about our next challenge, learning SQL.
Learn how to code/script/use SQL. This one's going to be a lot less... subjective. Both of us are starting basically from scratch on how to code (?) if that's even the right word for SQL. Query, maybe? That sounds like something that is said in the same breath.
We also wrapped up our happiness challenge, which you can find at on Google Sheets here, and would love to hear your feedback on.
To follow along with the SQL challenge, find out latest journal on Google Sheets as well!
"The Dunning–Kruger effect is the cognitive bias whereby people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. Some researchers also include in their definition the opposite effect for high performers: their tendency to underestimate their skills. The Dunning–Kruger effect is usually measured by comparing self-assessment with objective performance."
SQL is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system, or for stream processing in a relational data stream management system.
Andrew's poison of choice to learn SQL.
SQL is the workhorse programming language that forms the backbone of modern data management and interpretation.
Any database management professional will tell you that despite trendy data management languages that come and go, SQL remains the most widely used and most reliable to date, with no signs of stopping. In this comprehensive guide, experienced mentor and SQL expert Walter Shields draws on his considerable knowledge to make the topic of relational database management accessible, easy to understand, and highly actionable.
Four hours of beginner SQL. That's hard to beat....
You'll find Daniel and Andrew and Bret's journal and charts for how this challenge is going. Feel free to make a copy and do it with us, or just follow along and see if it's worth your time to try.
[00:00:00] Daniel: Hey guys. So you are about to listento our final episode on our happiness channel. And our upcoming programmingchallenge. Now, before we get into the episode, I realized that I failed to dosome really important shadow. So I wanted to take the time before we dive in tomake sure, to shout out to people who took the time to not only listen to ourepisode.
[00:00:27] Daniel: I mean, that's, that's shout outenough for you to reach out and tell us that you gave us a listen. Uh, we're,we're always grateful for that, but also took the time to just share somethoughts and come alongside us in the episodes. So the first one. Is my Nana,Betty. She, again, not only took the time to listen to the episode, I'm sureshe's got plenty of other better things to spend her time doing, but also tookthe time to write out a full scale long email of some of the different thingsthat she's done, um, in order to.
[00:01:04] Daniel: Continue to, to maintain thathappiness, to pursue happiness. Um, and she's got some wisdom. Y'all this is,this is my grandmother. And, if you can live such a long full life and continueto find things to be happy and grateful for, um, I think that's reallynoteworthy and, and what's really cool. Is there, there are several things thatshe talked about that.
[00:01:32] Daniel: They do align with some of the thingsthat Andrew and I have found to really be meaningful and valuable. And so a lotof it is focused on relationships. A lot of it is focused on, um, religious,some of the simple things. And I think that's important too, because in manyways, uh, happiness may seem like this thing that's difficult or expensive toachieve.
[00:01:55] Daniel: And the reality that it's, it's justnot, um, it's, it's something that. A little bit of exercise, a little bit of,um, quality time cookies, fresh from the oven, crackle of logs in the fireplacesun coming through the window in the morning. Um, these are things that areworth pursuing. So first I got to give her a shout out and second, we've got togive a shout out to.
[00:02:19] Daniel: Somebody that's probably, I guess our,maybe our first international listener. If, if you are an internationallistener and you've been with us for a while, then, uh, please correct me.We'll uh, square things up in the next episode, but we heard from Erin inFinland, um, and she listened to the episode and she's getting the chanceobviously to experience some of that finishing in Nordic concepts.
[00:02:47] Daniel: For herself. Um, so we're reallyappreciative of Karen just taking the time to listen and taking the time tothink a little bit about happiness. And we're also really jealous that you'regetting [00:03:00] to experience those thingsfirsthand. Um, so thank you, Erin really appreciate you. You're reaching out
[00:03:27] Andrew: Hello, ladies and gentlemen, it hasbeen a hot minute since we had an episode for you. This might've been one ofour longer breaks. So our apologies for that, but that just means this one isworth the wait. So we're going to be talking about a recap on our firstchallenge we did at the beginning of January, and then we'll be jumping intochallenge number two, which will give you a little hint here.
[00:03:51] Andrew: It's going to be about programming. Sowelcome back, Danny. Yeah, finish the month. Strong, finish the challenge,strong, having a good day, all that jazz.
[00:04:03] Daniel: Yeah, I'm, I'm having a pretty goodday myself. So today was, uh, one of those, it was a good day because stressfulsituations went well in my personal life, I had two large. Importantpresentations to do one this morning when this afternoon. So it wasn't evenlike a, you know, get it all out of the way in the morning.
[00:04:28] Daniel: And the rest of the day is good. Itwas like a be really focused in the morning then kind of like be on edge andthen be focused in the afternoon. But they both went really well. Um, feltreally good about both of them got good feedback. So that makes for a good day.Uh, obviously. If you see the date, as far as when this episode was recorded orFebruary 24th, right now, a little stressful day, as far as the world goes andworldwide politics.
[00:04:57] Daniel: So, um, I'm hoping and praying forsome better days ahead of us and definitely for Ukraine. So it's kind of aweird, weird balance where pretty good day, as far as. Things go here prettyday. It was a snow day, then a lot of things happen and on the other side,
[00:05:20] Andrew: That is a juxtaposition for sure. Uh,and, and we'll see what unfolds, hopefully this all blows over well saying allthat on. Uh, we, we can call it, I guess, a happier note. Uh, let's talk aboutthe happiness challenge. We just wrapped up, I guess a few days ago, a weekago, our 30 day challenge on happiness. Uh, personally, I thought it waspretty.
[00:05:44] Andrew: I thought it went pretty well. Um, I,man, it's, it's weird to talk about whenever you have kind of what feels likeglobal issues out there, but I guess it's just how you go. You got to go aboutyour day. So [00:06:00] what'd you find outabout yourself with the happiness challenge? How did it wrap up for you? Andthen I'll try and give my little rundown.
[00:06:05] Andrew: If you don't say anything toointeresting that I have to jump in on.
[00:06:09] Daniel: Sounds good. So. I feel like therewere some things that if we kind of rolled back to what we intended to do atthe start of the challenge, with some of the things that we wanted to focus on,I think there was some things that worked well. If I just kind of look at it andsort of recap, what I was aiming to do was spend at least 30 minutes outdoorseach day, um, wanted to, to dive into, uh, prayer or scripture, um, on a dailybasis. Um,
[00:06:39] Daniel: was trying to incorporate somethingrelated to Hooga on a daily basis. And we explained what that, uh, what thatconcept is in earlier episodes. But. Uh, I'm going to just say it's the scienceof comfy living according to the Nordic culture. Um, and then just taking timeat the end of each day to cover or to, to think about something that I'mgrateful for and like this idea of grabbing and gratitude.
[00:07:08] Daniel: Um, so as I look back kind of day overday, getting outside. Started strong and then became a little bit hit or miss.And anybody in the Texas area probably understands why we would have date haddays over the past month that were 70 degrees, sunny, beautiful day outside.Like, it'd be a crime if you were outside for at least 30 minutes on that day.
[00:07:35] Daniel: And then we've had other days liketoday, for example, 20 degrees outside. And so there's definitely a correlationwith the cold in getting outside or not getting outside. Um, but I wouldn't saythat it had as big of an impact on, on the happiness that there was certainlysome impact, but, um, it wasn't, you know, a correlation to what.
[00:08:04] Daniel: Um, on the nose, they were on average,you know, a point lower or anything like that, um, than the days where I wasable to get outside. And then as far as, um, getting into the Bible andpraying, that was something that was, was pretty, pretty consistent. There werea few days that were missed, but that was one that, um, again, there, there wasa fair amount of consistency there.
[00:08:31] Daniel: Again, I don't know, since, since ithappened so frequently, it's a little bit harder to say on the data side ofthings, what that impact was. But I just know as far as the qualitative, how Ifelt that certainly made a difference in some of the, some of the ways that,um, you know, a day would look different is if I would take the time at the endof the day to, um, maybe pray before I just fell asleep or.
[00:08:59] Daniel: Uh, [00:09:00]a chapter in the Bible or something like that. Um, those tended to be days thatI felt a little bit more centered, um, and then going into Hooga. So that wasone that again, started, started pretty strong as I look back, um, I, I boughta bunch of unscented candles actually was burning one today. So there, therewas some things that I kind of continue to adopt.
[00:09:26] Daniel: Um, Wearing, you know, nice warm houseshoes, but, uh, I think a lot of where there was some crossover with the Hoogapractices and the gratitude journal was centered around, uh, relationships andspending time with people. And I know that was something we talked about in ourcheck-in episode was how that seemed across both of our logs to be one of thebigger factors that influence.
[00:09:55] Daniel: The day had a higher happiness scoreor a lower happiness score. If there was an opportunity to spend time, um,doing something with other people. And I definitely found that to be true. Um,if I look back at some of my days that were 10 or above on our scale of one to13, You know, thirteens I guess like a great number.
[00:10:25] Daniel: It's still still know that therationale there, but that's Okay.
[00:10:29] Andrew: There's a
[00:10:30] Daniel: so
[00:10:31] Andrew: won't go into it.
[00:10:33] Daniel: fair enough. Fair enough. You love thenumber 13. We'll just leave it at that.
[00:10:36] Daniel: Um,
[00:10:38] Andrew: It's scientific, sir.
[00:10:40] Daniel: All right. Fair enough. but some ofthe days that were 10 or above, if I go back and look at the gratitude journal,it's typically there's some relational aspects. So the last day of thechallenge, uh, that was a 10 day and I spent, uh, oh gosh, probably. And twohours just going through watching YouTube music videos with Brett and Michael.
[00:11:04] Daniel: And we were kind of, uh, trying tothink back to some of our favorite bands and music in high school and college.And it was just a good bonding moment. There was a 11 day where we got to gosee a Nate Gasky, Um,
[00:11:16] Daniel: show with some of our friends fromsmall group. There was a another 10 day where Hillary and I got to go to a Mavsgame and, uh, kind of like a little happy hour before that.
[00:11:27] Daniel: Another 10 day where the highlight waskind of getting to walk down in the snow to our friend retina Angela's houseand have a dinner another 10 day. That was, going to our prayer house in southDallas and volunteering and meeting a bunch of new kids So really, I don't knowif there's a single one I'm trying to.
[00:11:55] Daniel: Yeah, there's not a single one thatdidn't have some relationship [00:12:00] aspectto it. So I think that really is probably my biggest takeaway.
[00:12:04] Andrew: Absolutely.
[00:12:06] Daniel: recap on my, my log. Um, I'd love tohear, you know, as you kind of think about of the things that you identified,what was your consistently like?
[00:12:16] Daniel: And did you notice, um, that theretended to be any particular impact if you stuck with something versus when you.
[00:12:24] Andrew: Hmm on the consistency side. Ooh,that's tough. Um, it really stealing from what you said for me, therelationships really were a big part of it. It was almost every high scoringday. I had it in my gratitude, something with a relationship, um, or, uh, and Ididn't have this, I didn't think to put this in this log, but, uh, most of thethings I learned, uh, if it was an interesting day, so it might not have thegratitude journal.
[00:12:51] Andrew: Might've been something like, uh, youknow, I'm looking at day 22 or whatever it was, uh, apex dropped the new seasonof backpacks. So that made it on my gratitude journal. Cause I was reallyexcited about it, but that wasn't actually what I was excited about.Transparent enough that, you know, I, it was because I get to play apex with myfriends.
[00:13:10] Andrew: Uh, same thing with some of theinteresting day stuff. A lot of the things that I learned that really stuckwith me were the things that somebody else taught me. Uh, if I, if I learned iton my own that usually those in eight days that I had though, days that I waslike, I didn't learn or do anything interesting.
[00:13:25] Andrew: I probably did learn something or Iprobably did doing something interesting, but they shouldn't stick in my head.And so the days that really stuck out as good days were the ones that hadrelationships. Uh, as a part of that factor and it's, you know, it's hard notto, honestly, uh, there's not a lot of days where I'm not going to see people,but the days where I don't treat those relationships correctly, those are thedays that were kind of lower on the point scale.
[00:13:49] Andrew: Um, so that was interesting. Uh, I.Another thing that was consistently inconsistent was my outdoor time. Uh, younailed it on the head with the Texas weather. Uh, there's like four snow daysthat I was thankful for in the gratitude journal, but I definitely didn't gooutside much on those days because on, you know, two days on either side of asnow day is just blisteringly cold wind and it's just rough, but near the endof the.
[00:14:18] Andrew: Uh, challenge. I was in new Orleans,so that last three or four days I was in new Orleans and it was awesome.Getting to walk around outside and see new stuff and kind of actually be outthere on like what had been doing in Amarillo. Like my, my outdoor time inAmarillo was basically like, I'm going on a walk with Jasper.
[00:14:38] Andrew: Um, it wasn't very. I don't think itwas what the spirit of being outside was supposed to be. I was trying to followthe letter of the challenge and I wasn't matching the spirit, which was goingoutside and seeing nature, doing something while I was outside. I was justgoing outside to be outside because I was supposed to be outside.
[00:14:55] Andrew: But once I got to new Orleans the lastthree or four days where I got to actually walk [00:15:00]outside, Uh, for the enjoyment of it, that that really was a big mood booster.So being inconsistent with the outdoor walks, I do think was, uh, a bummer onmy, uh, happiness index. And you're looking at our scale. That was one of thethings.
[00:15:16] Andrew: And obviously the scale was weightedto having that kind of stuff. But generally you kind of hit higher points thanI did almost a whole, uh, challenge until we hit the. Uh, me going to newOrleans and then my mind was kind of finished at a high note too, on mybirthday in new Orleans. So I don't know if that's just correlation, but therewe are.
[00:15:39] Andrew: So, uh, that was interesting.
[00:15:41] Andrew: Um, yeah, so we're getting,
[00:15:44] Daniel: too. I was just, I was just looking atthat and, Um, I totally didn't even realize that that was a time that you werein new Orleans. It makes sense that, that there would be some, some peaks therefor you at the end. And
[00:15:58] Andrew: Okay.
[00:15:58] Daniel: for me, the last like week or two ofthe challenge I had strep and felt terrible. um,
[00:16:09] Daniel: like the,
[00:16:10] Andrew: Yeah.
[00:16:11] Daniel: in a little while.
[00:16:14] Andrew: Oh, that's no fun. Like that is hardto do. It's hard to, you know, appreciate your relationships. It's hard toappreciate really anything. God, there's this quote. About being sick. And Ican't remember it off the top of my head, but basically it's a healthy person.Once all these things, you know, they want a new car, they want, um, a betterlooking, significant other, they want more money.
[00:16:36] Andrew: They want a new puppy. They wantbetter food, all this stuff, that healthy person, once all these things, thesick person only wants one thing and that's to feel better. And yeah. It'strue. Like when you're sick, that's basically the only thing that your top ofyour head is like, please let me stop being sick.
[00:16:54] Andrew: This is no fun. So I'm sorry that youhad to finish the challenge on a low note for you also travel obviously helpsraise the spirits. So I think I cheat a little bit on the outdoor walk therebeing in a different city that also is know. Um, one of the only other thingsthat I really want to put in there about the challenge before we can move on tochallenge two and everything was, I really want to reinforce how noticeable thegratitude journal was for me.
[00:17:24] Andrew: I know we talked about this on thelast episode, but I'm telling you, it was one of those things that now that Iwas actually trying to put a number to my happiness while I was. Doing thegratitude journal and I'd come in and you know, the it's in the back of myhead. Okay. What am I going to rate today?
[00:17:41] Andrew: Probably a six or seven or five,whatever it is. then when I'm doing the gratitude journal and actually comingup with something that I was thankful for that day, that number would shift.And I would see it happen in real time. Like, oh, you know what? Maybe todaywas a seven or eight or nine. Whenever it was going to be a five, six or seven.
[00:17:59] Andrew: [00:18:00]I've done gratitude journals on and off for a while. And I'd never reallynoticed it because it's, you don't have that quantitative aspect with it, butactually paying attention to what it was doing. It huge. I really, reallyappreciate the gratitude journal.
[00:18:16] Daniel: Um,
[00:18:16] Andrew: So just something there for anybodylistening, if you want one takeaway from the happiness, that would be mine.
[00:18:21] Andrew: I did like the outdoor stuff. When Igot to do it a cold bath and shower, I'm not sure I'm going to recommend, Ithink it probably would have been better, but I was pretty inconsistent with itand I really didn't want to do it. It stressed me out thinking about it, uh,reading and listening a book. Uh, that was pretty good, but I do that everyday, either way.
[00:18:38] Andrew: So it's like hard to say if that didanything to me, because that one I've got pretty. I've got that down. Prettygood. Okay, Daniel, anything else you want to add to this before we jump tochallenge number two?
[00:18:51] Daniel: No, I just wanted to echo the value ofthe gratitude journal and how it was beneficial. And again, one other thingthat you talked about in the last episode that I think is completely true, wasas meaningful as it was to go through and kind of my own gratitude journal. wasalso interesting.
[00:19:09] Daniel: And a lot of times uplifting to seewhat was in yours. It was an interesting dynamic. And, and you talking aboutthat. The gratitude journal just now in me, even just remembering that maybekind of think, you know, this is something that I'd like to carry on beyond,uh, beyond our challenge. So if you look at your phone, just created agratitude, uh, slack channel in our slack.
[00:19:32] Daniel: So
[00:19:33] Daniel: let's, let's keep the good timesrolling.
[00:19:35] Andrew: I love that idea. And cause it was, itwas, I obviously liked like seeing my own gratitude journal helped. It was oneof those things like, Hey, you know what? You didn't have a bad day. She'llwant me to do these nice things for you or, you know, you got this nice littlemoment, was, it was seeing.
[00:19:53] Andrew: You know, somebody that wasn't meactually appreciating life almost gave me more joy than my own for my own life.So that's good. the idea of the slack channel. That's going to be cool.
[00:20:07] Daniel: Yeah.
[00:20:07] Andrew: Okay. We are ready to rock and rollwith challenge. Number two. I know we had told you guys it was going to be.
[00:20:15] Andrew: Uh, kind of February's challenge, butobviously we're, we're not good with timeframes and that's, that's probably onme with my math skills, but we're going into challenge number two and. BecauseDaniel's birthday is coming up. I to choose the challenge, actually. Notreally. He was, he was pretty amicable amicable to it, but Daniel choseprogramming, which I thought was pretty cool and something I've been wanting todo.
[00:20:41] Andrew: So I'm not sure if we meant to dothis, but we're both going to try and work on sequel. Uh, Daniel, why did youchoose SQL?
[00:20:51] Daniel: Yeah.
[00:20:51] Daniel: I chose sequel because that is the onethat comes up the most in my Workday day, day in, day out. So, [00:21:00] there. There's a particular client that Iwork with that we do a lot of, uh, claims management sort of stuff. And SQL isused all the time on that. And then anytime we're running reports or we're,we're of looking at databases, sorta sort of things, SQL is the, that's thelanguage that, that sort of stuff has built on.
[00:21:25] Daniel: So I just feel like going to be someimmediate. Um, life application that I can see from that.
[00:21:35] Andrew: Well, there you go. So do you guysactually end up with like sequel files on a regular basis or is that somethingyou're hoping to, once you maybe get a little bit of a grasp on it, startimplementing
[00:21:49] Andrew: or is the data existing already?
[00:21:52] Daniel: So I don't necessarily see thebackground on SQL very often. I just know that that, that is something that ifI'm working to try to get a report built or asking our it team or somethinglike that, that's the language that gets thrown around about, um, running SQLqueries and things like that. So the hope, the hope is that by kind of doingsort of a bootcamp, then ideally I'll have some opportunities to self-serve.
[00:22:21] Daniel: I don't need to ask somebody to, youknow, run a report to get this info back to me. I can just write somethingmyself to do.
[00:22:30] Andrew: Excellent. That's good. So it's funnythat you had chosen this one because when Daniel texted me about. Wanting to doCQL and wanting to do a programming language for our next challenge. I wasactually looking at this big SQL file I had, I couldn't figure out heads ortails what to do with it. And I was like, man, I have got to figure outsomething here.
[00:22:56] Andrew: I need to understand SQL. I need tolearn a little bit just enough to be dangerous. And and behold, Daniel heard mythoughts and here we are. So mine was a. I specifically have a single file thatI want to play with. It's a old, not old are when we transferred CRMs, uh,planes, internet. Uh, I ended up with a backup copy of the old CRM, but it's aSQL file.
[00:23:20] Andrew: So all of the important informationthat I need every once in a while, like old invoices, or if somebody was goofyin the past, uh, it's sitting there locked away. Behind this little file that Idon't know what to do with. So I'm excited, man. What do you, think's going tobe difficult about it.
[00:23:40] Daniel: I think for me, it's just going to befinding the time. Um,
[00:23:46] Daniel: I don't have it. And maybe, and maybethat's too ambitious to say that that's going to be the most difficult partsabout it because. I have pretty limited background in programming. [00:24:00] I've probably done the equivalent of maybea semester and a half, maybe, maybe two semesters worth of programming where Ileaned heavily on classmates and things like that.
[00:24:14] Daniel: And I haven't, haven't really donethat in years. There was a hot second when I was an entry level employee thathad too much time on my hands. Yeah, I think there are a few like free codingwebsites. And so I was playing around with some of that, but haven't done anyof that consistently. So I, I think the time piece will be the mostchallenging.
[00:24:37] Daniel: Maybe it will end up being,understanding the language as a whole. Maybe it'll be, you know, finding a goodresource. Um,
[00:24:45] Daniel: but yeah, we will, we will.
[00:24:48] Andrew: so for one time is always difficult. Imean, that is just. Uh, given that, making that for anything is going to behard. That said, I think it's the Dunning Kruger effect. Uh, I suffer from thata lot, a lot of the time. And so I know I'm going into this thing and like, oh,I just need to make the time for it.
[00:25:09] Andrew: And this will be fine. And I'm in thesame boat where I'm worried like, oh, this is going to be tough. Uh, also I didnot realize you had a leg up on me with a couple semesters here. I am. I'mworried that I'm going to have to come to you with that, uh, that SQL file. Andat the end of this, and have you take a crack at it, but
[00:25:26] Daniel: Yeah,
[00:25:26] Daniel: maybe,
[00:25:27] Andrew: once,
[00:25:28] Andrew: but, uh, that was it.
[00:25:29] Daniel: challenge.
[00:25:32] Andrew: Access the customer database.
[00:25:34] Daniel: Yeah. Yeah. And, and
[00:25:36] Andrew: it.
[00:25:36] Daniel: thing we haven't said yet is that forthis challenge, we are going to actually have a special guest that's going tobe joining us. And that's part of the reason that I chose programming as ourchallenge for the month.
[00:25:49] Daniel: So. Long time listener. Uh, BrettKenny is going to be hopping in with us and doing the challenge this month. Idon't know if he's doing SQL as well. He probably doesn't know what he's doingyet either. Um, so if you have suggestions, let him know, but he'll be hoppingin doing the full challenge log with us.
[00:26:12] Daniel: Um, and he'll, he'll join us on ourhalfway point episode. First of all introduce himself, w we won't let them getout of the, the, the full guest interview treatment, but we'll definitely spendtime talking about our experiences so far. He'll join us at the very end to,um, you know, talk about our overall learnings.
[00:26:33] Daniel: And maybe at the end of the episode,Brett will actually be the one that wins in unlocks the database.
[00:26:42] Andrew: That'd be great. And man, I'm soexcited that Brett's finally coming on. He is such a great guy. This is goingto be fun. And I, I fully expect him to blow both of us out of the water onthis because it's Brett.
[00:26:57] Daniel: Yeah. He's. [00:27:00]
[00:27:00] Andrew: Yeah. It's okay. I'm okay. With lastplace, it'll be fine. It's good for this massive ego of mine and it needs to beknocked down a few times a day, at least. So resources and research. What areyou going to do to learn SQL? How, what is your process going to look like? Anda spoiler. I cheated. I'm going to take a class.
[00:27:23] Daniel: Are you going to pay for it?
[00:27:26] Andrew: Uh, absolutely. Uh, there's uh, youknow what? I want to hear what you have first before you steal my idea.
[00:27:33] Daniel: I, I would love to steal your idea.
[00:27:36] Daniel: I don't have a ton of concrete, plansyet. I. My, my thought process was I do know that our company has, um, some SQLtraining within our it's called the alight academy. I figured I would spendsome time checking out in there, how extensive it is. I also figured that Iwould try to see what kind of free resources are out there to start out aswell.
[00:28:06] Daniel: and, and sort of part of my intent andI have this
[00:28:10] Andrew: So.
[00:28:11] Daniel: into my own tracker log is just tokeep track of the resources that I am using. And So.
[00:28:19] Daniel: Try to stick with one for at least aweek, but if it's not beneficial, not helpful that I may move to somethingelse. And that may be part of the, the, um, the knowledge that I can bring toour listeners of saying like, Hey, if you're going to try to do a free program,like don't even bother with this website, don't even bother with this group.
[00:28:40] Daniel: Like, this is the most beneficial one.So that's my rough plan for the.
[00:28:46] Andrew: I like it. No, there are, there's someincredible free resources out there. And it's because we've shifted oureconomy, not the entire economy, obviously, but we have shifted a piece of theeconomy to where if you provide great education for free, you get rewarded withthat ad spend money. So there's this guy on YouTube that I stumbled across.
[00:29:07] Andrew: And I can't remember how I got to himcause I'm not a big YouTube kind of person. I honestly think. You watch moreYouTube than I do, but I'll just get into weird stuff sometimes. And one ofthem was this guy had a. 16 hour video. Oh, that's what it was. It was aboutmonetizing YouTube. And the guy was talking about how his most popular video isa 16 hour, how to code?
[00:29:32] Andrew: Uh, I think it was Python, but thatmight just be because I like Python in terms of coding languages in my head,but he had a 16 hour how to code video. And he was like, look, I had thiscourse. I sold for like $2,000 and it was the 16 or 18 hour course. And he waslike, basically I just took it and smash it all together into one video,dropped it on YouTube and.
[00:29:54] Andrew: Now, instead of trying to sell a$1,000 course, I have, I think he had like 2 million views or [00:30:00] 3 million views on this 16 hour video. Andhe's like, it's, it's worth, you know, a whole bunch of sales. I can't rememberhis exact breakdown of the money. It was less than you would expect, but a lotmore than like, and he was selling the courses for, I think it was like $40,000he made on our $50,000 he'd made on it.
[00:30:19] Andrew: So every there that are like that. 2million people watch this thing all the way through. It was apparently valuableenough to them, for them to watch 16 hours of this show. Maybe they left on, Idon't know how it works, but got a lot of really good stuff out there. There'sa lot of resources.
[00:30:36] Andrew: There's a lot of games to play. Um,I'm going to be trying to use some of that, but. I wanted to cheat a little bitand I just love you, Demi. Uh it's I think it's because it's a little bit more,I guess the entry levels a little higher, you've got to spend some money andstuff. that spending a couple of dollars, not just by me, but by a generalpopulace raises the bar for the quality and the review process.
[00:31:03] Andrew: And so there's a, CQL zero to hero,uh, boot camp. That was, I think, like $14. And so I went ahead and got it. Andso that'll be probably my main. Thing that I'm working on is that, and thenI'll probably peace meal, some YouTube videos. If I get stuck on a problem thatI'm trying to learn, or if there's something that I'm having trouble with, Ithink there's some really good YouTube out there.
[00:31:27] Andrew: And then maybe if I've got time, whichis. Always questionable. Uh, hopefully I can find some games that kind ofgamify the SQL learning process a little bit, because that's just, I thinkthat's the biggest aspect that us has 30 year olds or, you know, 31 now, uh,missed growing up was education was not nearly as entertaining as it is now.
[00:31:51] Andrew: There's a lot of people making a lotof effort towards taking your something, learning and making it fun for you.Uh, So, I dunno, I want to get a piece of
[00:32:02] Andrew: that.
[00:32:02] Daniel: speak for yourself. I, I played mathblasters all day long. Growing up.
[00:32:09] Andrew: Huh? That explains a lot for both youand me.
[00:32:15] Andrew: I didn't have anything like that. Theclosest we got was when we were doing a we're learning to touch type. There wasthis game that like, I think the person moved or like jumped through hoops. Itwas, it was some really goofy side scrolling thing. Whereas the less mistakesyou made, the less damage your little person took before they died orsomething, I feel like there was a tiger.
[00:32:38] Andrew: Maybe it was a tiger.
[00:32:40] Daniel: Oh, yeah, touch typing. So.
[00:32:42] Daniel: shout out to Mavis beacon. I don'tremember the exact name of the game, but there were several different touchtype games. You could play one where you're going through a ship in the ocean,and if you're not typing fast enough than the sharks will, it's kind of darkfor a kid, but the [00:33:00] sharks will, um,they'll get you.
[00:33:02] Daniel: And your screen goes blood red and youdie. There's one where you're speeding down the road. And again, probably not agood life lesson because the faster you type, the faster your car is goingdefinitely over the speed limit. And if you make mistakes, you get bugs on yourwindshield. You get too many, the car might crash.
[00:33:19] Daniel: I'm now having a
[00:33:20] Daniel: realization. This is not a game
[00:33:22] Daniel: that you should have your kids play,
[00:33:24] Andrew: thing out there. Hey kid, do good. Orwe'll kill you.
[00:33:29] Daniel: but the data that program legitimatelymade. MI one, a good typer, but it helped me at circuit city when they expectedyou to use the little numeric keypad and be able to do that really quickly. AndI could because of maybe speaking and the, the shopping, the shopping cart, uh,mini game, where again, if you.
[00:33:49] Daniel: mess things up, then nobody dies, butthe food does fall on the floor and
[00:33:54] Daniel: you know, who wants
[00:33:55] Andrew: I'd rather have death. So we talked toColton about this just the other day, but the big one for me, I know this hasnothing to do with coding, but I'm sure there are kids nowadays who are goingto have the same experience 20 years down the road, be like, Hey, remember thatcoding game we played as a kid.
[00:34:10] Andrew: Wasn't that wild. How much of a goodcoder it made you? Now we can make millions of dollars. I don't know. That's.Gen Z sounds like sometimes or something or whatever the next generation afterthem is anyways. Uh, two towers, two towers. Uh, the mud is what took me frompretty decent typing and reading skills to.
[00:34:31] Andrew: To the point where I was accused ofcheating at the AR reading contest. Cause I was reading books too fast. Uh,they actually took away my, my first place prize because, uh, there was no wayI, as a child should have been able to read that many books, uh, which Ithought was a little unfair. Um, cause it was a testing and I passed all thetests, but yeah, it's, you know, I've, I've fallen off both on typing skillsand reading skills in terms of speed, but like I'm still at demoncomparatively.
[00:35:03] Andrew: So that was two towers for me, whichwas just so much fun to play with you.
[00:35:07] Daniel: Yeah. We'll have to make that achallenge down the road, power level, uh, a ranger from zero to five in amonth. That's
[00:35:19] Andrew: Well,
[00:35:20] Daniel: out of 20 levels. If you didn'tremember that game
[00:35:23] Andrew: I don't think I ever, yeah, it'shardcore. I wonder how Colton's doing on it, huh. All right. I'm excited to seewhat Brett has to bring to us on this, uh, journey as well. I almost hope hedoesn't listen to this episode first and we just catch up with him on the, uh,The mid episode that we will have in about 15 or so days.
[00:35:46] Andrew: And let you guys know how this isgoing. Um, is there anything else you want to add, Daniel?
[00:35:53] Daniel: No, I'm, I'm looking forward to
[00:35:56] Andrew: Um,
[00:35:57] Daniel: And, uh, yeah, the, I think [00:36:00] the only other thing we've talked about,the resources we want to use, we've joked about real-world application on, onkind of cracking your CRM file. But I do think that that's an important thing.Ideally we see from this and that we have the chance to talk about is,obviously whatever we learn day one, there's probably not going to be a ton ofreal world application, but as we get into a week or two, at least by the midpoint, the goal would really be to, call out some way that this actually helpedus in our day-to-day.
[00:36:37] Andrew: Yeah, I, I hope it goes well. Uh, justto, just in case, anybody's curious on just how naive I'm coming in on this. Ihave another tab open. That is what is sequel. And then a second tab. That isthe SQL Wikipedia explanation of what SQL is, uh, coming in real fresh.
[00:37:04] Andrew: All right, guys, we're going to haveanother, uh, challenge document. If you want to follow along with this, it'sprobably going to be a lot less personal challenge. Number one, challenge.Number one really got into Daniel daily lives. So if you're ever curious what,uh, what matters in a day-to-day life, that one is the document for you to golook at this one was going to be a lot more technical, probably.
[00:37:29] Andrew: Probably a lot less exciting forpeople who don't care about coding and for people who do care about coding, itwill also be less exciting for you because it will probably disappoint you asyou watch us figure out what the command prompt does. So, uh, to everybodylistening, we still have you check it out.
[00:37:49] Andrew: Uh, we'll have a graph so you caneasily keep up and not have to worry about some of the other stuff. But if youhappen to be hopping in on this challenge with us, which. Always hopeful onthese that people are doing with us. Uh, definitely jump in, come follow alongwith us. See if you can beat us at our own game or at least keep up with us andlearn something new this next 30 days.
[00:38:11] Andrew: So for everybody listening, we reallyappreciate you coming on and hearing what we have to say and enjoying this.Hopefully as much as we did until next time, we will talk to you guys soon andwe look forward to connecting.